Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 963 The Mystery of the Moon Goddess (I)

The Moon Goddess was like a father-in-law examining his son-in-law.

He was frantically spying on Zhuo Bufan's secrets.

However, after spying, he unexpectedly found nothing.

"Father God, what are you doing?"

Su Yao, who was standing by, saw this and hurried forward to question.

But Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"Fairy, don't panic. Lord Moon God will not hurt me."

Zhou Yi understood very well. He knew very well what the Moon Goddess was doing.

However, if he wanted to spy on him, the Moon Goddess might not be able to do it.

Sure enough, after a spy.

The Moon Goddess's eyes condensed.

"Who are you, kid? I feel too much chaotic aura on you."

The Moon Goddess found that he could not see through Zhuo Bufan at all.

You know, he is the supreme god of the virtual world. No matter who he is, he can see through all his identities and even all the secrets buried in his heart at a glance.

However, it was too surprising that Zhuo Bufan could not see through him.

The Moon Goddess looked at Zhuo Bufan and her eyes condensed slightly.

"To answer the Moon Goddess, I am Zhuo Bufan. I came here today to ask for a favor."

"I met Fairy Su Yao by chance and learned that you are her father, so I begged the fairy to let me see you."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's answer, the Moon Goddess was a little surprised.

"Zhuo Bufan, where are you from? Which god's disciple?"

The Moon Goddess couldn't figure it out, so she just asked directly.

But Zhuo Bufan answered calmly.

"I am just an ordinary casual cultivator, not worthy of the Moon Goddess's eyes."

"I came here today to ask you to release my friends."


The Moon Goddess was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, the Moon Goddess should still remember that someone spied on your Moon Goddess Palace some time ago."

"In fact, that was when I asked Lord Di Ting of the Mountain People to help find my friends."

"And Lord Di Ting saw that my friends were in your Moon Goddess Palace."

Zhuo Bufan kicked Di Ting directly, just in case the Moon Goddess would never admit it.

However, the Moon God did not deny it, but smiled coldly and snorted.

"I thought it was that beast, it turned out to be the Di Ting who sat under the former mountain god!"

"You are so brave, you actually let Di Ting spy on my palace. Do you believe that I will kill you now?"

The Moon God walked towards Zhuo Bufan step by step.

Su Yao, who was standing aside, immediately stood in front of Zhuo Bufan and blocked him.

"Father God, Mr. Zhuo is my friend, please put away your temper."

This daughter of the Moon God was not afraid of her father.

Seeing this, the Moon God's eyes became colder.

Zhuo Bufan quickly walked around in front of Su Yao and said.

"Don't worry, fairy. Lord Moon God will not make things difficult for a small cultivator like me."

"Lord Moon God is believed by all living things. He is the most true, kind and beautiful being. How could he make things difficult for a small character like me?"

"In my heart, I admire the Moon God very much."

Zhuo Bufan came to negotiate, so of course he had to say good things.

But to the Moon God, it was just flattery.

"Hmph, Yaoyao, this is the friend you made? Not a good person!"

"I can let you and that beast Di Ting go, but I can't let your friend go."

The Moon God waved her sleeves and turned around.


Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

He came to save Xuanyuan Hao and the others. If he couldn't save them, he wouldn't leave.

Su Yao on the side also said quickly.

"Father God, Mr. Zhuo's friends are my friends. If you still care about my daughter, I hope you can let them go."

"If they have offended Father God in the slightest, your daughter Yaoyao is willing to apologize to you for them."

After Su Yao finished speaking, she really knelt down in front of the Moon God.

The Moon God was even more angry when she saw this.

He waved his sleeves, and a gust of wind lifted Su Yao up.

"Hmph, don't you deny me as Father God? Today, you actually begged me for a friend who is not good or not good."

"Are you worthy of being my daughter like this?"

The Moon God was angry and felt that Zhuo Bufan had brainwashed his daughter.

Faced with the accusation of the Moon God, this time Su Yao did not stand up to argue with him, but endured it.

"Father God, I have never said I don't recognize you."

"I just hope that you can become the person you used to be."

"I believe in Mr. Zhuo's character, so I believe in the character of his friends even more."

"They are not bad people, please let them go."

"In other words, if you put forward a condition, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse it."

Su Yao can be said to have done everything for Zhuo Bufan.

This made Zhuo Bufan very moved.

Seeing his daughter like this, the Moon God, who usually loves his daughter the most, softened his heart.

"Enough, Yaoyao, do you know who you are helping?"

"Boy, let me ask you, you said those people are your friends? Is this true?"

The Moon God suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan answered decisively when he heard it.

"It's absolutely true, a life-and-death friendship."

"Humph, a life-and-death friendship. Girl, this guy is full of nonsense, and you still believe him?"

"Do you know who those friends he mentioned are?"

The Moon God said angrily.

Su Yao felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

"What does Father God mean by this?"

"What do you mean? This kid is lying to you. Those guys are not his friends at all."

"Because they are strange demons!"

Su Yao was stunned for a moment by Moon God's words.

"Extraordinary, alien demon?"

What Su Yao hates most in her life is strange demons.

The so-called strange demons are people from the Yang Realm.

Her mother died at the hands of a strange demon.

So Su Yao hates strange demons deeply.

And after she saw Zhuo Bufan kill the three great generals of the strange demons, she looked at Zhuo Bufan in a different light.

But now, the person Zhuo Bufan wants her to help save is a strange demon. How does this make Su Yao deal with herself?

Su Yao slowly turned her head and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Su Yao's doubtful eyes, sighed and said.

"That's right, they, no, to be precise, it's us!"

"None of us are from this world. We come from the true world, from the opposite side of your world."

In the end, Zhuo Bufan could only tell his true origin.

Su Yao looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief and shook her head repeatedly.

"No, you can't be a strange demon. If you are a strange demon, why can't I feel any malice in you?"

"Also, you obviously killed the strange demons, and you were still the three generals of the strange demons."

Su Yao's words surprised the Moon God on the side.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to kill three strange demon generals.

"Yeah, I was an accident. You won't feel any hostility from me."

Zhuo Bufan was indeed an accident.

Although he comes from the real world, the creatures in the virtual world are not hostile to him.

He will not be hostile to virtual world creatures.

And Zhuo Bufan also understood after observing this period of time.

In any world, there are good and bad.

In the past, in his perception, the opposite of the world of cultivation was a world full of turbidity and evil.

All creatures are like Yin beasts, murderous and bloodthirsty.

But now, Zhuo Bufan's attitude has also changed.

Whether it's the Mountain People tribe he met, the Flower People tribe, or the current Su Yao, the Moon God.

Everyone is a good person, they are just fighting to survive.

"If you are willing, I can tell you everything I know."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan decided to tell the truth about the secret of this Taiji world.

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