Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1211 Working together, there are no enemies

"Uncle Bajie is more powerful!"

"Bajie, uncle" Ye Chen was strangled. Push the machinery into the gutter.

Xiaobaicai suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I decided to be a pilot when I grow up!"

Li Anjiao was more ambitious: "I not only want to drive a machine, but also want to learn to make a machine with my dad!" She didn't know that this was not a weapon, she couldn't just "chain".

Xiaocai brainstormed: "Then can you help me make the most beautiful and powerful mecha?"

Li Anjiao was very angry, "I want to make two, you are one of mine, my name is'big green pepper', and your name is'big cabbage'!"

Xiaobaicai looked forward to the future: "We sisters work together, open green pepper and big cabbage, and there will be no enemies in the world!"

Li Anjiao saw the three nannies laughing, and the flowers shook, and said beautifully: "I also gave Aunt Zhu, Aunt Cao, and Aunt Liu a big maica, Aunt Liu is called Willow, Aunt Cao is called Big Vanilla, and Aunt Zhu is called Aunt Zhu." "

Juhua sister Jiao Heng, quickly covered her mouth: "I won't say it! "

Li Anjiao was very interesting to jump over her and continue to think about the future: "Mom and aunt also have, and then our whole family will drive to the grassland to race who runs faster!" Xiuzhen-the day when the world's first F1 Formula race will be grandly opened is not far away.

Xiao Baicai added: "By the way, catch the rabbit!"

Ye Chen's head was sweating coldly, thinking that if he was not chased by a group of robots, he might as well find a tree to kill.

The seeds of dreams took root in this way, and in the future, the two founding ancestors of the "Pingzong" of the world have determined the direction of the future since then.

Not long after Ye Chen, the air suddenly blew up the devil's wind, and the little moon child came down immediately. Eyes swept across a camping place of Ye Chen, his eyes suddenly lit up, and hurried to the bushes to pick up a shell, holding it in his palm and looking at it carefully.

"This thing seems to have been seen in the Big Wind Valley." The little moon boy suddenly exposed the color of insight, and hurriedly took a road: "Good thief son, it turns out that the murderer who killed Sister Kamikaze is you!" "New grudges and old grudges will spare you! "Back in the Wuxing Village in the evening, Ye Chen and Li An Xiaobai talked about today's travel experience. The two girls were envious. Tomorrow it was their turn to take care of the children, and they planned to go on an outing.

The hotter the weather, the more leisure activities in summer Ye Chen naturally thought of sunrise, and planned to take his family to see the beautiful scenery of the Moon Shadow Mountain. The two little girls heard that they forgot to worry about the spring. It was a real big hot spring, and it would bubble. They immediately increased their interest and strongly demanded to go to the hot spring. In fact, this kind of activity is more suitable in winter, but children like Ye Chen had no choice but to agree to the two baby daughters to go to the hot spring.

"She visited her old friend Princess Yumian, who was very sensible. She could take our daughter away. "

The little green face had an incomprehensible color: "Nu Jia or avoid it, and have nothing to say to Yuan Hongyu. "

Xiao Bai smiled and said that she was a mother, and she was very small. "Why does the woman hate white people and rich people?"

Li An was very stubborn on this issue: "Soaking in hot springs is good in Baihu Mountain, the volcanic hot springs are famous, and it is very close to home. "She is also a native female demon.

Ye Chen has a more exciting play: "By the way, build an observation deck on the top of the compass. Whether you are climbing the mountain to watch the sunrise, there is a good place to rest. Build a wooden house and go skiing in the mountains with green peppers and cabbage in winter." The snow scenery in Baihu Mountain in winter is very good. This is a natural ski resort.

Xiao Bai proposed an idea: "Let Gan Zi help too. That person can build a star-watching tower for one person. He is a good hand at moving bricks and tiles. ”

I will talk about tomorrow's activities and today's homework.

Yin Jianxian visited the White Tiger Palace and handed over the last few materials of "Purgatory Phantom" to Jin Liren.

The phantom requires the use of a large number of French arrays, most of which he can handle, but he has not yet learned how to pass through walls, through forests, diving, etc. So, after leaving the White Tiger House, he hurried to Guo Chenzhu. Learn from the people above.

The five elements are all binary arrays, but they are the product of the five elements principle, which is different from the Tiangang soil chaos, etc.

The word "escape" has many interpretations, which is the meaning of shortcuts in escape. Taking shortcuts in the environment requires some methods to fight against the environment, which is why the five elements are derived from each other.

After explaining the principles of the five elements avoidance technique, the Earth Real Person began to draw an array map for him to see, with a sentence in his mouth.

"The five elements of gold overcome wood, and wood is through the forest art. "White Tiger Array + Tianlong Array = Wood Duck Array.

"The five elements of water can resist fire, and fire can escape in fire. "Black turtle + vermilion bird = flame-dodge.

"Five elements of earth, the earth can swim in the soil. "Blue dragon array + hook array array = suspicious array

"Five elements of fire and gold, the wall of gold cannot be blocked. "Vermilion bird + white tiger = golden duck.

"Five elements of earth and water, water can walk in the sea. "Fishhook array + black turtle array = water avoidance array

Ye Chen wrote down the secret with full concentration, took a photo of the painting process with his mobile phone, and chatted with the real earth for a while before leaving home.

Chen Ju, who was unhooked, Ye Chen reminded Li An, who woke up in the morning, of his suggestion to temporarily change the schedule and give the new summer clothes to his daughters to sew. Anyway, it was still early, and it was not bad to learn two swordsmen by the way.

This is also the midsummer season of the year. Today's daffodils are dressed particularly cool and bold. Miniskirts and black silk suspenders are absolutely charming. A pair of flawless jade legs are wrapped in thin fishnets and stockings, and the ice and snow skin is woven into a loom. Just like a sexy goddess coming to the earth!

Ye Chen's eyes are straight, and the dynamic water lock god reluctantly resists the charm of the beautician.

"The teacher is beautiful, I really want to take it as a souvenir."

Narcissus still said childishly: "Tell the master, how was this photo taken?"

"Let's start with the camera."

Listening to Ye Chen explain the great principle of photography, the beautician smiled and said: "It's not difficult, look at the teacher's method!" Made a plate of clear water, took Ye Chen's hand and walked to the front, suddenly grabbed his waist, leaned his face against his chest, and stuck to his posture.

Ye Chen was frightened, and before he could savor the taste of the warm soft jade embrace, but the water dish of Narcissus sprayed a chill, which would be frozen into an ice cup, and the image of the two people snuggling in the ice cup would be preserved on ice like a photo.

Ye Chen shouted: "The Taoist master is very smart, and the students appreciate it, but there are other functions in the civilized world."

Then using the advantages of photography and video, various functions facilitate various light and shadow effects, etc. When Narcissus heard him go crazy, he grabbed his hand and urged him. "Take these photography tools as a teacher!"

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "I'm not with him, but I gave one to Mr. Jin before." Mobile phones can also shoot, but the effect is not as good as professional camera lenses.

Narcissus rushed out like a gust of wind, and came back after a while, with a gloomy face.

Ye Chen smiled and asked, "Can I borrow it?"

The Narcissus couple shook their heads and said angrily, "After being demolished, you can't go back for a while-this brother Jin is really a bad family!"

Ye Chen thought it was right, things are not open to the research hand, that is, the so-called teacher Jin? Smiling and comforting her, "Next time I come back, I will bring a new, hand-held beautiful and sexy photo of the teacher."

Narcissus's face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and he was specifically told, "Don't let Brother Jin see you, otherwise he will take you away again!"

Ye Chen naturally agreed.

Although he did not keep the "fashion show" permanently with the camera, when she was attracted to the mood, she was still in a dark mood, and taught Ye Chen to turn the sword into a trick, that is, the skill of turning the shadow into a shadow.

The so-called "shadow art" is actually similar to Ye Chen's previous "split light" research. The two are collectively called "split light and shadow". They all split an idea and a flying knife, but unlike the sword light, the sword shadow is not just the thoughts of those who are engaged in swordsmanship. There is also a silk sword god, whose shape is exactly the same as the body of the original flying sword. Although the number of divisions is not as large as that of sword lanterns, its power is far more durable than that of sword lanterns. It can be used to constantly pursue enemies or send messages to distant relatives and friends-the latter is the most commonly used "shadow art", commonly known as "flying sword biography".

The so-called "flying sword book", that is, the flying sword or sword shadow is entrusted with a thought containing information, and the distance of transmission cannot exceed the maximum range of the flying sword for distant friends. "Flying Sword Biography" usually uses sword shadows to convey information, and rarely uses the original body of the flying sword, unless there are a large number of flying swords-if there are no swords available, it will be embarrassing to encounter a temporary battle.

Ye Chen had learned the flying sword biography before, but this was the first time to move with sword shadows. Under the patient guidance of Narcissus, it took two hours to master this skill and let it play freely. It is not difficult to separate a sword shadow to convey information, but the difficulty is to separate multiple swords and send different messages to different people, which is much more technical than "mail group".

Ye Chen practiced using his family as the recipient. So, Li An, Xiao Bai, three handsome maids, and even his son Joey were all harassed by his mail on the same night, replying one letter after another. Ye Chen was just practicing how to receive the "Flying Sword Transmission". At this time, he only had Li An and three generals swinging swords, but the quality was too impetuous, and there was nothing to say except that the range was too long, and it was usually embarrassing to come out to fight, and it was specially used to send letters. The two baby daughters asked the nanny to take the message, and Xiao Bai did not need to put the sword directly in so far, which was a great job, and even Narcissus gave her wonderful brain waves, and didn't know how she could do such a situation.

Unfortunately, the range of the sword without a shadow is less than three kilometers, and the distance of the book is also very limited. Fortunately, after adding the armored wooden gang wind to double the range, connecting the sky of the compass city and the Xiaoyao cave is still not a problem.

After the fencing class, Ye Chen got up and said goodbye.

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