In the end, Zhuo Bufan still couldn't save Linglong.

He and Linglong just recognized each other, but he didn't expect that it would be a farewell.

Zhuo Bufan, who had never shed tears until now, shed extremely sad tears.


At this time, a fragrant breeze blew.

Bai Zifan immediately turned around and saw the person coming.

Bai Zifan, who was extremely self-blaming, rushed towards her after seeing the person coming.


At that moment, grievance, self-blame, discomfort, longing, depression...

All kinds of unspeakable emotions poured into Bai Zifan's heart.

Bai Su, is back!

However, as soon as she came back, she encountered a scene of life and death.


Bai Su hugged Bai Zifan tightly. She hadn't seen Zifan for many years.

Bai Zifan now has grown into a young man.


At the same time, Yaya also turned her head and looked at Bai Su.

The moment she saw Bai Su.

Fifty thousand years of longing burst out at once, and she rushed directly to Bai Su.

When Bai Su saw Yaya, she was stunned.

In an instant, Bai Su felt that all the tears in her life flowed into her eyes.

"Yaya, is that you, Yaya?"

Bai Su never thought that she would be able to see Yaya again.

Because she always thought that Yaya was dead.

"Am I dreaming? My child, my Yaya."

Bai Su's mood at this moment was so complicated that it was hard to describe.

The seal was opened, and it was just a sleep for her.

But after waking up from this sleep, the earth-shaking changes in front of her made her a little unbearable.

Linglong, dead!

Yaya, back!

Tears became the only thing that the family could express at this moment.

Bai Su walked barefoot step by step towards Zhuo Bufan, who had his back to her.

She was like a fairy in the dust, so intoxicating.

At this moment, no words could express the family's feelings.

Bai Su just walked towards Zhuo Bufan step by step, then squatted down and hugged him tightly from behind.

Zhuo Bufan hugged Linglong who had disappeared, and Bai Su hugged Zhuo Bufan who had lost his soul.

The family hugged each other tightly.

Recognition, difficult but beautiful.

After paying tribute to Linglong, Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su sat on the steps of the temple and had a long talk.

Bai Su looked at the man next to her who had not seen her for a long time and had become more mature and said.

"Linglong has always told me that you are my brother! I didn't believe it before, but I didn't expect that you would find our child back."

For her, the self-sealed Bai Su was like a dream.

But for Zhuo Bufan, everything he had experienced during this period made him more mature.

He had just lost his sister, and now he had saved Bai Su.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't know what emotion he should use to express his feelings.

He sat on the white steps of the temple and couldn't help falling into Bai Su's arms.

This time, Bai Su did not resist at all.

She could feel the complexity in Zhuo Bufan's heart at this moment.

"Su Su, what should I do?"

"I want to reload the game to save Linglong and save my sister."

Zhuo Bufan has been thinking about this matter for the past two days.

However, his current save is very awkward.

The three saves are the Mirror Well of the Virtual World, the Moon Palace of the Virtual World, and the Mass Grave.

Because Zhuo Bufan accidentally overwrote the second save.

The only save that can save Linglong now is the Mass Grave.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan can only return to the time before Linglong and the demons fought by reloading the Mass Grave.

However, returning to the Mass Grave means that Zhuo Bufan will lose everything and start over.

And even if he starts over again, he may not be able to save Linglong.

So, Zhuo Bufan is struggling, extremely struggling.

Should he reload the game to start over, should he save his sister?

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's tangled appearance, Bai Su held his head with both hands and leaned down.

Their cheeks touched, and the relationship between the two was more intimate than ever before.

"Do as you want! If you really want to start all over again, I will wait for you with the children."

Bai Su is now willing to support Zhuo Bufan unconditionally.

Zhuo Bufan passed her test and unlocked her seal. More importantly, Zhuo Bufan is the Feng Jun she has been thinking about day and night.

After listening to Bai Su's words, Zhuo Bufan calmed down.

If he really started over, he might lose more.

And Zhuo Bufan found that the longer the time interval, the more time sand consumed by reloading the file.

If he really reloaded the "Mass Grave", maybe this would be his last time to reload the file.

He was entangled in all kinds of entanglements, and finally hugged Bai Su's slender waist tightly.

"Su Su, I miss you so much!"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan expressed all his thoughts about Bai Su during this period.

Zhuo Bufan's thoughts about Bai Su are definitely no less than those of the children.

He and Bai Su are Taoist companions, and they have practiced the Yin-Yang He Dao Sutra.

They have already been one heart and one soul.

"I know, I know you miss me. I miss you too, you and the children."

Bai Su held Zhuo Bufan's face and kissed him affectionately.

At that moment, they were like a couple in love, full of infinite yearning for the future.

Zhuo Bufan needed Bai Su to help him fill the pain of losing Linglong.

They sat on the steps of the temple for two or three days.

Zhuo Bufan told Bai Su everything he had experienced during this period.

He went to the demon world and rescued the Green Emperor.

Then his daughter Nian Nian became the Green Emperor's apprentice.

Then he went to hell to save Zifan.

He took every step carefully in hell and became a temple god.

Then he followed the King of Hell to invade the real world, but he made a mistake and ran to the Yang world.

In the Yang world, he met his senior brother and learned the true identity of his master Xuandi. He also met his daughter Yaya.

Later, in order to rush back to the real world, he had to pass through the virtual world and cross the mirror well.

Zhuo Bufan told Bai Su everything he had experienced.

The process was ups and downs. There was pain, laughter, danger and happiness.

Bai Su felt as if she was there.

"Zhuo Lang, what I least expected was that you could find Yaya!"

"I always thought that you took Yaya with you to die together."

"To die together? Susu, can you tell me what happened in my previous life? Why did I die and enter reincarnation?"

Perhaps now, what Zhuo Bufan can't figure out the most is the cause of his death in his previous life.

However, Bai Su shook her head after hearing this.

"I don't know. You left without saying goodbye when I just gave birth to Yaya."

"Later, it was my mother who told me that you were dead."

"I was heartbroken to learn that you and my daughter were dead, and finally I died with you."

"But my father collected my soul and reshaped my body. Then he buried me in Wuzi Mountain."

"When I woke up, my memory was gone and my cultivation was gone."

"It wasn't until I gave birth to Nian Nian that my dusty memories were reopened. That's when I knew that I was Bai Su, the daughter of Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai."

After listening to Bai Su's story, Zhuo Bufan felt a lot.

It turned out that Bai Su committed suicide because of Feng Jun's death.

She didn't know how Feng Jun died at that time.

"He, no, why should I take Yaya away? Why should I leave you without saying goodbye? Was I such a bastard in my previous life?"

Zhuo Bufan could not imagine that Feng Jun in his previous life actually abandoned Bai Su with Yaya after Bai Su gave birth to her.

This behavior is tantamount to being a bastard.

However, after hearing this, Bai Su shook her head again and again.

"No, you left to protect me."

"You never told me what happened specifically. But my father once told me that your death was related to the Queen of Yin!"

"Queen of Yin?"

"Yes, the Lord of the Underworld, the Queen of Yin!"


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