Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 959: Counterattack on the War Saint

This war saint, formerly known as Luo Bubai!

He is the general of the Great Xu Dynasty and a famous war god.

It is said that he has absorbed more than a thousand dragon souls, and every punch he throws can shatter a mountain.

It can be said that this guy's fighting power is absolutely terrifying.

The power of one dragon soul is strong enough, let alone a thousand.

He practices the way of divine power.

When the power reaches its peak, it can defeat ten skills with one force.

It can be said that he is the strongest among the seven saints.

When the Fire Saint and Zhuo Bufan fought before, he did not take action.

It was not because he was afraid, but because he deliberately wanted to wait until Zhuo Bufan and the Fire Saint fought to a loss before taking action.

In the final analysis, their goal is still the artifact in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

If he joins hands with the Fire Saint to kill Zhuo Bufan, then he will kill the Fire Saint next.

So, he dares to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

No matter who wins or loses between the two, it will be the most beneficial to him in the end.

This is also Luo Bubai's goal, and now, his goal has been achieved.

He also believed that Zhuo Bufan must have consumed a lot of energy.

So he was very confident in this battle.

"Boy, watch me blow you up with one punch!"

After saying this, Na Luo Bubai rushed towards Zhuo Bufan in the sky again.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan was not good at close combat.

His physical strength was definitely not as good as that of the war saint with the power of a thousand dragons.

However, this did not mean that Zhuo Bufan had no chance of winning.

After Zhuo Bufan was kicked away by the war saint, when he flew to the sky, Zhuo Bufan used all the divine power in his body.

"Since my divine power can only be strengthened, then strengthen it to the peak."

"Remember that palm technique that fell from the sky?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he condensed all his divine power in his palm.

Then he used the palm of life and death again.

This palm was much more terrifying than the previous one.

The boundless divine power merged in the palm, making the vortex in the palm spin faster and faster.

When the speed reached the peak, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and slapped the war saint down.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Zhuo Bufan's palm was aimed at the war saint below, thousands of meters away.

For a moment, the extremely terrifying energy locked the war saint and imprisoned him like a god.


The war saint's soul was locked by Zhuo Bufan's life and death palm, and there was no escape.

"You stinky boy, you dare to lock me, you're looking for death!"

War saint Luo Bubai felt the power of Zhuo Bufan's attack and felt that he might die tragically on the spot like the fire saint.

So Luo Bubai no longer held back, but opened fire at full power.


Only Luo Bubai shouted loudly, and endless spiritual power rose to the sky.


Dragon souls rose from Luo Bubai's body, and more and more dragon souls roamed in the sky.

It felt like the whole world was about to collapse.

"Power of a thousand dragons, destroy it!"

War Saint Luo Bubai condensed the power of a thousand dragons into a punch.

The power of this punch obviously surpassed Zhuo Bufan's palm.

That was the power of a thousand dragon souls, and the power was unimaginable.

The real dragon represents power, and when the power reaches its peak, it can break all laws.

That's why there is a saying that one force can defeat ten skills, and one force can break all laws.

Obviously, this war saint practiced the way of power, and he can be said to be one of the best in this way.

This punch can definitely break the stars in the sky and the mountains.


Thousands of dragon souls gathered into a light spot, with unimaginable terrifying power, rushing straight into the sky.

"So strong!"

Just by feeling it, Zhuo Bufan knew that this was definitely not a trick he could withstand.

Even the Chaos Bell didn't dare to resist it.


Finally, the Life and Death Palm faced the Thousand Dragon Power Fist!

A punch and a palm, at the moment of collision, blasted open the thousands of miles of leaden clouds.

The power was so strong that it almost alarmed half of the virtual world.

"Boy, you are dead."

It is unimaginable that Luo Bubai's fist power has finally reached the point of breaking all methods with one force.

Zhuo Bufan's palm of life and death can't stop his fist at all.

Almost in an instant, Zhuo Bufan's palm of life and death was disintegrated.

Then in the next second, the Thousand Dragons Divine Power Fist broke through the palm of life and death, and pierced through Zhuo Bufan in the sky.

"Go to hell!"

Luo Bubai smiled when he saw this scene.

A smug smile appeared on his face.

Zhuo Bufan, who could not be killed by all the great saints, was finally going to be killed by him.

If Zhuo Bufan was killed, the two artifacts on his body would be his.

This was really wonderful.

Not only did he kill Zhuo Bufan, but no one competed with him for the artifact.

Luo Bubai was waiting for this moment.

Seeing Luo Bubai's Thousand Dragon Power Fist coming towards him.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this was his last chance to turn defeat into victory.

"No choice!"

"In my name..."

At the critical moment, Zhuo Bufan had no choice.

He finally used the power of rules that he had been hiding.

"Reverse reincarnation!"

Reverse reincarnation, the reincarnation rules that Zhuo Bufan understood

Can be reversed at will according to Zhuo Bufan's wishes.

It can be a reversal of cultivation, a reversal of power, or a reversal of roles.

This time, Zhuo Bufan chose to reverse his position with Luo Bubai.

Just when Luo Bubai's Thousand Dragon Power Fist was about to hit Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan launched the power of reversing the rules of reincarnation.

The next second, he and Luo Bubai were wrapped in the power of reincarnation.

Then, the positions of the two changed at that moment.

Luo Bubai was still laughing.

But in the next second, he found that his body was suddenly out of control.

Before he could come to his senses, he immediately found that a huge dragon flew up from under his feet.


"My fist!"

Luo Bubai let out a heart-wrenching cry.

The next second, the dragon fist formed by a thousand dragon souls pierced his body.

Ah ah ah ah!

In a lie of wailing and roaring, Luo Bubai was crushed to ashes by his own fist.

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling, I am unwilling..."

The body disappeared and the soul was exhausted.

Luo Bubai's soul wailed in the air.

He didn't even have the chance to use the death talisman, and was killed by his own fist.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, had a pale face and smiled indifferently.

"Old man, is your own fist powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan watched Luo Bubai being killed by his own fist. Although he also consumed too much energy, it was enough for him to laugh.

"Hehe, hahahaha!"

"Di Ting, I have avenged you, have a good journey!"

Ziyun killed three great saints, and Zhuo Bufan killed four great saints.

The two of them finally eliminated all the great saints.

It was considered revenge for Di Ting.

"Damn it, my spiritual power is exhausted, my divine power is exhausted, and my soul power is exhausted!"

"No, it's no good!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that all his strength was fading.

The next second, his eyes went black, and then he fell heavily from a height of thousands of meters...

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