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Chapter 965 The Mystery of the Moon Goddess (Part 3)

The great world of Yin and Yang is what Zhuo Bufan calls the Tai Chi world.

In fact, we have been getting along well since early on.

In that stunning era, whether it was the real world, the virtual world, the yin world, or the yang world.

In every world, there is a clear distinction between black and white, and there is no harm between us and the enemy.

Just practice wholeheartedly, seek transcendence, and ascend to the Great Luotian beyond this world.

Including Lord Luotian's ascension to the Great Luotian, the rule of not violating the rules of the river in all worlds has not been broken.

Until 200,000 years ago, a heaven-defying existence was born in the virtual world, the Mirror Master!

The life of the mirror owner is simply legendary.

At a young age, he obtained the Mountain and Sea Mirror, one of the top ten innate artifacts.

Then he quickly obtained the world tree of the virtual world and became the world god of the virtual world.

It can be said that his life was even more legendary than Zhuo Bufan's now.

The extremely ambitious Mirror Master wants to unify the entire world.

So, he began to develop mirror slaves, and united with the underworld to prepare to attack the world of cultivation.

As long as the true world is destroyed, they can continue to cooperate inside and outside to disintegrate the most powerful Yang world.

However, the mirror owner's conspiracy was ended by a more legendary existence in the Yang Realm.

This legend is Zhuo Bufan's current master, Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan accidentally became the mirror slave of the mirror owner.

However, he was not controlled by the Mirror Master. Instead, he blocked the Mirror Master at the last moment and saved the world of cultivation from crisis.

However, at that time, the underworld had already begun to launch an attack on the real world.

For the sake of the Wanjie Cultivation World, Emperor Xuan chose Jedi Heavenly Power and sealed the entire True World.

And he, leading Bai Di and the others, constantly fought against the army of the underworld, guarding the forbidden wall of the true world.

All of this was only investigated by Zhuo Bufan recently.

This was also the reason why he hurried back to the world of cultivation.

Luna supplements are basically the same.

Su Yao couldn't believe it after hearing the cause and effect.

"It turns out that we started this war first."

Su Yao was not born yet at that time.

She didn't know what happened during the Mirror Chaos Era.

In fact, it was the Hollow that started the war in the first place.

Yangjie was worried that the virtual world was too ambitious, so it finally decided to completely unify the virtual world.

In the Yang realm, you cannot raise tigers to cause trouble.

This is like bandits coming to the city to rob. If the robbery fails, these bandits cannot be let go.

Who knows if they will make a comeback one day.

Just in case, the city residents at the foot of the mountain organized themselves and decided to suppress the bandits. Completely eliminate these troubles.

Therefore, it is not quite possible to say that the Yang Realm invaded the virtual world.

Who made the virtual world break the balance from the beginning.

However, in order to protect the dispute, Yangjie's behavior became more and more extreme.

As Zhuo Bufan sees, not everyone in the virtual world is evil.

The world cannot be destroyed because of one person's mistakes.

Today's virtual world is on the verge of destruction.

They have already paid a heavy price for the mirror owner's actions back then.

"Father God, is it because of atonement that you are unwilling to take action to save this world?"

Su Yao looked at Moon God and said.

"I think Lord Luna must have other reasons!"

Zhuo Bufan confirmed that Moon God was not such an indifferent person.

Luna looked at Zhuo Bufan, and her view of Zhuo Bufan also changed.

Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of person he imagined.

On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan saw a side that many people did not see.

"Hey, now that things have happened, there is nothing to hide."

Moon God finally decided to tell Su Yao and Zhuo Bufan his secret.

The two hurriedly listened carefully and listened to the moon god's difficulties.

"It's because of the Hands-Free Treaty!"

"Hands-binding treaty?"

Zhuo Bufan and Su Yao were stunned, obviously confused.

"It is the hand-binding treaty signed by the three supreme saints of the Yang Realm, together with the seven kings, and me."

"This treaty has only one stipulation. I cannot interfere with their unified behavior in the Yang Realm and the Virtual Realm."

"Otherwise, the seven major kingdom lords will personally lead the expedition and directly carve up the entire virtual world."

It turns out that Luna is not inactive or willing to stand by and watch.

But he had to do it.

The Yang Realm has never aggressively attacked the virtual world, precisely because he signed this hand-binding treaty with the seven kings and the three supreme saints.

If Moon God takes action, maybe tomorrow, the virtual world will be completely destroyed.

Moon God alone can never be the opponent of the seven kings.

Not to mention, there are still three supreme saints in the Yang Realm: Tao, Xuan, and Fa.

This is what Luna has been struggling with all along.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood Moon God.

And Su Yao couldn't help but cover her mouth, her eyes were filled with tears, and she began to shed hot tears.

It turned out that she had misunderstood her father all along.

The moon god will always be the moon god.

He didn't dare to take action because he wanted to protect the virtual world.

Because of the existence of the Hand-Binding Treaty, the seven major kingdom lords did not dare to invade the territory with large armies and sweep across the virtual world.

Otherwise, with the strength of Yang Realm, the virtual world would have been unified long ago.

"Brother, uncle, uncle! Hey!"

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

Among the three sages of the Yang Realm, Jiang Taiyi of the Taoist Sect is his senior brother, Chu Zhongtian of the Dharma Sect is his uncle, and Zhou Yong of the Xuanmen Sect is his uncle.

The three of them were his fellow disciples, but he didn't expect that they would sign such a treaty with the Moon God.

"Father God, why did you agree to them?"

"If you want to die, then die. Why do you want to be humiliated like this?"

"Now, the whole world thinks that you are a god who is afraid of death, and no one believes in you anymore. Why?"

Su Yao hugged the Moon God, holding him in his arms, in pain.

Just like when she was a child.

The Moon God sighed and shook his head.

"Girl, if I can exchange for a longer time in the virtual world, it is already worth it."

"In fact, I am very grateful to the three saints. It was they who proposed the hand-over agreement, which not only constrained me, but also constrained the seven great lords."

"Otherwise, the seven great lords would have completely ruled our virtual world long ago."

The Moon God has her own helplessness.

In fact, when Jiang Taiyi and the other two signed the hand-over agreement with the Moon God, it was actually to give the virtual world a chance to breathe.

The truth of the matter is like this.

The Moon God could not take action because of the hand-over agreement.

So he became the evil god in the mouth of the people in the virtual world.

His faith disappeared, his divine ring dimmed, and his position was about to fall.

"Father God, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

"But, is our virtual world really going to be destroyed?"

Su Yao, who learned the truth, was even more helpless.

I thought that their virtual world would resist to the death and there was still a glimmer of hope.

But after seeing the world map drawn by Zhou Yi, Su Yao realized that the virtual world was completely incomparable to the Yang world.

Destruction is only a matter of time.

"In fact, I can't bear to watch this world destroyed."

"So, for so many years, I have been cultivating my own successor. I hope he can replace me and protect this world."

"He is the last salvation I left for this world!"

"Father God, what do you mean? Are you saying that you passed your divine power to others?"

Su Yao asked in surprise.

Moon God replied.

"That's right. Now, my father, the Moon God, has no faith. The Void World needs to establish a new Supreme God."

"The Faceless Killing God is my gift to this world."

Su Yao was shocked by the Moon God's words.

It turned out that the Faceless Killing God, who had recently become famous, was the successor that the Moon God had been secretly cultivating.

The Moon God passed on his belief in cultivating the gods to the Faceless Killing God.


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