Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 957: Ambush along the way

The Shanren tribe buried Di Ting in Zushan, and then held a not-so-grand funeral.

Zhuo Bufan attended the funeral, feeling very uncomfortable inside.

He actually wanted to load the files and start over to save Diting.

But he knew very well that even if he loaded the file and started over again, the result would be the same.

The time for Zhuo Bufan to save the file was too close. He saved the file when Di Ting was under siege.

Therefore, even if Zhuo Bufan loaded the file and restarted, it would be too late to save him.

Unless Zhuo Bufan chooses the second archive.

But the second archive was so long ago that Zhuo Bufan didn't know what would happen after he started over.

The power of time is terrifying. When you load a new file and start over, the path you take is completely different from before. No one can guarantee what will happen.

Zhou Bufan could only say goodbye to Di Ting with regret.

"What do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhuo Bufan and Ziyun stood on Xiao Xiao's shoulders.

Because Ziyun became a mountain god, Xiaoxiao also became bigger.

And Ziyun doesn't have to be restrained by Xiao Xiao.

However, they have had an inseparable and important relationship since childhood.

So Ziyun is still willing to stay with Xiao Xiao.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Ziyun looked into the distance and said.

"Listen to what the Lord said before he left, let me take everyone out of here."

"Those people will never give up, so I want to protect my tribe."

Ziyun is preparing to take the mountain people away from the Valley of the Giant Gods.

But there is no place for them in Nuoda's virtual world.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan planned to send the Shanren tribe to Meicheng, so that they could have a destination.

However, Zhuo Bufan quickly realized that there were disciples of the Kuang Sect in Mei City.

Because of the hostile laws of Yin and Yang, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to merge them together.

Therefore, this well-intentioned idea was rejected by Zhuo Bufan himself.

Fortunately, the mountain people now have their gods. At least in this crisis-ridden world, they have the ability to protect themselves.

"Okay then, it's time for me to go."

Zhuo Bufan still wants to go to Moon God Palace. He can no longer linger in this world.

The road to Moon God Palace will be even more dangerous for Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, see you later!"

"See you later!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know if there would be a date later.

In short, he sincerely wishes that the Shanren tribe can work hard to survive in this declining virtual world.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he called out the Qilin, then rode the Qilin beast towards the direction where the Moon God Palace was sitting.

"It seems that Gao Zhan is right. Compared to the virtual world, the invasion of the Yang Realm is equally cruel."

"In war, there is no right or wrong, only greed."

We cannot say that the virtual world is full of treachery and evil, nor can we say that the Yang world is just and bright.

If you want to blame it, you can only blame the hostile laws of this world.

Without this cruel law of hostility, perhaps people in the Yin Realm, the Yang Realm, and the Virtual Realm and the True Realm could coexist peacefully.

Who on earth set up this cruel law of hostility?

Is this the way of heaven?

Zhuo Bufan always had a feeling that behind all of this, there was an invisible big hand controlling everything.

"No matter what, let's go to the Moon God Palace first! I hope I can have a good talk with the Moon God."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left the Giant God Valley and headed towards the Moon God Palace.

The Moon Palace is naturally on top of the moon.

However, the moon in the virtual world is not a separate planet, but a huge floating island.

This suspended island is one hundred thousand meters above the virtual world.

Opposing it is Sun God Island.

Two suspended islands rotate in the air, changing each other's day and night in the virtual world.

But not long after Zhuo Bufan rushed out of the Giant God Valley, a fierce murderous aura suddenly came.

The murderous aura was so overwhelming that it fell from the sky.

"Xiao Lin, be careful!"

Zhuo Bufan sensed the murderous aura immediately.

Fortunately he was riding Xiaolin.

The moment the golden sword was about to penetrate their heads.

Xiaolin opened his mouth towards the golden sword, and then roared.

A black vortex appeared above Xiaolin's head.

The golden sword disappeared directly from the black vortex and was sent to another time and space by Xiaolin.

"Damn it, my sword, my sword!"

The holy sword was swallowed, and the owner of the holy sword reacted immediately, and then killed Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw that the person who came to kill was the great sage who had escaped before.

Not only that, but not just one person was killed, but three.

These three guys did not escape, but stayed outside, waiting for Zhuo Bufan.

"Old Zhong, come out!"

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately called out the Chaos Bell.

When the three great saints saw this, they quickly dispersed and did not dare to attack the Chaos Bell rashly.

They still don't know what the Chaos Clock's ability is.

"Beware of his bell and his sword!"

"Don't fight him alone, use the power of the rules to crush him!"

The three great saints were obviously very wary of the artifact in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

After all, Zhuo Bufan once killed a great sage with the infinite sword in his hand.

Therefore, the three of them did not hesitate and immediately used the power of the rules according to the plan they had prepared long ago.

The three great saints chanted at the same time.

"In the name of my saint, I will control the world and establish the rules of heaven and earth--"

"Eight Trigrams Yin Gate!"

"Flame Devouring the World!"

"Goddess of Death!"

The three great saints activated their own rules at the same time.

The three great rule powers descended on the sky at the same time.

For a time, Zhuo Bufan had a hard time.

"These old bastards are so damn sinister!"

Zhuo Bufan had nothing to say.

The three great saints actually targeted him, a small saint, at the same time.

Soon Zhuo Bufan found that the space he was in had been distorted.

"Xiao Lin, don't act rashly!"

This world has been covered by the rules of the three saints. If you don't know what the other party's rules are, it is very likely that they will be able to gain the Tao.

"Eight Trigrams Yin Gate!"

"Flame Devouring the World!"

"Goddess of Death!"

With such a second-year name, there should be no rule that can affect the Wuliang Sword.

Zhuo Bufan once encountered a rule that could invalidate a person's weapon.

So Zhuo Bufan was very cautious every time, but now it seems that the rules of the three saints cannot affect the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"In that case!"

"Wulian, break their rules for me."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised the Wuliang Sword in his hand high, and then swept it across.

Wuliang Sword, an innate artifact, has innate laws and can return all power to zero.

It is a killer of rule power.

The rules of the three great saints were just sacrificed and broken by the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.


The three saints were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that the sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand could even cut off the rules.

"You three guys, kill Di Ting!"

"Now, I want to avenge them personally!"

Zhuo Bufan was still blaming himself for Di Ting's affairs. Now that the three saints came, Zhuo Bufan could just avenge him and vent his anger.

Zhuo Bufan, who was furious, finally stopped holding back.

Various unique skills were brought to him.

The mysterious power of life and death formed two whirlwinds around him, rolling energy, mixed with the blessing of divine power, violent and powerful.

They entangled the Infinite Sword, making the Infinite Sword full of an unstoppable force.

"Xiao Lin, let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo Bufan rushed towards one of the great saints with the Infinite Sword.

Before the opponent could react, Xiao Lin had already appeared in front of him using the ability of space shuttle.

Then, the Infinite Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand appeared and cut off the opponent's head!


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