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Chapter 964 The Mystery of the Moon Goddess (Part 2)

Facing the doubts of Su Yao and Yue Shen, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to tell all the secrets.

"Boy, there's one thing. I really didn't lie to you."

"I really am not from this world. As for why I am different from the strange demons you know, I have no way of explaining it."

"I can tell you everything I know if you will and will bear with me."

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, he stretched out his fingers and drew a huge Tai Chi pattern in the air.

"Master Zhuo, I believe you, just say it!"

"Father God and I are not indifferent people."

Su Yao still believes in Zhuo Bufan until now.

Facing Su Yao's trust, Zhuo Bufan was very moved.

"Well, now I will tell you what the world I know is like."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pointed at the Taiji world painted in front of him.

"As you can see, this is the world you are in, which I call the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the yin fish eye of the anode and said.

"And I'm from here."

Then Zhuo Bufan pointed at the cathode's Yang fish eye and said.

Su Yao on the side showed an incredible look when she saw what Zhuo Bufan said.

She didn't expect that what Zhuo Bufan said was true.

He came from a world completely opposite to theirs.

"Am I right, Lord Luna?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked at Yueshen, then asked with micron eyes.

He knew very well that Luna must know all this.

He is the supreme god of the virtual world. It is impossible that even he does not know the secrets of this world.

Facing Zhuo Bufan, Yueshen frowned deeply and looked at Zhuo Bufan with a strange look.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan actually knew the secret.

"Father God, is everything Mr. Zhuo said true?"

Su Yao obviously doesn't know the relationship between different worlds.

Luna obviously knew something, but there was some reason why he couldn't say it all.

"The Moon God doesn't want to say it, so let me tell you!"

"In fact, before I tell you, there is one very important thing you need to know, and that is the Law of Enemy!"

When Zhuo Bufan said the Law of Enemy, Luna was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Boy, you talk too much. You can't talk any more."

"Do you know that there is a saying called secret? You know that the more secrets you have, the greater the disaster you will endure. Do you want Yaoyao and I to bear the unimaginable disaster?"

"Haha, Lord Moon God. I don't think this is a disaster. I think it is an almost perverted rule of survival."

"As a minor cultivator, I have nothing to fear. Why should Moon God be so nervous?"

Zhuo Bufan knew what Yueshen was afraid of.

But compared to his worries, Su Yao was fearless.

"Master Zhuo, please tell me everything you know. I don't want to live in confusion like my father."

"Girl, you!"

Moon God was slightly angry.

But Su Yao understands the righteousness and is willing to bear the consequences of knowing Tianji.

"Father God, you have told us since we were young. With great power comes great responsibility."

"And responsibility means taking responsibility."

"I have always believed that you are not the kind of person who is willing to die without saving anything. You must bear Yaoyao's unimaginable secrets alone."

"And now, Yaoyao is willing to bear it with you."

"So Father God, tell Yaoyao everything!"

Faced with Su Yao's repeated pleas, Moon God sighed one last time.

"Speak, boy, tell me everything you know."

Finally, Luna agreed with Zhuo Bufan to continue speaking.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and continued.

"The Moon God understands the righteousness well, so I have no scruples in speaking."

"Fairy, the so-called law of hostility is actually a primitive law of the entire world."

"Because of the existence of this law."

"So the real world, the virtual world, the yang world, and the yin world. The lives in these four realms are inherently hostile to the opposing worlds."

"This is why when you see the Yang Realm, that is, the strange demon, you will feel hatred in your heart."

"Believe me, these strange demons you talk about also have this kind of hatred."

Zhuo Bufan told the story about the Law of Enemy.

Su Yao looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief, and then looked at her father.

"Father, is everything Mr. Zhuo said true?"

Facing Su Yao's questioning, Yue Shen nodded helplessly.

"So that's it, it turns out that we are born enemies!"

"No, Fairy Su Yao, you misunderstood."

"No one is a natural enemy, and no one is a born villain."

"In my hometown, there is a saying that all children know: in the beginning, human beings are inherently good."

"I came from the real world, I have been to hell, I have been to the Yang world, and now I have come to your virtual world again."

"In all the lives I have seen, everyone is the same."

"No matter what world you are in, there are good and bad."

"To be honest, before I came to your world, I thought you were all green-faced and fanged devils, evil spirits who eat people without bones."

"But, after I came to this world, I met Ziyun of the Shanren clan and Tingting of the Shanren clan."

"They are all very nice people, sincere and helpful."

"On the contrary, the people in the Yang Realm, who I consider to be human, kill innocent people and commit all kinds of evil. They even want to harm me."

"That's why I killed the three great saints."

Zhuo Bufan told Su Yao everything.

Su Yao also gradually understood that this world was not as simple as she imagined.

"When a person is born, his nature is good! When a person is born, his nature is good!"

"Boy, a good person is born, his nature is good. You see it more clearly than many people."

"Girl, what this boy said is true."

"As you can see, the demons you mentioned are the big world outside our world."

The Moon Goddess pointed to the Tai Chi diagram drawn by Zhuo Bufan and explained to Su Yao.

Su Yao looked at the Tai Chi diagram and fell into deep thought.

Looking at the large white area outside the black circle, she felt anxious.

Compared to the white world, their world was too small, completely surrounded, and completely formed an isolated island.

"Girl, facing their invasion, we can't resist it."

Compared to the Yang Realm, the Void Realm is too weak.

Just like the Cultivation Realm, which is equivalent to the Yin Realm, it is also pitifully small.

However, Emperor Xuan led a group of predecessors to guard the border of the Cultivation Realm.

"Why, why is there such a hateful law?"

Su Yao couldn't figure it out. The Tai Chi diagram looked like such a harmonious picture.

Why does the hostile law of life and death exist?

Indeed, as far as the capture of the extraordinary knows, Tai Chi is the most harmonious pattern in the world.

It itself represents fusion, the unity of heaven and earth, and the return to the one great way.

However, there is such a hostile law that makes people from the two big worlds kill each other.

"Originally, this big world has existed for tens of millions of years, and this balance has not been broken."

"Until, an ambitious man, the Mirror Master, was born in our world!"

The Moon Goddess suddenly sighed, and unconsciously spit out the secrets of hundreds of thousands of years ago...

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