Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 915: Breaking the Boundary with One Sword

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao are from the same world.

The two regarded each other as close friends and confidants.

But no matter what, fighting is fighting, and there is no room for letting go.

"I said, please use all means, otherwise you will regret this battle."

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly clapped his hands together.

"I am Xuanyuan Hao, and I invite the hundred thousand ancient gods of the Xuanyuan family to come and pay my respects!"

Buzz buzz buzz!

As soon as Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, the world suddenly resonated.

Immediately afterwards, huge whirlpools were born one after another in the sky of the entire Great Sun Realm.

The powerful force distorts the boundaries of space.

Immediately, one ancient god after another slowly fell from the sky.

The sky is filled with demons and gods, reflecting the sky and the earth.

The power of heaven and earth formed was so suppressed that Zhuo Bufan couldn't breathe.

"What a terrifying power. Can Xuanyuan summon one hundred thousand demon gods now?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the ancient god of the Xuanyuan family was actually the devil. He is a demon from the underworld.

When Xuanyuan Hao invited one hundred thousand demon gods from the Xuanyuan family, at that moment, he was almost half a god king, looking down on the world.

And Zhuo Bufan also deeply understood the meaning of Xuanyuan Hao's previous words.

If he didn't go all out in this battle, he would probably regret it.

"In that case! Then I won't hold back."

"Infinite Sword, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and shook it in the air, and a black light penetrated the sky and the earth.

When everyone saw the black light, their eyes were stunned with shock.

"Here comes the divine sword of the Invincible Holy See! This sword is a divine weapon that breaks the rules of the Invincible Holy See!"

"Sure enough, the Extraordinary Holy See held back during the previous battle with Gao Zhan."

Gao Zhan laughed after hearing this.

"It seems that Brother Zhuo has really let off steam."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan take out the Infinite Sword, Gao Zhan knew that he and Zhuo Bufan were no longer opponents at the same level.

Within the realm of the great sun,

Zhuo Bufan held the Infinite Sword in his hand, facing the demon gods of the Xuanyuan family, and he suddenly felt heroic.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, please invite the Xuanyuan family's hundred thousand ancient gods to come and die!"


Zhuo Bufan let out a soul-stirring roar, and the sky and the earth immediately buzzed, and the Infinite Sword in his hand emitted infinite light.

Xuanyuan also did not show weakness and shouted loudly.

"One hundred thousand ancient gods, listen to my order! Kill!"

As Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, the demon gods in the sky let out deafening shouts and pressed towards Zhuo Bufan.

That's the devil!

Previously, Xuanyuan Hao could kill his opponent instantly by inviting a demon god at random.

But now, in order to fight Zhuo Bufan, he actually invited a hundred thousand people.

Each of these demon gods possesses unimaginable power.

"Daddy, come on!"

Yaya outside the boundary shouted towards the Great Sun Dome.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan felt an incomparable power fall on him.

That is a fighting force that can turn things around.


Zhuo Bufan slashed down with his sword, and the black demon god in front of him was instantly chopped into pieces by Zhuo Bufan's infinite sword and returned to nothingness.

However, there are too many opponents, and these demon gods are not just soldiers and generals, but real demon gods.

Therefore, their offensive was extremely fierce.

A huge encirclement was formed in the air, leaving Zhuo Bufan with no way to escape.

Xuanyuan commanded from a distance, swords, guns, swords and halberds, and all the magic in the universe fell towards Zhuo Bufan.


At this critical moment, a bell suddenly rang, resounding throughout the universe.

The sound of chaos shocked the demon gods in the sky and withstood the endless divine power.

Appeared, the extraordinary artifact, the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock exploded out of endless power in the sky.

The Chaos Bell is an innate artifact that can emit the sound of chaos.

This sound of chaos obviously has a powerful deterrent effect on the ancient gods.

Hearing the ringing of the Chaos Bell, all the demon gods retreated.

Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to break out of the Demon God's siege, and then directly attacked the wielder, Xuanyuan Hao.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan charging towards him, Xuanyuan Hao made a quick decision.

"In my name, the heaven and earth are bound to one side, and the rules of heaven and earth are established! All things are unified!"

When he finished speaking, he pointed his finger at Gui Yiyi.

That finger pointed towards Zhuo Bufan brought with it the power to make the sky, sun and moon go backwards, and turn back time.

Everyone has seen Xuanyuan Hao's Gui Yi Finger!

This is the power of rules that unites all things into one. Those who are pointed by Xuanyuan Hao will degenerate and return to one.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan absolutely cannot be targeted by Gui Yi.

So the next second, Zhuo Bufan raised the Infinite Sword in his hand and slashed towards Xuanyuan Hao's Rule of All Transformations Unifying.

The Infinite Sword has the ability to nullify all abilities.

Therefore, as soon as Xuanyuan Hao's Guiyi Finger ability was used, it was cut off by Zhuo Bufan's Infinite Sword.

The power of the rules disappeared, and Zhuo Bufan took Xuanyuan Hao's head directly.

This is a serious fight and one must have the determination to kill the other side.

So Zhuo Bufan showed no mercy this time.

However, Xuanyuan Hao is obviously not a character that can be solved so easily.

The moment Zhuo Bufan's infinite sword was about to touch Xuanyuan Hao.

Endless energy falls from the sky.

It’s the hundred thousand ancient gods of the Xuanyuan family who have come to protect the Lord.

Zhuo Bufan was frightened away by the energy gathered by hundreds of thousands of ancient gods at the same time.

For a moment, 100,000 ancient gods condensed into a huge energy wall, blocking Zhuo Bufan outside.

"Oh, what trouble! So good at protecting the master!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the 100,000 ancient gods in front of him and felt a headache.

The two fought for only one round.

But this round was too exciting.

People outside the world were almost suffocated.

"Wow! It's amazing. What are those summoned by Xuanyuan Hao?"

"Hundreds of thousands, each of them can't be underestimated."

"Faced with such a powerful army-like force, the Bufan Holy Seat actually has the upper hand. He is even more extraordinary!"

"Did you see it? That sword, that sword cut off Xuanyuan Hao's rule power."

"Yes, I saw it too. Xuanyuan Hao clearly used the finger of all changes, but was cut off by the sword of the Bufan Holy Seat."

"This battle is too exciting, so exciting that it's breathtaking!"

Just the first round of the battle made everyone applaud.

"Daddy, come on, come on!"

Yaya called out loudly to the Sun Sky Realm.

Her encouragement and cheering brought a special kind of magic.

Zhuo Bufan felt inspired by a powerful force, and he was full of fighting power again.

"Xuanyuan, don't blame me for cheating!"

"Warriors of the Mad Sect, give me divine power!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and the divine power in his body began to burst out crazily.

Zhuo Bufan, blessed by divine power, had wild hair and fluttering clothes, like a white-robed god king.


Zhuo Bufan raised his hand, the sword energy soared into the sky, breaking through the clouds.

One sword cut down, one sword a thousand miles.


People outside the realm only saw a huge crack on the energy ball of the Sun Sky Realm.

Zhuo Bufan, one sword breaks the realm!


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