Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 951: The Yang Realm Attacks

Zhuo Bufan actually discovered a long time ago that the existence of Yunmeng Realm is to train the cultivators of the cultivation world.

After all, there is no real death in Yunmeng Realm, which means that Yunmeng Realm is a huge trial field created by Baidi.

In this trial field, people in the cultivation world can fight with creatures in the virtual world.

Of course, these creatures are projections of creatures in the virtual world.

They were specially created by Baidi to train cultivators in the cultivation world.

Yunmeng Realm is actually a trial field designed by Baidi.

With this trial field, cultivators in the cultivation world can be familiar with the various weaknesses of creatures in the virtual world.

In this way, in the future, when the real world and the virtual world really go to war, people in the cultivation world will not be confused when facing the creatures in the virtual world.

Baidi is just like Xuandi. They are working hard to protect the cultivation world.

They should not be misunderstood by the world.

All this will be announced to the world when Zhuo Bufan returns to the cultivation world.

Of course, before that, he still needs to know more about the situation in the virtual world.

There is a lot of information that Yunmeng Realm cannot understand.

"What is the third kind of totem power?"

Zhuo Bufan has already understood the power of faith and the power of inheritance. The next thing he needs to understand is the totem power.

After listening carefully, he answered.

"Totem power can actually be regarded as a branch of faith power."

"However, unlike faith power, which can only be cultivated by the Supreme God, totem power is the most common power and can be cultivated by all creatures."

"And cultivating this kind of totem power is actually very simple. For example, a tribe uses a mountain as a totem."

"They will condense their faith on this mountain."

"Isn't this the same as faith power?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"That's right, didn't I just say it! Totem power is actually a branch of belief power."

"But it is completely different from belief power."

"They concentrate their respective powers on the shared totem."

"When you want to use it, you get power from the totem."

"For example, a tribe has 100 people. Then on weekdays they will concentrate the 100 parts of power on the totem."

"And when they need to fight, they can extract power from the totem. They can extract one part or 100 parts."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"Sharing power, is this what it means?"

"Totem power is actually sharing your own power. It is indeed a very interesting power."

Zhuo Bufan has seen the forms of various powers.

"As for the final contract power, it is easy to understand."

"Contract power means that you can share with other creatures."

"You can use part of the power obtained by other creatures."

"The more creatures you contract, the more power you can get."

"For example, the mountain people, there is a contractual relationship between the mountain people and the mountains."

"And the mountain itself can obtain power through the inheritance of power."

"They will give this part of power back to the mountain people who gave them life. This is the contractual relationship."

Di Ting explained the four major powers of the virtual world, and Zhuo Bufan seemed to have gained something after listening.

Today is another day of learning.

"Faith power, inheritance power, totem power, contract power."

It turns out that there are so many forms of power.

"Thank you, Lord Di Ting, for answering my questions."

Zhuo Bufan now understands the power in his body better.

Then, he should think of a way to rescue Xuanyuan Hao and others.

"Where is this Moon God Palace?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"It's right above your head!"

"At night, look up. The moon in the sky is the Moon Palace."

"So, the Sun Palace is the sun in the sky?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Di Ting raised his long nose and nodded.

"That's right, but you must not know where the Star Palace is!"

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing it.

"Oh? That's right, with so many stars in the sky, who knows where the Star Palace is."

"Hahaha, you're wrong, the Star Palace is not in the sky. It's in Wanxing Mountain!"

Di Ting was naughty, which made Zhuo Bufan a little embarrassed.

"Then, should I go directly to the Moon Palace?"

Zhuo Bufan fell into thought.

Now Xuanyuan Hao and the others are in the Moon Palace. If they are not rescued in time, it is difficult to guarantee whether Xuanyuan Hao will have any accidents.

Everyone agreed to go back together, so Zhuo Bufan naturally couldn't abandon them.

But with Zhuo Bufan's current ability, he would go to the Moon Palace without returning.

The Moon God is one of the three supreme gods, and Zhuo Bufan does not have the ability to challenge the supreme god yet.

"Why don't we go to the Sun Palace! That is the palace of the Red Emperor Sun God. Since I am the inheritor of the Red Emperor, I should go and take a look."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find an opportunity.

Of course, before that, he still had to confirm the comfort of Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

"It's decided. Go to the Moon Palace to investigate first, and then go to the Sun Palace to take a look."

Zhuo Bufan made a detailed plan in his mind.

"Thank you, Lord Di Ting, for your answer. Now many of my questions have been cleared up."

"Lord Di Ting, I am leaving now. My friends are still waiting for me to rescue them."

Zhuo Bufan said goodbye to Di Ting.

Di Ting replied after listening.

"Young man, I have a suggestion for you. The Moon God is not an unreasonable person, but he is aloof and arrogant. He is a lonely existence."

"If you really want to rescue your friend, you can have a good talk with the Moon God."

Di Ting knew that Zhuo Bufan was eager to leave, so he did not stop him.

Instead, he gave Zhuo Bufan a suggestion, hoping that Zhuo Bufan would negotiate with the Moon God.

Of course, he could not guarantee whether he would succeed.

"I understand, thank you for your suggestion, Lord Di Ting."

"It is impossible to fight with the Moon God. I will find a way to talk to him."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he clasped his hands and bowed deeply to Di Ting.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to get up and leave.

Suddenly, his face began to tremble.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There were only bursts of loud noises, accompanied by the shaking of the earth.

Ziyun and Xiaoxiao ran in.

"It's not good, Lord Di Ting, it's not good."

Ziyun started shouting as soon as he entered the cave.

"What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

Ziyun answered immediately.

"It's the enemy, the enemy from Yang Realm. They have invaded Giant God Valley."


Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened after hearing this.

And Di Ting opened his eyes directly and looked at the scene outside the cave.

"Sure enough, they are here, how did they get in?"

"Only your mountain people can open the Maha Mountain in Giant God Valley."

Di Ting saw that outside the cave, people from Yang Realm were invading in large numbers.

Ziyun answered quickly after hearing this.

"It was Lan Yi, it was Lan Yi who betrayed us. She brought the enemy in."

"Lan Yi? Is she the one who was let go before?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"Yes, it's her. I originally let her go because of my old feelings for my fellow tribe. I didn't expect that she would actually bring the enemy into Giant God Valley."

"If I had known earlier, I should have killed her at the beginning."

Ziyun regretted it very much.

But now it's too late to regret it.

The Giant God Valley, which was said to be unbreakable, was unexpectedly broken by its own people in the end.

The coalition forces of the seven nations of the Yang Realm launched a massive attack. Giant God Valley is in danger!

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