Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 911: Eternal Life Experience

The battle between Li Changsheng and Xiao Feng continues.

The two of them practiced the Shinigami Way at the same time, and their rules and powers are exactly the same.

However, Li Changsheng's way of death is obviously more terrifying.

The experience of immortality makes everyone who has fought with Li Changsheng feel worse than death.

When Li Changsheng's experience of immortality was connected with Xiao Feng's, the two of them were destined to coexist in life and death.

"Do you want to live forever? If you want to live forever, be my slave!"

When Li Changsheng's experience of immortality connected with Xiao Feng.

Li Changsheng's entire aura changed.

From his body, black smoke floated out, and a terrifying demon emerged.

He had horns on his head, wild hair, and two black wings sprouted from his back.

There was a huge hole in his chest, and inside the hole, there was a blue ball of light.

There was actually a person imprisoned in that ball of light.

That person is Xiao Feng.

"Be my slave and you will be with me forever."

Li Changsheng rolled his eyes, which made people feel frightened.

The basketball on his chest actually contained Xiao Feng's soul.

The real Xiao Feng was still in front of him, quietly watching Li Changsheng show off.

"Since you have already used the rules, I don't have to be polite. Let's fight!"

As soon as Xiao Feng finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

His rule "Hand of Death" can ignore space and rules, and can directly crush the opponent's heart in the air.

That's right, Xiao Feng's battle has begun.

He took action decisively and directly attacked Li Changsheng as soon as he took action.

He squeezed it hard and crushed Li Changsheng's heart immediately.



The next second, a magical scene happened. Li Changsheng and Xiao Feng screamed at the same time.



Then both of them spurted blood at the same time.

There was blood flowing out of the corners of his mouth, which made people feel chilled.

Many people outside the world felt baffled when they saw this scene.

They knew that Li Changsheng would scream and spurt blood because Xiao Feng used the hand of death to crush Li Changsheng's heart.

It can be said that this shot is a decisive blow.

Xiao Feng's rules are impossible to block because he ignores space and distance.

Perhaps only Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rule can reset all Xiao Feng's movements to zero.

But the scene that happened in front of them really shocked everyone, including Zhuo Bufan.

"What's going on with Xiao Feng? With his ability, could he cause self-harm?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Zhan aside.

However, Gao Zhan didn't seem to hear it, but stared at the situation in the Great Sun Dome.


"It feels so good. This is the real experience of immortality. The feeling of immortality is so wonderful!"

"Go on, go on! Go on!"

In the Great Sun Dome, Li Changsheng suddenly laughed as if he was crazy.

He was actually shouting that he was so happy that his heart was crushed!

"Isn't it great? Then I'll make it happen for you."

Xiao Feng saw Li Changsheng laughing, took action again, and then grasped it in the air.

"This time, I'll crush your insides."

Xiao Feng grabbed the air with both hands and crushed the air.


He even let out a scream.

The next second...



Xiao Feng and Li Changsheng screamed again at the same time.

The two of them clearly didn't leave the spot, but this battle had already escalated to a life-or-death situation.

The screams one after another made people outside the world stand on end with their hair standing on end.

"Isn't this Li Changsheng's rule about harm sharing?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see Li Changsheng's rules.

At this time, Gao Zhan on the side explained.

"That's right, Brother Zhuo, you can see it, right?"

"This Li Changsheng's experience of immortality is a kind of harm sharing. No, to be precise, it is more terrifying than harm sharing."

"The other party will suffer double the damage and pain."

"Although Senior Brother Xiao crushed Li Changsheng's internal organs, the internal organs in his body have also been completely crushed."

"This is Li Changsheng's experience of immortality. Once connected, you will live and die with him."

"Yes, but if he is hurt, the other party will suffer double the damage."

"Moreover, he is the dominant party. It is impossible for the other party to use his ability to harm him."

After listening to Gao Zhan's explanation, Zhuo Bufan's eyes were opened.

He didn't expect that Li Changsheng's ability was so abnormal.

If this were his rules, who would dare to fight him?

No wonder Gao Zhan said Yu Baifei didn't dare to fight him.

Once you are connected to this guy, you really become his slave.

To put it simply, Li Changsheng’s rule is a rule of mutual harm!

Come on, let’s hurt each other!

This is a rogue rule ability.

At this moment, in the Great Sun Dome, Li Changsheng seemed to have been touched and started to get excited.

"What's wrong? Why don't your hands freeze? Can your hand of death attack the soul? Come on, let's enjoy the pain of being hurt together."

Although Li Changsheng's internal organs were all crushed to pieces, he was still very excited.

On the other hand, although Xiao Feng has the awesome Death Hand, he is really helpless when he encounters Li Changsheng's rogue rule.

"Since you don't do it, I'll have to do it myself."

As soon as Li Changsheng finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand.

A dark dagger appeared in his hand.


Li Changsheng picked up the knife without hesitation and stabbed it into his chest.



Two more screams.

Li Changsheng himself was in pain, but Xiao Feng had to endure double the pain.

"It's started, this guy started again, he started to hurt himself."

Seeing this scene, Gao Zhan was shocked.

Gao Zhan had fought with Li Changsheng before, and he suffered a lot.

When he saw Li Changsheng hurt himself, he was covered with hair.

"This rule is indeed a bit unsolvable. I'm afraid even my rules are difficult to deal with."

Although Zhuo Bufan's rules can reverse the situation between the two, he can gain the initiative of Li Changsheng's ability.

However, his rules can only last for a short time now, so if he doesn't deal with Li Changsheng within the time limit, his situation may be unimaginable.

"Li Changsheng, are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I will destroy your soul?"

Xiao Feng looked at the huge wound on his chest, which was a serious injury caused by Li Changsheng's self-harm.

Li Changsheng's dagger was not simple, and it had terrible damage.

Xiao Feng was enraged, and he wanted to destroy Li Changsheng's soul in the world.

However, facing Xiao Feng's threat, Li Changsheng just smiled coldly.

"Are you sure you want me to die?"

"It seems that you still don't have the ability to understand my rules. My rules are called the experience of eternal life. Within the rules, I will not die."

Li Changsheng's words were simply desperate.

His rules will not die! What kind of experience is this.

"Since you want to die, then fine!"

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he suddenly picked up the dagger in his hand and stabbed it into his neck.


Then pull hard!


He cut off his own head.

On the other side, Xiao Feng's head also cut off.

This time, the two of them couldn't even scream.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene!

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