Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 975 Brothers and sisters in previous lives

"Daddy, over there!"

The little girl raised her hand inexplicably and pointed to the east.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Zifan were stunned for a moment.

"Yaya, how do you know?"

"That's it, daddy, go over there!"

Yaya didn't explain, she just kept pointing in that direction.

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any questions. He rode the Abi beast and took Zifan and Yaya with him.

"let's go!"

The Abi beast quickly shuttled through the clouds, and the suspended mountains disappeared behind it.

"Over there, Daddy, we're almost there."

Yaya helped point out the direction along the way, and Zhuo Bufan quickly flew in the direction Yaya pointed.

After nearly dozens of minutes, they finally arrived at a pure and innocent sky.

In front of you is an endless mirror lake, with clouds blowing around you.

In the center of Mirror Lake, there is a flawless white palace.

The palace looked luxurious and filled with a divine brilliance.

"We're here, Daddy, that's it, Auntie, inside!"

When Yaya spoke again, Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned.

"What? Your aunt?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by Gobi.

Zhuo Bufan quickly calculated, isn't Yaya's aunt his sister?

"When did I have a sister?"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously confused.

But he recalled that from the first moment he met Yaya, Yaya had always told Zhuo Bufan that she had an aunt.

This aunt is obviously Zhuo Bufan's biological sister.

Of course, it is definitely not her biological sister in this life, but her previous life.

Zhuo Bufan in the previous life should be Fengjun.

Feng Jun's sister?

Zhuo Bufan plucked up the courage, hugged Yaya and led Bai Zifan towards the holy palace.

When Zhuo Bufan approached the palace, an inexplicable familiar feeling came to his heart.

"What's going on? This smell feels so familiar."

Zhuo Bufan was surprised that he was an acquaintance.

Then, they entered the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, Zhuo Bufan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the center of the palace, there is a huge suspended crystal.

There is actually a person in the crystal.

To be precise, it's a person frozen in ice.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was what this man was wearing.

It was a majestic figure, wearing an airtight elevated cloak.

The whole person was completely wrapped in the golden coat.

Its shoulders are padded high, its shoulder armor is like flying wings, and it looks like a golden bell.

There is a golden mask on the head. On the mask, there are not even holes for eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

This outfit, this look, this aura.

They all represent one person, that is - the Holy Lord!

That's right, the mysterious man in front of him who was frozen in crystal is the Holy Master of Four Seasons Mountains and the Master of Tianyi Sect.

"Aunt, aunt, what's wrong with you, aunt!"

Yaya beside her suddenly pounced on the crystal.

Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately.

"Aunt, girl, you said she is your aunt?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yaya dully.

"Yes, daddy, she is the aunt!"

"Dad, my aunt's breath is so weak. My aunt is going to die. Please save my aunt! Daddy, please save your aunt!"

Yaya suddenly started crying because she felt that the lives of people frozen in the ice were in danger.


Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly used all his spiritual thoughts to feel the breath of the person frozen in the ice.

"not good!"

The next second, Zhuo Bufan shouted that something was wrong.

People in the ice are really dying, even dying, hanging with only their last breath, as if they will die at any time.

"Holy Lord, aunt, sister?"

Zhuo Bufan has not recovered from this complicated relationship for a while.

He didn't have time to think too much and quickly put his hands on the crystal suspended in the air.

"Zifan, take Yaya and retreat, I will break the ice."

Without any time to think, Zhuo Bufan prepared to break the seal.

When Zifan heard this, he hugged Yaya and pushed her aside.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan placed his hands on the crystal, and then he began to mobilize the divine power in his body.

The seal of this crystal was not difficult to break, and soon, Zhuo Bufan's divine power began to pour into it.

Not long after, cracks began to appear in the crystal.

"Click, click, click..."

As the cracks continued to expand, the crystal began to break and peel off.


Finally, the crystal breaks open completely.

The people inside fell out directly.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly caught her.

The moment he fell into his arms, Zhuo Bufan realized that her life was in danger. She didn't even have any strength at all, and she completely collapsed in Zhuo Bufan's arms.

"Holy Lord, Holy Lord!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly put the Holy Lord on the ground.

Then he began to continuously inject his life force into her body.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the Holy Lord's body was already dead, and his heartbeat had even stopped.

She was holding on with only the last bit of her soul.

"Hold on, Holy Lord!"

Zhuo Bufan still called her Holy Master.

Because he was not sure whether this Holy Lord was really his sister.

Looking at the person lying on the ground, Zhuo Bufan, with curiosity, slowly pulled off the hood on the head of the Holy Lord.

When the hood was taken off, Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes.

Yes, this Holy Lord is really a woman.

Unbelievable, Zhuo Bufan simply couldn't believe it.


At this time, Yaya rushed over and threw herself on her aunt.

"Aunt, wake up, aunt!"

Yaya's little hand gently patted her face.

As if sensing Yaya's call, the mysterious Holy Lord in front of her slowly opened his eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she was also stunned.

Because she saw Yaya, saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Yaya, Yaya!"

She recognized it, she recognized Yaya in front of her.

With the last bit of her soul, she insisted on standing up from the ground, and then hugged the little girl in front of her.

"It's really you, Yaya, it's really you!"



At that moment, Yaya and Aunt hugged each other tightly.

Zhuo Bufan, who was standing aside, looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"Yaya, it's really you, so good, Aunt thought she would never see you again."

The Holy Lord hugged Yaya tightly, and Zhuo Bufan, who was standing beside him, had already seen tears.

"Aunt, I brought Dad back, and we are reunited."

Yaya said, looking at Zhuo Bufan on the side.

At this time, the Holy Lord also looked at him.

When the two looked at each other...

"It's you? It's you? It's really you!"

"I guessed right, you are indeed my brother!"

"Brother, do you remember? You finally remember, right? You have understood the soul reading spell, and you remember the memory of your previous life, right?"

She looked at Zhuo Bufan excitedly, and she called Zhuo Bufan brother.

Sure enough, she was Zhuo Bufan's sister in his previous life.

In fact, the Holy Lord had long guessed that Zhuo Bufan might be her brother, because Zhuo Bufan's ability to comprehend spells was as strong as her brother's.

But she was not sure, after all, she didn't know whether her brother was reincarnated, she just suspected it.

So, she kept asking Zhuo Bufan to comprehend the soul-reading spell.

Because the soul-reading spell can make people recall the memories of their previous lives.

This is also the reason why she urged Zhuo Bufan to comprehend the soul-reading spell again and again.

Now, it doesn't matter whether the soul-reading spell is comprehended or not.

Because Yaya can help her confirm that Zhuo Bufan in front of her is the reincarnation of her brother.


The Holy Lord looked at Zhuo Bufan and shouted affectionately.

Seeing the person in front of him crying like a tearful person, Zhuo Bufan's heart almost melted at that moment.

At that moment, he finally shouted out, and shouted out with his heart--



The Holy Lord's pit was filled! From the beginning, it was planned to write a sister for the protagonist. Now this sister has finally come out. The Holy Lord is the protagonist's sister. The reason why the Holy Lord is so kind to the protagonist is because she guesses that the protagonist is her brother. Because she is not sure, she repeatedly asks the protagonist to comprehend the soul-reading spell to restore the memory of the previous life. Of course, up to now, Zhuo Bufan still hasn't comprehended this spell... It's a bit sad later!

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