Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 958: The Final Killing of the Fire Saint

Zhuo Bufan swung his sword to kill a great saint. Under the power of the Infinite Sword, the opponent's head and body were separated.

The other two saints who saw this scene were stunned.

They didn't expect that the Infinite Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand could even destroy the power of rules.

Their saints were useless. They didn't react at all for a while, and were beheaded by Zhuo Bufan.

"What a joke, summon the Flame Dragon, and kill him!"

An old saint with flames all over his body, in anger, summoned the Flame Dragon.

For a moment, countless flames condensed around him, and then a Flame Dragon burning with flames began to entangle him and soar.


The Flame Dragon was seen grinning in the air, and its five claws were sharp.

Then, it roared and bombarded Zhuo Bufan.

That flame was not an ordinary flame, but a fire spirit, born in the Taichu Fire Abyss, which was obtained by the Fire Saint with great difficulty.

Seeing the roaring fire, Yanlong Aotian, leading the vast momentum, swept the raging waves.

Zhuo Bufan's cold eyes lit up, and the three-foot cold light in his hand burst out the divine power of life and death.


With a sword slash, the Yanlong and Wuliang Sword collided with each other.

The Yanlong was too huge, and Wuliang Sword had just annihilated the rule power of the three saints, and it was already a little powerless.

The weapon spirit couldn't bear the repeated use of the law power after all.

"Master, don't bear it anymore."

The reminder from the Wuliang Sword weapon spirit made Zhuo Bufan realize that the law power of Wuliang Sword should not be used without restraint.

In just one day, Wuliang Sword has used the power of law several times.

It needs some time to recover.

Zhuo Bufan can also sense that the law power of Wuliang Sword is slowly weakening.

The fire on the Yanlong in front of him obviously showed no signs of dissipating.

"Okay, you take a break, and then I'll fight them with my bare hands."

Now there are only two great saints left, and they are no longer a big threat to Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan took back the Wuliang Sword.

Then he just hung the Chaos Bell over his head and clenched his fists.

"Xiao Lin, you also enter Meicheng!"

Zhuo Bufan even put Xiao Lin into Meicheng.

This time, he really relied on his own strength and fought with all his strength.

"Hmph, without the artifact, you are a scum, die!"

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan no longer used the Wuliang Sword, the remaining two great saints became even more arrogant.

Among them, the Fire Saint even frantically controlled the Flame Dragon and gnawed towards Zhuo Bufan again.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan waited calmly.

He held the air with both hands, and then gently pushed the Flame Dragon.

"Xuanxuan Creation Art, transform mountains and rivers!"

Zhuo Bufan has endless means.

He is a man who has inherited the Xuanzu, and his Xuanxuan Creation Art, although it is only the first level, is enough to deal with the current situation.

Zhuo Bufan smashed a mountain with his palm and blasted it towards the Flame Dragon.


The mountain and the dragon blasted together, shaking the earth.

"Life and Death Reincarnation Palm!"

After using Huashanhe to blast the opponent's Flame Dragon, Zhuo Bufan did not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

He clenched his left and right hands in the air at the same time.

Suddenly, the power of life and death was in his hands.

Then he combined the two forces of life and death together to form an energy halo similar to the Tai Chi pattern.

The two energies, one black and one white, began to mediate and rotate at high speed.

Zhuo Bufan merged his own reincarnation power into it, and this palm directly blasted towards the Fire Saint.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan coming with a strange power.

The Fire Saint was not afraid.

"The Fire God is angry!"

The Fire Saint roared, and the flames around him soared into the sky, turning into a giant holding up the sky.

It was a god with a red body and flames.

He slammed down towards Zhuo Bufan with a fierce palm.

Zhuo Bufan was fearless and also slammed up against the Fire Saint.

The two sides slammed into each other fiercely.


Immediately, all kinds of energy flew and collapsed in all directions.

The earth could not bear the energy of both sides and began to collapse.

The forest within a radius of 100 miles was reduced to ashes in an instant.

"Life and death, reincarnation is endless. If I let you live, you live. If I let you die, you die."

Zhuo Bufan shouted at the Fire Saint.

Suddenly, the Tai Chi vortex in his hand began to rotate rapidly.

The palm of life and death, merged the power of life and death with the power of reincarnation.

The flames on the body of the Fire God summoned by the Fire Saint began to be swallowed up crazily.

Until the end, the 100-meter-tall Fire God giant was completely absorbed.

Then the reincarnation vortex in Zhuo Bufan's hand began to rotate in the opposite direction.

The flame essence that was originally absorbed turned into an unparalleled pillar of fire, and blasted towards the Fire Saint at the speed of light.

In an instant, the pillar of fire penetrated the body of the Fire Saint.

The extremely terrifying fire element filled every cell and every soul of the Fire Saint.

The Fire Saint began to scream heartbreakingly.


Then, his body began to swell, like a magma lake bubbling.

One by one, the magma bubbles exploded.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In the end, the Fire Saint was blasted into a pile of charcoal and a pool of magma by his own fire.

His soul was destroyed and disintegrated together.

The other great saint who saw this scene had already been afraid.

"Damn, is this really a little saint?"

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan, a little saint, actually had such a powerful force.

I thought that Zhuo Bufan, without the artifact Wuliang Sword, could only be slaughtered.

Unexpectedly, even without the Wuliang Sword, Zhuo Bufan's strength was terrifying.

Only the legendary ten little saints could kill the great saint.

They never thought that Zhuo Bufan was the leader of the ten little saints this time.

"Boy, who are you?"

"You are obviously from the Yang Realm, why are you helping the Void Realm?"

The remaining great saint looked very young.

Although he was full of white hair, he was full of energy.

And he looked muscular and was a war saint who was more proficient in physical skills.

He was indeed a war saint. In this virtual world, he was invincible.

He was also a famous general god in the Great Xu Dynasty.

However, he had the misfortune to meet Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not explain to him at all, but just smiled coldly.

"Haha, it seems that you seem to have made a mistake."

"It's not that I want to help the virtual world, but you guys are bullying too much."

"The mountain people have no grudges against you, they just want to live in peace, but you forcibly broke the peace."

"Di Ting was originally a gentle beast, but you were ruthlessly killed by you."

"And now, you covet the artifact in my hand, and even want to kill me."

"Evil people are always so grand."

"So, I decided to eradicate you evil people."

Zhuo Bufan will not let these people go, not one of them.

When the war saint heard this, he saw that this disaster was inevitable.

He did not retreat, but snorted coldly and stepped forward.

"Just you?"

"Although your magic is good, your physical skills are not up to standard!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Then he appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and suddenly kicked Zhuo Bufan into the sky.

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