Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 976 Linglong's Death

Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that he actually had a sister.

Of course, it was his sister in his previous life.

From this sister, Zhuo Bufan slowly learned about his previous life.

In Zhuo Bufan's previous life, his original name was Ji Xuanhao, and he was the last leader of Tianyi Sect.

That's right, it was Ji Xuanhao who founded the Talisman Temple.

He was not only the last leader of Tianyi Sect, but also the first generation leader of the Talisman Temple.

And Ji Xuanhao also had a biological sister named Ji Linglong!

Ji Xuanhao was a peerless genius, and his practice of Tianyi Art could be said to be perfect.

However, later, Ji Xuanhao encountered obstacles in the way of talismans.

In order to go further, he changed his name to Fengxie and became a disciple of Emperor Xuan. This is the origin of Fengxie Fengjun.

After becoming a disciple of Emperor Xuan, Ji Xuanhao met Bai Su, and then he and Bai Su became Taoist partners.

This is the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su in his previous life.

From Linglong, Zhuo Bufan has confirmed that Yaya is the daughter of Bai Su and Ji Xuanhao in the previous life.

As for why Yaya is in the Yang world, and why Ji Xuanhao died and then reincarnated.

There is a mysterious blank period in between, which Ji Linglong does not know.

Perhaps only Bai Su knows about this blank period.

All the mysteries are finally solved. Zhuo Bufan is the reincarnation of Feng Jun.

He is Yaya's father, Bai Su's Taoist partner in the previous life, and Ji Linglong's brother.


"Stop talking, Linglong!"

"Your injuries are too severe. I have to find a way to save you now."

Ji Linglong wanted to continue, but Zhuo Bufan interrupted her.

Zhuo Bufan's life force did not stop at all, and he kept pouring it into Ji Linglong's body.

However, even if Zhuo Bufan injected all his life force into Ji Linglong's body, he could only prolong her life, but could not save her at all.

"Brother, don't waste your energy."

"I know my situation very well. I actually died three years ago. This is just the last trace of my soul and obsession."

Ji Linglong looked at Zhuo Bufan with a haggard look.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan began to become depressed.

Linglong did not lie to him, he could feel it himself.

Linglong's life had already ended.

"Who, who hurt you!"

Zhuo Bufan hugged Linglong and said with gritted teeth.

The tears in the corners of his eyes could not stop falling.

He did not recover his memory, so he did not feel much about Linglong being his sister.

But Zhuo Bufan's heart and soul were extremely entangled and frustrated at this moment.

"It's the demon, the demon came to the temple city."

"I'm sorry, brother, I didn't protect the talisman temple and Tianyi Sect you left behind."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan could guess without asking that it must be the demon who hurt Linglong.

After all, he knew Linglong's strength and definitely had the cultivation of the Great Sage level.

Obviously, the wasteland and the cenotes in the Temple City were left behind after the battle between the demon and Linglong.

Unfortunately, Linglong was no match for the demon in the end.

She was beaten to death by the demon, leaving only the last remnant soul.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill this beast."

When Zhuo Bufan knew that the demon had killed Linglong, his hatred suddenly soared to the sky.

Seeing this, Linglong tightly grasped Zhuo Bufan's hand and shook her head.

"No, don't go. You are not his opponent now, don't be impulsive."

"Brother, Linglong's time is running out, I have something to tell you. Please listen to me patiently."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly calmed down.

The reason why Linglong sealed herself up.

was because she had one last thing to do, which was to unlock Bai Su's seal.

"You are indeed my brother. Sister Su will be very happy if she knows!"

"After she recovered her past life memories, she came to the Holy Land and met me."

"She told me that she betrayed her brother. She got together with a shameless guy."

Bai Su once disappeared in the Holy Land after a fierce battle with Wang Xingbadao.

In fact, she was here during the time she disappeared, with Linglong.

The one she was talking about was none other than Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su had always loved Feng Jun in her heart. When her memory was restored, she knew that Zi Ji had betrayed Feng Jun, and she wanted to die.

This is why she abandoned her two children and disappeared without a trace at that time.

Not only could she not face Zhuo Bufan, she could not face herself, Linglong, and the Feng Jun in her heart.

It can be said that Bai Su's entanglement at that time was absolutely unimaginable to Zhuo Bufan.

"When I learned that Sister Su's Taoist partner in this life was you, I was actually very happy."

"I told Sister Su that you might be my brother's reincarnation. Sister Su half-believed and half-doubted and found you again."

"Later, Wang Xingbadao returned and challenged Sister Su."

"Then, Sister Su found me again, and we planned a self-sealing trick."

"In fact, Wang Xingbadao at that time was no match for Sister Su. However, in order to stimulate your growth and to prove whether you were my brother's reincarnation, Sister Su sealed herself up."

"In this way, she can not only avoid entanglement and escape from the problems between you and your brother. It can also stimulate you and make you stronger as soon as possible."

Linglong told Zhuo Bufan everything.

It turned out that Bai Su's self-sealing was actually a play directed by her.

The purpose was to escape, and at the same time to stimulate Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, Bai Su was willing to believe that Zhuo Bufan was Feng Jun.

If this was true, she would not have to worry about it anymore.

Because this plan was arranged by her and Linglong together.

So they set up such a seal.

And only Linglong could open this seal, and that was all Linglong knew.

Linglong knew that Zhuo Bufan would come here one day.

So she turned her last soul into obsession, and then froze it, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to come.

She wanted to unseal Bai Su with her own hands.

"Brother, give me the seal ball left by Sister Su."

Linglong stretched out her hand and said tremblingly.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan, with tears in his eyes, quickly took out the seal ball that sealed Bai Su and Wang Xingbadao, and then put it in Linglong's hand.

Linglong took the seal ball, and then began to chant a mysterious spell.

Then, her soul began to be injected into the seal ball.

The seal ball began to shine, and the light instantly filled the entire palace.

"Brother, it's great to see you again!"

Linglong finished her last sentence.

The seal ball shattered into dust with a bang, and then two rays of light flew out of the seal ball.

One of the white rays of light fell on the corner of the hall, and a peerless beauty with long hair in a white dress came out.

The other black ray of light fell on the other side, and a terrifying monster with nine heads was born from it - Kuiba!

The seal was unlocked, and Kuiba returned from the seal, and the first thing he did was to look around the surrounding environment.

Wang Xing's domineering transformation of Kuiba saw Zhuo Bufan kneeling on the ground holding a woman.

The woman began to emit countless spirits, and it seemed to be slowly disappearing.

So, Kuiba suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Zhuo Bufan, it's you, you little bastard."

"Who died? Tell me and make me happy!"

Before Kuiba finished speaking, a sword light with unparalleled power suddenly cut through half of the sky.

Kuiba was split in half from the middle on the spot.

"Damn Zhuo Bufan, you, you..."

Kuiba never thought that he would be killed by Zhuo Bufan with a sword until he died.

"Aunt, aunt, don't die, aunt..."

Accompanied by Linglong's body, it continued to disappear. In the palace, only Yaya's hoarse crying was left.


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