Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 903: Harmony between Heaven and Man

What Yu Baifei cultivates is not the Way of Return, but the Way of Time.

This information is undoubtedly very important.

This explains why his rules contain the power of time retrieval.

This guy has been hiding his rules from the beginning.

Everyone mistakenly thought that he was cultivating Gui Yiyi.

The characteristic of Guiyi is that all power returns to the original.

One becomes ten thousand, ten thousand return to one.

Raw power is the most powerful force.

However, Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rule has the characteristics of Guiyi, but it also has the ability to look back in time that Guiyi does not have.

The reason why Jiang Shaohan was unable to attack Yu Baifei so many times was because every time he was about to hit Yu Baifei, he was brought back to the original state by Yu Baifei's rules.

Zhuo Bufan probably already understood the characteristics of Yu Baifei's rules.

It's just that I still don't understand the trigger conditions.

Jiang Shaohan must have violated the rules, so he was constantly being traced back to the starting point.

As long as he finds the weakness of Yu Baifei's rules, he will not be difficult to deal with.

So whether you can find the weakness of Yu Baifei's rules depends on Jiang Shaohan's own ability.

"We always thought that you practiced Guiyi Dao. But now it seems that your rules have nothing to do with Guiyi Dao."

"Having established this, I think I should be able to guess what your rule ability is."

Jiang Shaohan's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he stared at Yu Baifei closely and said.

Yu Baifei didn't make any answer, he just let Jiang Shaohan guess.

"If I guess correctly, your rule should be that everything that threatens you will be returned to its original state."

"So, no matter how I attack you, it will be of no avail."

"And the first time I was able to hit you was entirely because I didn't have any murderous intent at the beginning. It wasn't until I got closer to you that I suddenly developed murderous intent."

"Although it was eventually returned to the original state, it is enough to illustrate one thing. Your rules have self-determination time."

Through fighting and observing like this, Jiang Shaohan has completely mastered Yu Baifei's rules.

After listening to Jiang Shaohan's speculation, everyone present suddenly realized.

"That's right, Jiang Shaohan's analysis makes sense."

"Thinking about it, it seems to be true. Any method that threatens Yu Baifei will turn back time."

"But only Jiang Shaohan was traced back, and Yu Baifei was not affected in any way."

"This rule is indeed too strong. In this way, Yu Baifei is simply invincible!"

"Yes, with this rule, no one will be able to hurt him. No wonder he is confident."

"The Palace of Eternal Life, it seems that this Palace of Eternal Life is worth studying. Now it seems that Yu Baifei came from the Palace of Eternal Life, and it is obvious that he has a very close relationship with the Palace of Eternal Life."

People began to speculate on Yu Baifei's true identity.

However, is this really the case?

"Haha, it seems that Jiang Shaohan is not as smart as the legend says."

"He only guessed half of it right. How can Senior Brother's Tianyi Divine Rule be so simple?"

Facing Jiang Shaohan's speculation, Gao Zhan, Yu Baifei's junior brother, smiled coldly.

Obviously, Jiang Shaohan did not have the full ability to deal with Yu Baifei's rules.

"The next step is the key. The turning point in this battle is coming."

Gao Zhan reminded Zhuo Bufan, Chu Mubai and others who were watching the battle.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately opened his eyes wide, staring at the big turning point that was about to happen in the Great Sun Dome.

Within the realm of the great sun,

Faced with the rules that had been exposed, Yu Baifei did not make any response.

Seeing this, Jiang Shaohan suddenly took steps forward, then stepped on the void, step by step, and slowly approached Yu Baifei.

"I know you are going to launch a counterattack. So let me end this battle as soon as possible!"

Jiang Shaohan suddenly walked towards Yu Baifei.

This time, he didn't have any murderous intent.

He approached Yu Baifei step by step, and so far, no mysterious time regression had occurred.

And everyone held their breath.

According to Jiang Shaohan's speculation, once murderous intent arises, he will be returned to his previous state.

Therefore, he cannot have the slightest murderous intention.

He approached Jiang Shaohan step by step, and the two of them got closer and closer.

Until the two were less than two meters apart.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the air suddenly solidified.

So far, Yu Baifei's rule ability has not been activated.

In other words, Jiang Shaohan did not break any rules or violate Yu Baifei's rules.

"Yes, Jiang Shaohan's guess is correct. Once there is no murderous intention, Yu Baifei's rule will be ruined."

"No matter how powerful the rules are, they have loopholes. Now it seems that Yu Baifei's loophole in the rules is that he does not have murderous intent."

"But if you don't have murderous intent, it's impossible to defeat Yu Baifei."

"If you want to defeat him, you must have murderous intent."

"So, it depends on how Jiang Shaohan handles this problem."

Everyone began to breathe nervously.

Seeing Jiang Shaohan getting closer and closer.

But Yu Baifei had no intention of running away or resisting.

No one knew what Yu Baifei was planning.

Just when the two were about to face each other, Yu Baifei suddenly curved the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"You are really amazing. You have basically guessed my rule ability."

"But you are still a little short."

"Do you know? In fact, the original name of my rule is, the unity of heaven and man."

"In this rule, I am heaven. The real condition to trigger this rule is not the existence that threatens me."

After Yu Baifei finished speaking, everyone watching the battle outside took a breath of cold air.

"Guessed wrong?"

"Did Jiang Shaohan fail in reasoning?"

"But so far, there has been no surprise!"

People were puzzled because Yu Baifei had personally admitted that Jiang Shaohan's reasoning was wrong.

It is not that the power that can threaten Yu Baifei will start time travel.

What is the real rule?

"The unity of heaven and man, the unity of heaven and man. What a domineering rule."

Chu Mubai muttered to himself.

And Zhuo Bufan shook his head again and again.

He was also confused. What exactly is Yu Baifei's rule? Now almost everyone wants to know.

At this time, Yu Baifei continued.

"Since this is the last battle, I might as well tell you. The real rule of my unity of heaven and man is."

"Everyone who goes against my will will be traced back to the origin."

When these words came out, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Everyone present was even more excited.

Everyone who goes against his will will be traced back.

What a terrible rule.

No wonder Yu Baifei said that within this rule, he is the sky.

Within this rule, he can do whatever he wants!

As long as it doesn't go his way, it will be traced back.

In other words, as long as he wants, he can trace Jiang Shaohan back to the origin at any time.

"Yu, Bai, Fei!"

Zhuo Bufan murmured.

He suddenly had a strange feeling, that is, his save door, would it be related to Yu Baifei or the Changsheng Palace behind Yu Baifei?


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