Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 912 Xuanyuan appears

Li Changsheng is simply crazy!

In front of everyone, he cut his carotid artery and then cut off his head.

This guy's degree of self-abuse is beyond human physiological tolerance.

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

Li Changsheng's head was cut off, and Xiao Feng opposite him also had his head cut off.

And the pain Xiao Feng endured was twice as strong as Li Changsheng.

"Crazy, this guy is completely crazy."

"Hey, I told you not to fight with Li Changsheng, it's too miserable now!"

"Li Changsheng's rules, but even he himself will abuse."

Many people feel sorry for Xiao Feng, who met Li Changsheng, a madman.

And Master Zhuo Bufan once again looked at Li Changsheng's so-called "eternal life experience" with new eyes.

He finally understood why some people said that Li Changsheng's rule "eternal life experience" should be called "hell experience"

In order to defeat his opponent, this guy can be said to be doing everything to himself, even torturing himself.

"Ah! It's just like what I imagined. Senior Brother Xiao couldn't stand Li Changsheng's torture after all!"

Gao Zhan had fought with Li Changsheng once and suffered a lot from him.

He knew how much pressure it was to fight with Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng was simply a perverted masochist.

All his actions were for self-torture.

At this moment, in the Sun Dome Realm, Li Changsheng's whole head was bloody and held in his hand.

On the other side, Xiao Feng's head had also been cut off.

But at their level, physical death is not real death.

So even if the head is gone, they will not die.

At most, they can put the head back on.

But that kind of pain is impossible for them to avoid.

Li Changsheng held his head with his left hand and a knife with his right hand.

Then he stabbed his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Immediately afterwards, Li Changsheng and Xiao Feng began to scream one after another.

The soul-stirring screams were simply jaw-dropping.

"Sure enough, Li Changsheng should be rated as the person you least want to fight with."

"Fighting with Li Changsheng, a masochist, is simply courting death!"

People can no longer bear it.

Li Changsheng's behavior is too terrifying and too gruesome.

Is this really the eldest disciple of Taixuan Sect? Why does he look like a big devil of a certain demon sect?

"Enough, enough, enough! I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

Finally, Xiao Feng could no longer bear Li Changsheng's abuse and had to admit defeat on his own initiative.

He still underestimated Li Changsheng's ability. Or overestimated his own endurance.

Li Changsheng's ability to become the chief disciple of Taixuan Sect was not obtained out of thin air.

Facing Xiao Feng's surrender, Li Changsheng cut off the connection and took back the power of rules.

After all, it was just a discussion of the Tao, there was no need to fight to the death.

And there were also regulations at the Renjie cocktail party that no one's life could be hurt.

"Oh, really. You made yourself so embarrassed!"

Seeing this scene, Gao Zhan entered the Great Sun Dome Realm and brought Xiao Feng and Li Changsheng out.

Li Changsheng was fine, he just put the head back and was at peace. It was as if nothing had happened.

But Xiao Feng was seriously injured.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan was there, and Zhuo Bufan used his life force to recover Xiao Feng's injuries.

Xiao Feng, who finally recovered, was grateful to Zhuo Bufan for saving him.

"Thank you, brother Zhuo, for saving my life."

Xiao Feng was not as cold to Zhuo Bufan as before.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"Brother Xiao, I admire you very much. Brother Gao is right, you are a hero."

Anyone who dares to challenge Li Changsheng is a hero.

This guy's rules are really difficult to deal with.

In this way, the ranking of the ten little saints of this session is also out.

The rankings are as follows:

First, Li Changsheng of Taixuan Sect

Second, Nangong Yue of Guiyi Sect

Third, Feng Yexiu of Deyi Palace

Fourth, Huang Daoling of Taixuan Sect

Fifth, Lu Zhou of Deyi Palace

Sixth, Shangguan Ye of Taixuan Sect

Seventh, Xiao Feng of Guiyi Sect

Eighth, Zhuo Bufan of Deyi Palace

Ninth, Gao Zhan of Guiyi Sect

Tenth, Ao Ying of Shenlong Sect

The Ten Little Saints List has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Guiyi Sect, which previously occupied an absolute position on the list, has now dropped significantly in the ranking.

The Taixuan Sect has become the dominant party in this battle.

Of course, Deyi Palace has also maintained a three-legged situation with the addition of Zhuo Bufan.

The ascension of Jiang Shaohan and Yu Baifei has brought about huge changes in the list.

On the Ten Little Saints List, only Lu Zhou of Deyi Palace has not fought with Shangguan Ye of Taixuan Sect.

Shangguan Ye looks like a big fool, but he is very calm.

He ranked after Lu Zhou. If he didn't challenge Lu Zhou, then Lu Zhou wouldn't fight him.

So Shangguan Ye had the initiative.

In the end, Shangguan Ye didn't challenge Lu Zhou.

In this way, the scene that everyone expected would not happen.

However, there was a fierce competition for the tenth place.

Because two people ascended, the tenth round was empty.

And Yang Shifei, who was originally ranked eleventh, was beaten away by Chu Mubai, so it was Ao Ying, who was originally ranked twelfth, who became tenth.

But many people were not convinced that Ao Ying was tenth.

So there were several big battles later.

But it must be said that Ao Ying was still powerful.

He used his dragon body to resist the challenges of wave after wave of strong men.

In the end, he defended his position of tenth with his flesh and blood.

It's a pity that this tenth was only a flash in the pan.

Because Ao Ying never expected that there was a more powerful man who suddenly appeared and stepped onto the challenge stage.


Accompanied by a roar, a thunderbolt appeared in the clear sky.

Then, a thunderbolt fell on Feitian Peak.

A man walked out of the thunderbolt.

He was wearing a blue shirt, with divine power all over his body and a divine ring on his body.

The aura on his body was so powerful that it was terrifying.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the man who suddenly came.

"Who is it? Suddenly appeared?"

"Who is it? Bully the sky?"

"I am the closed disciple of the head of Guiyi Sect, Xuan, Yuan, Hao!"

The person who came was none other than the genius who had just joined Guiyi Sect a month ago, Xuanyuan Hao.

When Xuanyuan Hao appeared on Feitian Peak, the atmosphere became tense inexplicably.

"Xuanyuan Hao? Who is he? How come I have never heard of him?"

"It seems that his cultivation is at the level of a minor saint. This guy is not simple!"

"So domineering, is he practicing domineering?"

Everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao in confusion.

Gao Zhan, who was in charge of the presidency, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief after seeing Xuanyuan Hao coming.

"You are finally here!"

As Xuanyuan Hao's best friend, Zhuo Bufan also smiled slightly when he saw Xuanyuan Hao coming.

"What is coming will always come."

Xuanyuan Hao glanced at Zhuo Bufan and didn't say much. Then he turned around and looked at Li Changsheng not far away.

"Xuanyuan Hao, a disciple of Guiyi Sect, invites Senior Brother Li of Taixuan Sect to fight!"

No one expected that Xuanyuan Hao would challenge the devil-like man, Li Changsheng, as soon as he appeared.

"Here we go again, another fearless person wants to challenge Li Changsheng."

"Is this Guiyi Sect fighting with Li Changsheng?"

"It's a bit interesting. I didn't get enough of it just now. I really want to see Li Changsheng show his might again."

At this moment, Li Changsheng, as the person involved, saw Xuanyuan Hao who suddenly visited.

He hesitated for a moment and looked at Xuanyuan Hao intently.

After taking a look, he suddenly spoke.

"Okay, I accept your challenge."

So, Li Changsheng, who had just finished a big battle, will start again this time to activate his gorgeous rule ability.


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