Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rules allowed people to see what it means to defy the rules of heaven.

No wonder it’s called the God Rule. Within the Tianyi God Rule, Yu Baifei is the god.

As long as he goes against his wishes, everything will be restarted and returned to the starting point.

This rule has no lethality, but it is powerful enough to turn things around.

Because of this, Zhuo Bufan doubted whether his save door might be related to Yu Baifei's previous sect's Palace of Immortality.

"Perhaps you can ask him after this cocktail party."

Zhuo Bufan planned to ask Yu Baifei carefully about the situation.

At this moment, in the battlefield.

The battle between Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan has reached a fever pitch.

Yu Baifei has already told Jiang Shaohan his rules.

However, even if he tells his rules, he cannot break them.

Because within this rule, Yu Baifei is a god.

So Yu Baifei stated his rules without any worries.

Miraculously, Jiang Shaohan calmed down after Yu Baifei said the rules.

"Awesome, this is the first time I've heard of such a miraculous rule."

"Under your rules, I have almost no chance of winning."

Jiang Shaohan's words seemed a bit heavy.

The people watching the battle began to talk one after another.

"What's going on? Jiang Shaohan has given up?"

"Hey, he has to give up! Before he knew Yu Baifei's rules, he still had the strength to fight."

"But after knowing Yu Baifei's rules, everyone present, let alone him, will lose confidence."

"Yu Baifei's rules are too perverted. Under such rules, no one can hurt him."

People have to admit that Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rule is almost invincible.

This kind of rule has never been heard of by them.

Although Jiang Shaohan's Fu Er Shen Ze was very powerful, it couldn't hurt Yu Baifei, so it was nothing.

"From this point of view, Yu Baifei is still Yu Baifei, and no one can shake his position as the number one genius."

Everyone felt very sorry, but they had to accept this fact.

Even Zhuo Bufan found Yu Baifei's power difficult to control.

"I wonder if the Infinite Sword can cut off his rules."

Zhuo Bufan could think of the only way to crack it, which was to use the law of the Infinite Sword to return everything to zero.

"It seems that Senior Brother is sure to win! Why does Senior Brother Gao still say that Senior Brother is in danger?"

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi didn't understand.

However, Gao Zhan held his hands, frowned, and looked carefully at the dome of the sun in front of him.

He didn't answer, and only he knew what would happen next.

At this time, in the Great Sun Dome, Jiang Shaohan was not as pessimistic as everyone imagined.

Although he knew very well that Yu Baifei's rules were perverted, he was not as invincible as he thought.

"Senior Brother Yu, we have fought ten times in total, and your record so far is that you have six wins and four losses."

"Everyone else thinks that I have the power to defeat you. But only I know that the four times you lost were intentional."

"You deliberately lost to me to hide the loopholes in your rules!"

Jiang Shaohan suddenly said this, which made Yu Baifei frown.

"Now that we've reached this point, I don't think there's any need to keep hiding it."

"Senior Brother Yu, this is the last move. Everyone will do their best."

After hearing this, Yu Baifei smiled slightly and said.

"Okay, last resort. It seems that you have discovered the loopholes in my rules."

Yu Baifei's smile was helpless.

His rules are not invincible.

It does seem to be invincible, but rules are rules, and as long as they are rules, there are loopholes.

This is also the difference between rules and laws.

The law has no loopholes and its power is eternal.

The rules have their own loopholes. Because it is not perfect, it must be constantly cultivated and perfected.

There are also loopholes in Yu Baifei's rules, but they are not easy for ordinary people to discover.

However, Jiang Shaohan had fought against him more than ten times. As long as he was not a fool, he could find loopholes in Yu Baifei's rules.

Although Yu Baifei tried his best to cover up the loopholes in his rules.

He even deliberately lost four games to confuse Jiang Shaohan.

However, Jiang Shaohan is the chief disciple of Deyi Palace and a peerless genius.

He had long seen the loopholes in Yu Baifei's rules.

"Then, junior brother will be offended."

As soon as Jiang Shaohan finished speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Yu Baifei.

This time, his speed was neither fast nor slow, and he was a certain threat, but not too much of a threat.

"The war has begun, is it the last resort?"

Seeing Jiang Shaohan rush out, everyone's hearts were in their throats, and their eyes were fixed on the big sun.

They dare not miss this wonderful moment.

"He rushed out. Is Jiang Shaohan going to complete the second blow?"

"It's impossible. Yu Baifei won't give him a chance. His Tianyi God is invincible."

Now everyone knows Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rules, and they all think that Jiang Shaohan is doing useless work.

However, when Jiang Shaohan rushed towards Yu Baifei quickly.

This time, people were surprised to see that Yu Baifei was condensing spiritual power in his palms.

"Is Yu Baifei going to fight back?"

"Nonsense, the last move, he will naturally fight back."

Zhuo Bufan accidentally heard these two conversations, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"I know, there is a loophole in Yu Baifei's Tianyi God Rule."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood the loophole in Yu Baifei's rules.

Chu Mubai, Gao Zhan, Ye Jianfei and others on the side were all shocked.

"Boy, did you see anything?" Chu Mubai asked.

"Brother Zhuo, it seems that you also saw it." Gao Zhan said.

"Saint Bufan, what did you see?" Ye Jianfei asked.

"Yu Baifei's rule loophole is that when he counterattacks, the rules cannot be used."

Zhuo Bufan said it bluntly.

And at the moment when Zhuo Bufan said it.

In the Great Sun Dome Realm, Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan's ultimate attack, the last move, collided with each other.


In an instant, the brilliance filled the entire Great Sun Dome Realm.

Crack, crack, crack!

The boundary wall of the Great Sun Dome Realm began to shatter continuously.

The powerful energy almost made the entire Sun Dome Realm unable to hold on.

Seeing this, everyone retreated ten miles, and everyone flew into the air, looking at the huge ball of light below.

After a long time, the light in the Sun Dome Realm disappeared, and everyone looked closely and was stunned.

In the Sun Dome Realm, Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan stood tightly together.

Yu Baifei stood still, and Jiang Shaohan's right fingertip was pointing at the crosshair mark on Yu Baifei's neck.

The fingertip was less than one millimeter away from the mark.

Just one millimeter, if Jiang Shaohan touched it lightly, Yu Baifei might die on the spot.

"I lost!"

Yu Baifei looked at Jiang Shaohan and said lightly.

At that moment, everyone present was stunned and unbelievable.


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