Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 899: Mirror Flower and Water Moon

The reason why the Sun Dome Realm can become a battlefield for the little saints to discuss the Dao is that this world can quickly repair itself.

In other words, even though Feng Yexiu and Huang Daoling had almost destroyed it before, the Sun Dome Realm still recovered quickly, and even the hole that was blasted by Feng Yexiu was quickly repaired.

Feng Yexiu had just finished a big battle, but he didn't expect that he would immediately turn around and challenge Nangong Yue.

"Alas, Senior Brother Feng Yexiu is too rash. He doesn't understand Senior Sister Nangong's strength at all."

"Senior Sister Nangong's Dao rules are the most mysterious among the ten little saints. Even our disciples of Guiyi Sect don't know what her rules are."

"It is said that knowing yourself and the enemy can ensure victory in a hundred battles. But this Senior Brother Feng Yexiu doesn't understand Senior Sister Nangong at all. In this battle, he has no chance of winning at all."

Ye Jianfei analyzed this battle.

He has a unique vision and quick thinking, and is a talent that can be cultivated.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, but looked at the Sun Dome Realm with Chu Mubai at the same time, paying attention to the battle that was about to start inside.


At this moment, in the Sun Dome Realm.

Feng Yexiu's momentum did not diminish, and he still spoke to Nangong Yue fiercely.

"Sister Nangong, I know you are very powerful. But you can't block my way forward."

"Now, I have completely defeated Huang Daoling, and you will be my next target."

Feng Yexiu practiced the unstoppable domineering way.

In this way, he must constantly surpass others to reach the peak.

Now the one ahead of him is Nangong Yue.

After obtaining the title of Overlord, Feng Yexiu has only one goal, which is to defeat Nangong Yue and replace her ranking.

After hearing this, Nangong Yue smiled gently and said.

"Junior Brother Feng, you just experienced a big battle, you can rest first. I don't want to take advantage of others."

Nangong Yue said lightly.

But Feng Yexiu didn't appreciate it at all.

"No need, this little injury is nothing to me, and it won't affect my ability to exert my strength."

"Come on, Senior Sister Nangong, you're welcome. Let me see your strongest strength."

As soon as Feng Yexiu finished speaking, the aura around him suddenly burst out.

Then, his body began to grow larger and larger.

He started again, using his own rule power to continuously gather energy, trying to give Nangong Yue a fatal blow.

This Feng Yexiu obviously would not show mercy.

But surprisingly, when Feng Yexiu used the rules and began to gather energy.

Nangong Yue on the opposite side, still stood calmly in the air, without any movement.

"You, why don't you do it?"

Feng Yexiu looked at Nangong Yue and said.

While he was talking, he was frantically gathering energy.

But Nangong Yue did say.

"You are seriously injured and need to rest."

"I'm not injured, come on, do it! If you can't defeat me before I gather all my energy, then you will have no chance of winning."

Feng Yexiu gritted his teeth and roared.

But Nangong Yue remained calm and didn't react at all.

"What's going on? Why doesn't Nangong Yue take action?"

"The more energy Feng Yexiu gathers, the stronger he becomes!"

"Is Nangong Yue underestimating the enemy? Feng Yexiu is a being whose strength surpasses that of an ordinary great sage!"

People didn't understand Nangong Yue at all.

Nangong Yue didn't seem to care how long Feng Yexiu would gather energy. She was just waiting calmly, waiting for Feng Yexiu's wound to heal.


"Boy, let me ask you, what exactly is the rule of your senior sister Nangong?"

Chu Mubai was also a little surprised.

He had seen the power of Feng Yexiu's rules.

"The wrath of the mad god can transform his anger into power. The more energy he gathers, the stronger his power will be. Theoretically, there is no upper limit to Feng Yexiu's strength."

If it were Chu Mubai, he would also fight quickly and not give Feng Yexiu any chance to gather energy.

However, Nangong Yue is different. Nangong Yue knows that Feng Yexiu will become more and more powerful when gathering Qi, but she doesn't care at all, and she has no intention of making a quick decision.

After hearing the shocking question, Ye Jianfei shook his head and said.

"I don't know either. I just said that the rules of the Dao of Senior Sister Nangong are the most mysterious."

"So far, no one has a detailed understanding of the rules of the Dao of Senior Sister Nangong. We only know that the Dao that Senior Sister Nangong practices is to return to one way."

"Return to one way?"

"Yes, this is also the main Dao that our disciples of Guiyi Sect practice."

"Return to one way is the Dao created by our ancestor."

"The ancestor, that is, Lord Luo Tian, ​​said that nothing gives birth to something, something gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to ten thousand, and ten thousand returns to one!"

"Lord Luo Tian believes that all things in the world are transformed from one, and will eventually return to one. This is also the origin of our Guiyi Sect."

"The Dao of Return to One is actually the Dao of all things. One equals ten thousand, and ten thousand equals one."

Ye Jianfei spoke the true meaning of the Dao of Guiyi Sect.

Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai benefited a lot after listening to it.

"It's interesting. One equals ten thousand, and ten thousand equals one!"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and thought slowly.

"The Deyi Palace believes that the Tao can only be obtained as one, not as two. So the true meaning of the Deyi Palace is to obtain only one. And the Guiyi Sect believes that the law changes from one to thousands. So the true meaning of the Guiyi Sect is that all changes return to one."

"One, what a magical number."

Zhuo Bufan seemed to realize something.

Ye Jianfei on the side said quickly.

"That's right, I think so too about the Extraordinary Holy Seat. It's not just about getting a palace and returning to a sect. Taixuan Sect is actually related to one."

"The original name of Taixuanzong was Miaoyi Mountain, but it was later renamed Taixuanzong."

"Zhou Yi, the ancestor of Taixuanzong, believed that the mysteries are all mysteries, and they are the gateway to all mysteries. The gates to all mysteries can be connected to the mysteries through one door. All things in the world, and all the ways of life, can be connected through one door."

"Everything in the world, all living beings, all have a single door!"

Zhuo Bufan murmured.

Ye Jianfei's words seemed to open up a whole new cognitive world for him.

The word "one" seemed to be engraved deep in his soul.

Whether it is a Taoist sect that has one palace, a Dharma sect that belongs to one sect, or a Xuanmen or Taixuan sect.

Three different schools, all have one origin.

"Get one, return to one, wonderful one."

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly wanted to sit down and talk with the three ancestors and feel their true understanding of Oneness.

And at this moment, suddenly there was finally movement in the Great Sun Dome.

Feng Yexiu actually became anxious when he saw that Nangong Yue had not taken action.

"Nangong Yue, you don't take me seriously enough. In that case, just take a punch from me!"

I saw Feng Yexiu condensing a punch that was even more powerful than the one that knocked down Huang Daoling before, and then blasted towards Nangong Yue with great ferocity.

And at that moment, Nangong Yue suddenly kissed her red lips and spoke slowly.

"Kingka, Suigetsu!"

As these four words blurted out, the next second, the entire Sun Dome realm released infinite light.

The light shone so brightly that no one could open their eyes.

During this period, earth-shaking changes had taken place in the Great Sun Dome.

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