Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 914: Fighting Xuanyuan Again

Xuanyuan Hao's Wanhua Guiyi has the ability to return everything to one.

What is one? One is the original, the starting point, and the beginning.

Xuanyuan Hao used the ability of Wanhua Guiyi to directly turn Li Changsheng into a child.

Li Changsheng's experience of immortality is indeed a very powerful ability, but unfortunately, he encountered Xuanyuan Hao's Wanhua Guiyi.

Under the ability of Wanhua Guiyi, Li Changsheng didn't even have the power to abuse himself.

Because Wanhua Guiyi is not a harmful ability, but a functional ability like Yu Baifei.

Therefore, under Xuanyuan Hao's Wanhua Guiyi, Li Changsheng's ability can be said to be useless.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Xuanyuan Hao's Wanhua Guiyi perfectly suppressed Li Changsheng's experience of immortality.

Therefore, in this battle, Li Changsheng admitted defeat.

In fact, Li Changsheng's experience of immortality has a killer move, that is, to perish together.

As long as he wants, he can die with Xuanyuan Hao.

However, this was just a discussion of the Dao, not a life-and-death fight.

So Li Changsheng didn't use that perverted ability in the end.

He admitted defeat, and perhaps admitting defeat was the best result.

There was nothing shameful about the ability to counteract each other.

People outside the world were naturally very unbelievable when they saw Li Changsheng admit defeat.

In their minds, Li Changsheng was invincible.

But now, Li Changsheng admitted defeat.

"Hey, it seems that Li Changsheng's ability is not invincible."

Someone said.

"Without an invincible ability, Li Changsheng obviously met an old enemy."

Some people rated Xuanyuan Hao as Li Changsheng's old enemy. But they are obviously not old enemies.

The real old enemy is you and I fighting, each with victory and defeat. Just like Huang Daoling and Feng Yexiu, they both practiced domineering and had records of defeating each other.

However, Li Changsheng had almost no fighting power when facing Xuanyuan Hao.

This battle was not bloody or cruel, and both sides ended the battle peacefully.

Li Changsheng first withdrew the power of the rules.

After he withdrew, Xuanyuan Hao also withdrew the power of Wanhua Guiyi, and Li Changsheng slowly recovered.

Then, the two walked out of the Great Sun Dome Realm.

When the two walked out of the Great Sun Dome Realm, everyone focused their attention on them.

They were waiting, waiting for Li Changsheng to speak.

Li Changsheng saw that everyone was looking at them expectantly, so he said.

"I lost this battle."

"Xuanyuan Junior Brother's Wanhua Guiyi is very powerful, I have learned from him."

"I hope that next time, I can understand a new rule that can deal with Wanhua Guiyi."

Li Changsheng is obviously the kind of person who is indifferent to fame and fortune.

He can bend and stretch, and he is a character.

Losing to Xuanyuan Hao means that his ranking on the Little Saint List has fallen to second place.

Perhaps the most disappointed person is not Li Changsheng, but the tenth-ranked Shenlong Sect Senior Brother, Ao Ying.

Poor Ao Ying, he fought ten games and struggled to hold on to his ranking.

However, the appearance of Xuanyuan Hao made him lose without a fight.

For a moment, everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao, at this man who suddenly appeared.

He suddenly appeared, swept Feitian Peak, and made earth-shaking changes in the Little Saint List.

Now, he landed on the first place in the Little Saint List, and everyone was a little uncomfortable, or a little unbelievable.

The shock brought by Xuanyuan Hao was no less than the sensation caused by Zhuo Bufan in Deyi Palace.

This handsome, gentle and elegant mysterious man became the target of everyone's discussion.

Xuanyuan Hao's success does not need any doubt.

Zhuo Bufan was also sincerely happy for him.

"However, things are far from over!"

After Xuanyuan Hao dealt with Li Changsheng, he suddenly turned around and pointed at Zhuo Bufan.

"Now, I want to challenge you, Deyi Palace's extraordinary throne!"

When Xuanyuan Hao pointed at Zhuo Bufan and threatened to challenge Zhuo Bufan.

Everyone present once again thought of this extraordinary throne.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect Xuanyuan Hao to challenge him.

He thought Xuanyuan Hao was joking, but Zhuo Bufan saw a firm look in Xuanyuan Hao's mouth.

Xuanyuan Hao was rarely serious, so Zhuo Bufan seemed impossible to refuse this battle.

"When I was in Zhenyi Martial Arts Hall, you came to challenge me. Now, I want to challenge you."

Xuanyuan Hao's words were firm.

He had never been so serious before.

Because he had a sense of crisis, he felt that he was afraid that he could not keep up with Zhuo Bufan.

He was not afraid of being caught up by Zhuo Bufan, but afraid of not being able to catch up with Zhuo Bufan.

So in this battle, Xuanyuan Hao wanted to see how far he was from Zhuo Bufan.

And Zhuo Bufan really couldn't refuse Xuanyuan Hao's request for a fight.

So he put Yaya down from his head and handed it to Gao Zhan.

"Brother Gao, help me take care of Yaya."

Since he knew that he couldn't refuse, he could only accept the challenge.

"Dad, Yaya hopes you can come back victorious."

Yaya didn't cry or make a fuss, but encouraged Zhuo Bufan.

For some reason, after listening to Yaya's words of encouragement, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a surge of strength in himself, a strength to win the battle.

"Haha, wait here for me to come back."

Zhuo Bufan patted Yaya's head, then walked forward and looked at Xuanyuan Hao.



As soon as the two finished speaking, they disappeared from the spot with a whoosh.

Then, they turned into a stream of light and entered the Great Sun Dome Realm.

Outside the realm, everyone watched this peak battle, and their pores were so excited that they opened up.

“Too exciting, the legendary Extraordinary Saint is going to fight against Xuanyuan Xiaosheng, who is the first in the space?”

“I’m afraid that the Extraordinary Saint can’t handle the power of Xuanyuan Hao’s rules!”

“Maybe, the Extraordinary Saint’s rules are very strange, and no one knows what the specific rules are so far.”

“The previous battle between the Extraordinary Saint and Gao Zhan showed the Extraordinary Saint’s ability to fight back.”

“If that’s the case, it’s too exciting. The battle between two masters. This battle is no less than the battle between Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan!”

Many people think that this battle is a rare battle.

It is equivalent to the battle between Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan.

In that battle, three great saints were born, which can be recorded in the annals of history.

This battle is certainly no less fierce than the previous one.

Zhuo Bufan is a well-known saint of the first palace, and Xuanyuan Hao is a genius who defeated Li Changsheng.

This battle is the focus of everyone's attention.

At this moment, in the Great Sun Dome Realm, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao stood in the air with their hands behind their backs.

"Brother Zhuo, I didn't expect that we would fight again so soon."

"I didn't expect it either, but if Brother Xuanyuan wants to fight, then I will accompany you."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Xuanyuan Hao's battle with him was definitely not a simple comparison.

Xuanyuan Hao replied after hearing this.

"Well, in this battle, please go all out, Brother Zhuo, and don't show any mercy."

"Do your best!"

"No, I hope you will use all your strength and all your means. In this battle, I want to know how big the gap is between you and me."

Xuanyuan Hao finally told the truth.

As soon as the voice fell, the battle began!

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