Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 950 The Four Great Divine Powers

Zhuo Bufan was eager to know about the three supreme gods in the virtual world.

The three supreme gods all practiced the same belief and cultivation of the gods as Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could use this to infer the true identity of the Red Emperor.

Fortunately, the Di Ting beast in front of Zhuo Bufan was a beast that could hear the six paths and eight wastelands and know the yin and yang of the universe.

Zhuo Bufan could get the answers to many of his doubts from it.

After listening, Di Ting looked at Su Jin and Zi Yun on the side and said.

"You go down and prepare the resurrection ceremony for Lord Mountain God, and leave this to me!"

"Yes, Lord Di Ting!"

After listening, Su Jin and Zi Yun left the cave.

Zhuo Bufan was left to listen to Di Ting's teachings.

"Young man, I didn't ask you when Su Jin and the others were here just now. Now I ask you, you have to answer me truthfully. You, are not from the virtual world!"

Facing Di Ting's question, Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned.

Then he smiled faintly.

"It seems that Lord Di Ting has already seen it."

"That's right, I'm not from the virtual world. I come from the opposite side of your virtual world, the real world."

"Real world? So that's why I felt a strange breath on you."

"But it's strange, the real world and the virtual world are two completely opposite worlds."

"Logically speaking, everyone should treat you as an irreconcilable enemy when they see you. But they don't have any hostility towards you. Interesting, very interesting!"

Di Ting also discovered that although Zhuo Bufan is from the real world, everyone has no hostility towards him.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

You must know that the Yin world and the Yang world, the virtual world and the real world, are all irreconcilable existences.

This law is higher than the law of the entire Yin and Yang world.

No creature in any world can break this rule.

However, only Zhuo Bufan is an outlier.

As a person from the cultivation world, he can come and go freely in the virtual world, and no one is hostile to him. This is a very strange phenomenon.

Even the all-knowing Di Ting did not understand this phenomenon at all.

"Although I don't know what secrets you have hidden, since you have practiced the way of faith and cultivation of gods, I think you should have guessed it yourself."

"You have obtained the inheritance of one of the three supreme gods."

Zhuo Bufan did not refute Di Ting's words at all.

This is the fact. Zhuo Bufan obtained the inheritance of Chidi, so he practiced the way of faith and cultivation of gods.

But Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know whether Chidi is one of the three supreme gods in the virtual world.

"Let me ask Lord Di Ting, can people in the virtual world really not get along with people in the real world?"

Zhuo Bufan actually still has doubts.

If Chidi is one of the three supreme gods, then why can he be called one of the four emperors with Xuandi and others. And they are also brothers.

If this is true, Chidi should not live in peace with the other three emperors.

After listening, Di Ting replied.

"In fact, the higher the level of cultivation, the less the hostile laws of the big world will affect him."

"There is another situation, that is, willing to let one's soul transform into the soul of another world. That is to give up one's original identity. This way of rebirth can also remove the influence of hostile laws."

"For example, the mirror slaves under the mirror master. They come from various worlds, but they are all turned into people in the virtual world by the mirror master."

"In this way, they will not be hostile in the virtual world, but will become capable men under the mirror master."

"Of course, since the death of the mirror master, his mirror slaves have lost their identities as people in the virtual world and have to return to their own worlds to survive."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, and roughly understood the relationship between the mirror master and the mirror slaves.

"Let me tell you about the sun god and the star god! I believe you also want to know about these two supreme gods."

Di Ting finally returned to the topic, and Zhuo Bufan was eagerly waiting.

"Please listen to your advice, sir."

"Well, speaking of the Sun God and the Star God, they were once one of the mirror slaves of the Mirror Master."

"But later, the Sun God betrayed the Mirror Master, joined forces with people from other worlds, and sealed the Mirror Master in the four realms!"

"And the Sun God and the Star God both died in that war."

"After that war, the world has never seen these two gods again."

"As a result, the sun in the virtual world is now dim and can only rely on the divine beast Hog, which the Sun God sits on, to illuminate the world."

"And the stars in the sky have lost their backbone, like a pool of stagnant water, withering away in secret."


Zhuo Bufan heard from Xuanyuan Hao that Hog is an ancient god in the virtual world, symbolizing the sun.

Zhuo Bufan and his friends had seen him in Yunmeng Realm.

Yunmeng Realm is a projection of the virtual world, and many creatures in it are actually creatures in the virtual world.

Of course, Yunmeng Realm is just the tip of the iceberg of the virtual world.

The real virtual world creatures are even more diverse.

"Young man, can you guess which god your power is inherited from?"

Di Ting's words made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

After a while, he nodded slowly.

"I can basically guess it."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has that feeling.

Chidi, the emperor who symbolizes the fire and the sun, is actually the sun god of the virtual world.

No one knows where Chidi is now and whether he is still alive.

However, Zhuo Bufan believes that he will definitely meet Chidi again.

"Master Di Ting, can you tell me how the divine power is divided and how to cultivate it?"

"So far, I have only mastered the strengthening of divine power. But I know that divine power is far more than that."

Zhuo Bufan humbly asked Di Ting for advice.

After listening, Di Ting nodded and replied.

"There are four kinds of divine power in our virtual world."

"The first kind is the divine power of faith."

"The second kind is the divine power of inheritance."

"The third kind is the divine power of totem."

"The fourth kind is the divine power of contract."

From Di Ting, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood the four kinds of divine power in the virtual world.

The divine power of faith that he cultivated is the highest level of divine power.

Only three supreme gods can cultivate it.

As for the other three kinds of divine power, he has not yet come into contact with them.

"You must have understood this power of faith."

"The power of faith relies on accepting the worship and faith of others to generate the power."

"This power is stronger than the other three powers."

"The second type is the power of inheritance. This power grows with the growth of time. The longer the time, the stronger the power."

"And the name of the inherited power has also changed. For example, the thousand-year power is the power of a thousand years. The ten-thousand-year power is the power of ten thousand years."

"And the inherited power can be passed down from generation to generation. The oldest power in the virtual world is the clan god of the Qianyu clan, which has eight million years of power."

"Qianyu clan!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this word, his heart was shocked.

Sure enough, the Qianyu clan came from the virtual world.

The creatures in the Yunmeng world are all projections of this world.

Baidi used the Creation Pearl to create the Yunmeng world. It must be to train the people in the cultivation world so that the people in the cultivation world will not be at a loss when facing the creatures in the virtual world in the future.

Zhuo Bufan probably understood Baidi's intention.

It can be said that Baidi had good intentions.

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