Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 913: All things return to one

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly appeared and wanted to challenge the god-like Li Changsheng.

For a moment, everyone looked at him with admiration.

Everyone present had seen how powerful Li Changsheng was.

Everyone present had also felt how terrifying his rules were.

Almost everyone had listed Li Changsheng as the person they least wanted to fight with.

But as soon as Xuanyuan Hao appeared, he bluntly said that he wanted to challenge Li Changsheng.

Should he be said to be courageous or ignorant of life and death?

And Li Changsheng, as always, agreed to the challenge without hesitation.

Perhaps for Li Changsheng, no matter who the opponent is, the result is the same.

His rules restrain those who don't know how to live or die.

However, Zhuo Bufan believes in Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao is not a rash person. Without confidence, he would not challenge Li Changsheng.

Obviously, Xuanyuan Hao may have mastered a powerful rule.

"I don't know what kind of rules Xuanyuan is practicing."

Zhuo Bufan is actually looking forward to it. After all, Xuanyuan Hao is someone he rarely admires.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that as long as Xuanyuan Hao practiced seriously, there would be few rivals in this world.

Zhuo Bufan also regarded Xuanyuan Hao as his opponent and constantly compared with Xuanyuan Hao.

In any case, Xuanyuan Hao challenged, and Li Changsheng accepted the challenge.

So this battle, both sides had to fight no matter what.

The two turned into a spiritual light and entered the Great Sun Dome Realm.

After so many battles, the Great Sun Dome Realm is still the same as before.

This world has a strong self-repair ability, so even if the sky is pierced, it can recover quickly.

Now, the Great Sun Dome Realm once again welcomes Li Changsheng, a contestant.

In the Great Sun Dome Realm, Li Changsheng and Xuanyuan Hao stood solemnly, suspended in the void.

This was Xuanyuan Hao's first battle after coming out of retreat, and he challenged the strongest Li Changsheng without hesitation.

No one knew what he was going to do, but he challenged the strongest Li Changsheng right away, which really attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Xuanyuan? I've heard of you. Your talent made the head of Guiyi Sect make an exception and accept you as his disciple. He hasn't accepted a disciple for five hundred years."

The two did not start a life-and-death battle right away, but had a good chat.

The main reason is that Li Changsheng's rules are too powerful, too perverted, too bloody, and too boring.

Perhaps Li Changsheng's battles are the worst to watch.

Because he stood still from beginning to end, and then he only needed to continue to abuse himself to end the battle.

So, Li Changsheng's battles are not at all enjoyable.

However, Li Changsheng's battles are always so exciting.

Because everyone wants to see how this masochist will abuse himself.

Although it is bloody and violent, the masochist's fighting method is always so imaginative.

People just want to see how many ways this guy can commit suicide.

Faced with Li Changsheng's inquiry, Xuanyuan Hao answered calmly.

"I have also heard a little about Senior Brother Li."

"Senior Brother Li is a rare genius in Taixuan Sect."

"Although he practices the way of the God of Death, he has stepped into the door of all wonders. He is the person closest to the legendary ancestor of Taixuan Sect, Zhou Yi."

Xuanyuan Hao didn't know where he got this information from.

But his words made Li Changsheng look at him with new eyes.

"It seems that you are well prepared. Not just a brave man."

"In this case, I can take this battle seriously."

Li Changsheng knew Xuanyuan Hao a little bit. Xuanyuan Hao must have investigated him and came prepared.

So Li Changsheng didn't dare to take this battle lightly.

"Then, let's fight!"

As soon as Li Changsheng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand.

"In my name, I will control a piece of heaven and earth, establish the rules of heaven and earth, and experience eternal life."

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, the magic energy began to entangle his body and soared into the sky.

Then the whole person turned into a peerless Shura, and the prison on his chest reappeared.

In the prison, Xuanyuan Hao was imprisoned in front of him.

"It appeared, Li Changsheng's experience of immortality. This move is simply impossible to defend against!"

"That Xuanyuan Hao has been connected by Li Changsheng's experience of immortality. Now, the two of them can be regarded as sharing life and death."

"Alas, being connected by Li Changsheng's rules means that Xuanyuan Hao is doomed to fail."

"I heard that Xuanyuan Hao is the new genius of Guiyi Sect, but it's a pity that this genius obviously doesn't know how cruel the rules of Li Changsheng, the masochist, are."

From Li Changsheng's previous battles, once connected by his experience of immortality, no matter who the opponent is, he is doomed to fail.

After all, the experience of immortality allows Li Changsheng's damage to be shared.

Now, Li Changsheng cannot be hit or touched, otherwise the only one who will be injured is Xuanyuan Hao.

However, Xuanyuan Hao actually dared to challenge Li Changsheng on his own initiative, which obviously couldn't be that simple.

"Brother Xuanyuan, use your rules! Otherwise, you may not have a chance later."

Li Changsheng's rules have been connected, so he has no scruples now.

He was wondering before whether Xuanyuan Hao's rules would be the same as Yu Baifei's.

Li Changsheng was actually most afraid of Yu Baifei.

Yu Baifei's Tianyi Divine Rule, even if his own rules connected him, Yu Baifei would rewind the time to before the connection.

So Yu Baifei is the opponent that Li Changsheng is most reluctant to face.

However, there is only one Yu Baifei after all, and the rules he comprehended are also unique.

Therefore, there can be no second Tianyi Divine Rule.

"Xuanyuan, let me see what the rules you have comprehended after so many days of seclusion are."

Zhuo Bufan, who was watching the battle outside the world, stared at Xuanyuan Hao in the world.

No one was more eager to see what Xuanyuan Hao's rules were than him.


"Well, since Senior Brother Li wants to see it, please see it!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and clenched it in the air.

"In my name, I will restrain a piece of heaven and earth, establish the rules of heaven and earth, and all things will return to one."

Xuanyuan Hao used it, used his rules, and all things will return to one.

As soon as these words came out, an invisible energy immediately enveloped the entire Great Sun Dome Realm.

Then, the Great Sun Dome Realm was filled with a strange power.

"All things return to one? What is this rule?"

"All things return to one, return to one, could it be that Xuanyuan has practiced the way of returning to one?"

"The true meaning of returning to one is that one becomes all things, and all things become one. Could it be that Xuanyuan has realized the ultimate meaning of returning to one by using this rule?"

The more Zhuo Bufan thought about it, the more shocked he became.

All things return to one, just by hearing the name, you know that this rule is not simple.

Xuanyuan Hao may have realized the ultimate meaning of returning to one, which is the absolute rule.

The absolute rule is the strongest rule in a certain avenue.

There are thousands of rules in a avenue, and the absolute rule is the strongest.

The way of returning to one was created by the legendary Luo Tian, ​​the founder of the Guiyi Sect.

So far, he is the only one who has realized the ultimate meaning.

Xuanyuan Hao must have obtained an unimaginable opportunity to realize a rule of this miracle - all things return to one.

“Brother Li, I’m sorry!”

In the Sun Dome Realm, Xuanyuan Hao reached out to Li Changsheng.

At that moment, Li Changsheng found himself as if controlled by a pair of huge hands that covered the sky.

The next second, he found that all the power in his body was rapidly fading away.

Li Changsheng even began to shrink.

From a young man, he became a teenager, then a child, and finally a child, a toddler, and a baby…

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded!

This is the power of Xuanyuan Hao’s rules, the power that makes everything return to “one”.

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