Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 902 Tianyi Divine Law

The battle between Jiang Shaohan and Yu Baifei attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone wanted to see how powerful these two legendary geniuses were.

As it turned out, their battle was really exciting.

Jiang Shaohan, with the Buer Divine Rule, successfully completed the first attack in the face of Yu Baifei's treacherous Tianyi Divine Rule.

Jiang Shaohan's Buer Divine Rule can kill the enemy 100% with the second attack, which is a kind of almost abnormal powerful ability.

Of course, Jiang Shaohan is only half successful now, after all, he has only completed the first step of the mark.

And the second step of the sure kill is the most important.

Only when the two attacks are in the same position can this heaven-defying sure kill skill be completed.

However, so far, Yu Baifei's ability is too mysterious.

No one can see what Yu Baifei's rules are.


"It's a bit interesting, what do you think?"

Chu Mubai looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side and said.

"I didn't see it! But Jiang Shaohan should know Yu Baifei better than us."

After all, Jiang Shaohan and Yu Baifei have fought many times, and he knows Yu Baifei better than anyone else.

And at this moment, suddenly an acquaintance walked towards Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Brother Zhuo, we are here."

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and saw that the person coming was Gao Zhan, the Marquis of Shenwu of the Great Xu Dynasty.

"Brother Gao, you are here at the right time. Let me introduce you to the old swindler, Chu Mubai."

"Old swindler? Is that a nickname?" Gao Zhan laughed.

"Boy, don't listen to the nonsense of a guy with a lot of bad water in his heart."

"Hello, Senior Brother Gao."

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi saw Gao Zhan coming and quickly stood up and saluted.

"No need for the two junior brothers, let's just watch the battle! I'm afraid our senior brother is overwhelmed in this battle!"

Gao Zhan came and said something that made people think about it.

"How is it possible? Although the eldest brother has been marked, it is not easy for Brother Jiang to hit the neck of the eldest brother again with the second attack!"

"Yes, although Brother Jiang's Bu Er Shen Jue is very powerful, it has a biggest weakness, that is, once the first mark is successful, it is equivalent to telling the opponent the location of his next attack."

"And the eldest brother only needs to protect his neck and no longer be attacked by Brother Jiang."

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi still support Yu Baifei.

But Gao Zhan can say that, obviously he has seen a side that others can't see.

"You two brothers don't know!"

"The boss will break through to the Great Saint Realm at any time. So in this battle, he is actually suppressing his own cultivation to fight."

"If it weren't for his Tianyi Shen Jue, he might have been taken down by Jiang Shaohan."

"After all, Jiang Shaohan is a genius of the first palace. For him, it is almost a simple matter to hit the same place twice."

Gao Zhan is often with Yu Baifei, so he knows Yu Baifei's situation better than anyone else.

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi were a little worried after hearing this.

"How could this happen? Will the senior brother really lose?"

In their minds, the senior brother Yu Baifei is the strongest myth. He is the role model for all their junior brothers to learn from.

"Don't worry, even if he fails, it's not a real failure. After this battle, the boss will be promoted to a great saint. At that time, Jiang Shaohan can only look up to him."

Yu Baifei did not lose to Jiang Shaohan because of his lack of strength.

But he had to suppress his own cultivation and fight Jiang Shaohan in the small saint realm.

After all, only people in the small saint realm are qualified to participate in this great man cocktail party.

And the great saint realm is not only not qualified, but even if it wins, it will not be recognized.

"By the way, senior brother Gao, what exactly is the Tianyi God Rule of the senior brother?"

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi are obviously also very interested in what the Tianyi God Rule of their senior brother is.

Tianyi God Rule is the rule of Yu Baifei's avenue.

The interesting thing about this avenue rule is that it will distort the opponent's attack and then reset it to zero.

Return to one, that is, return to the beginning, return to one.

"Why, you haven't figured it out yet?"

"There's no way. You need to read the rules of the senior brother yourself to understand them. Even if others tell you, it's hard to understand."

Gao Zhan didn't say what Yu Baifei's rules were in the end.

He just let Zhuo Bufan and the others feel and comprehend them by themselves.

"Let's keep watching. This battle should be coming to an end."

"There is a turning point in the Tianyi Divine Rule of the senior brother. Whether Jiang Shaohan can be defeated depends on that turning point."

After Gao Zhan finished speaking, he began to concentrate on the situation in the Great Sun Dome Realm.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he also took Yaya and stood quietly aside, paying close attention to this unique battle.


At this moment, in the Great Sun Dome Realm.

After Jiang Shaohan successfully marked the first attack, he continued to attack Yu Baifei.

Every time he attacked Yu Baifei's neck.

This is his unique divine rule. He can only defeat Yu Baifei by following his own rules.

However, Yu Baifei's Tianyi Rule was too mysterious and strange.

Every time Jiang Shaohan was about to attack him, Jiang Shaohan would be twisted by an inexplicable force.

Finally, he returned to the starting position.

He had attacked back and forth more than a dozen times, but each time he returned in vain.

Until the end, Jiang Shaohan didn't know how to attack.

Yu Baifei stood there from beginning to end without moving.

At this moment, Jiang Shaohan stopped, and he was not in a hurry to launch the next attack.

Because he also saw that there was only one result of such continuous attack, that is, his spiritual power was exhausted, while the opponent was safe and sound.

"I have always wanted to ask you, are your rules really from Guiyi?"

"All along, all of us thought that you were the eldest brother of Guiyi Sect, so the avenue you practiced must be related to Guiyi."

"But later I investigated and found that before you joined Guiyi Sect, you came from a mysterious ancient sect called Changshengdian."

"Later I wondered if your rules were related to Changshengdian."

Jiang Shaohan's words made the people watching the battle outside frown.

"The Hall of Eternal Life? What kind of power is this? How come the devil has never heard of it?"

"It seems to be an ancient sect that existed in the era of Lord Luo Tian. But now, it has long disappeared."

"So, the eldest brother of Guiyi Sect, Yu Baifei, came from the Hall of Eternal Life?"

"No wonder, I always feel that the rules he practices have nothing to do with Guiyi. Could it be that he is not practicing Guiyi, but the Way of Eternal Life?"

The words of others woke up Zhuo Bufan.

"The Way of Eternal Life, longevity, is related to time. To be precise, Yu Baifei is likely to practice the Way of Time."

"So that's it. No wonder he bought the Sand of Time from me. He knows how to use the Sand of Time."

"In this case, it makes sense. Yu Baifei's rules do not belong to Guiyi, but to the Way of Time."


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