Chapter 13

Park Si-joon let out a long breath.

It was dangerous and tense to catch three players alone.

But it was worth the risk.

[A magical essence is watching you.][The hunter of the valley shows interest in you.][Phalaenopsis dream is looking at you.]

A message from the behind-the-scenes appeared before my eyes.

The masterminds search the trial arena, looking for players with the potential to sign them.

In a word, Park Si-joon liked those behind the scenes.

‘If it is the essence of magic, it is an attack magic type, if it is a hunter in the valley, it is an archer type, and Phalaenopsis… … .’

The mastermind in charge of stealth and assassination.

He was also famous for not making a contract offer to some extent.

Do you notice such a background?

‘Should I be happy, right? I feel strange, strange.’

It seems that Park Si-jun showed interest by using his stealth skill.

Since the number of people watching has increased, you have to show a proper performance.

‘Presence detection.’

Park Si-jun focused his mind for a moment.

Then I felt the presence of those nearby.

Monsters, examinees, and hidden supervisors.

‘It’s a very useful effect than I thought.’

Thanks to the presence detection, he was able to know the location of the monsters and examinees, and was able to successfully hunt them.

How do you deal with a surprise attack by hiding in advance?

“Ah, no. Hwaseong-sama, please…”

Like Si-Jun Park, there were people who got the opportunity, and there were those who lost it.

He looked down at Kim Kyung-ho, who was lying on the floor and moaning.

[The lord of the arena is furious.][The Lord of the Arena has disappointed you.]

“Please! Give me one more chance…!”

Kim Kyung-ho cried out sadly.

Players cannot fight without the power of the hinterland. Therefore, as far as the background was concerned, it was a completely unintentional situation.

[The arena lord scoffs at you for feeling no value.][The arena lord withdraws his power from you. The related attributes have been lost.]

“Ouch, ah ah ah ah!”

Because you can cancel the contract like that.

In the case of a formal contract, the contract cannot be arbitrarily terminated even if it is behind the scenes, but in the case of a temporary contract, it is a different story.

Literally, the contract can be terminated at any time by the mastermind.

“No no!”

Kim Kyung-ho felt the power draining away.

I wanted to stop it somehow, but there was no way.


He couldn’t stand the shock and passed out.

[The arena lord stares at you.]

And a message appeared in front of Park Si-joon. Now the four behind-the-scenes are watching him.

‘This is very burdensome.’

Park Si-jun sighed and looked around.

There were many trainees worth hunting. And there were places to go.

‘But the sign… … .’

Park Si-jun tilted his head.

I don’t know why, but I feel a presence through the wall. No, more precisely, inside the wall.

‘Is there a separate space inside the wall?’

something bothers me

Park Si-joon moved slowly, paying attention to the presence in the wall.

* * *

Park Si-jun hunted down all the students he met. After moving for such a long time, he stopped at one point.

“The presence has disappeared around here.”

Park Si-jun looked around. A sign has disappeared over the wall here.

‘You mean you went through the wall?’

All sides are just plain walls. There is no such thing as a device to press anything.

Park Si-joon touched the wall for nothing and started knocking.

thump, thump.

Then something like an empty sound came out.

‘This looks like an empty space… … .’

thud! thud! Park Si-joon continued to knock on the wall, finding a place where the sound was particularly loud.

And he pushed it with all his might.


Then the wall roared and pushed.

Beyond it was a dark passage.

‘What else is this passage?’

Park Si-jun sensed the presence.

There were several signs in the passage, and they were going out.

And on the inside of it.

‘There is something.’

There was one particularly strong, gigantic sign.

A size that is clearly different from other landmarks. what is this

He had nothing to worry about.

‘Boss monster.’

If you follow this passage, will you be able to find the hidden boss monster?

‘There’s nothing wrong with trying it out.’

Park Si-jun stepped across the aisle.

[I wonder how Phalaenopsis dream found the passage.][The hunter of the valley shows interest in you.]

In the corner of my field of vision, messages from the behind-the-scenes kept popping up.

I’ve found a passage that I can’t normally find, so that’s the way to go.

‘How far do you have to walk?’

How long have you been walking through a dark passage? The feeling I was feeling grew stronger.

‘This time he’s a little bigger.’

That was all I could guess.

Park Si-jun moved his steps while nervous. And finally the end of the passage was visible.

Outside the passage was a very wide cavity. As soon as I entered there, I heard the sound of an animal.

A low, thick, creepy sound.

It was a gigantic monster standing in the middle of the cavity that made the sound.


Park Si-joon spit out a curse inside.

A monster learned at the training camp.


A monster with overwhelming strength and stamina.

It was a monster that was strong enough to catch a gold-ranked player.

‘Catch this?’

Putting those monsters on the license test.

It was to the extent that the organizers felt the malice of not even thinking of catching them.

‘… No, no.’

Park Si-jun calmed his embarrassment. Common sense couldn’t have left the ogres here.

It must have been a monster made out of a golem in the first place. Then there is a possibility that he made it weaker than a real ogre.

If so, it’s worth a look.

‘Where is the weakness… … .’

Weakness detection has been triggered.

Then I saw the ogre’s knees shining brightly. It’s like asking me to attack you here.

‘I’m just staring straight ahead… … .’

The ogre was only looking straight ahead.

Except for the secret passage through which Park Si-jun passed, that entrance seemed to be the only entrance.

The reason I’m only looking over there is probably because I’ve built an AI so that the golem only looks at that door.

‘Is the raid possible?’

He was in a dark, shadowy place. It was a place where the activation conditions for the stealth skill were met.

‘Hunting fast.’

Park Si-jun moved while hiding in the shadows.

The distance narrows quickly. The ogre, staring blankly in front of him, did not notice his presence.

‘I have a suitable skill.’

An ogre’s legs were seen in front.

Park Si-joon grabbed his sword and unleashed his magical powers. A shadow clings to his whole body and to the blade.


The shadow was injecting an unknown power into Park Si-joon’s body.

His hands trembled because of the strength he had gathered to the limit.

He took a breath and swung his sword wide.

Get a card!

fatal assault. A powerful blow struck the ogre’s right knee.

The blade with shadows cut through half of her knee, which was harder than steel.

– Whoo, whoo, whoo?!

The ogre staggered.

One of his legs was almost cut in half, so there’s no way he’d be able to balance.

‘The other side too!’

Park Si-jun was about to continue the attack. However, the ogre was not an easy opponent either.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

As the ogre roared, he quickly turned around. Then he lifted the club he was holding in his hand.

The monster’s arms expanded to its fullest.

The guy who had gathered enough strength lowered his club towards Park Si-joon.

Boo Woong!

A club that rips through the wind and flies away. If you get hit by that attack, you’ll be knocked down in one hit.

Park Si-jun stepped back.


A stick that strikes the ground. The cavity rang loudly.

Park Si-joon widened the distance with him and took out his bow.

‘Knowledge is sufficient.’

Park Si-jun pulled the protesters and fired arrows.

– Whoa… … !

The target is the ogre’s left knee.

It was the first bow I was dealing with today, but thanks to the skill effect of Assassin Lord, I was able to handle it easily.

But since it was my first time writing it, I was a little clumsy. Although there was an embodied experience, it was not because Park Si-joon himself wrote it.

He replaced clumsiness with speed.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

A continuous arrow of arrows attacked the ogre. The sharp arrowhead pierced the flesh.


The ogre, unable to withstand the relentless attack on his knees, fell to his knees.

If you are moving, now is your chance. Park Si-jun spurted the ground and narrowed his distance.

– Whoa!

The ogre’s club aimed at him.(Read more @

However, it was not difficult to avoid as the attack was swung while the lower body was fixed.

Park Si-Jun avoids the approaching club and turns wide and digs into the ogre’s side.

And he swung his sword with all his might.

‘Stick, and.’


A blade that cuts right through his side.

and vertical cuts.

Park Si-jun grabbed the handle of the sword in reverse and lowered it down.

A long cut was carved on the ogre’s side.

– Whoa, whoa!

The ogre wielded his left arm as if in a frenzy, but there was no way he would fall victim to such an attack.

As Park Si-jun lightly dodged, his fist slammed down on the pitiful ground. He climbed on top of his fists slammed to the ground.

– Whoa?!

And it ran right on his arm.

The ogre swung his left arm wildly to shake it off, but Si-Jun Park threw it away with a surprising sense of balance.

He finally stood on the ogre’s shoulder.

– Whoa, whoa?

The ogre looked at him blankly.

Park Si-jun raised his sword.

“What you looking at?”

A blow that accurately strikes the ogre’s head.

The ogre, which had taken more damage than the set limit, finally stopped working and fell slowly.

Koo! The cavity rang loudly.

Park Si-joon, who had jumped before that, landed on the ground.

“This is enough to pass.”

They caught enough monsters and examinees, and even dealt with the one and only boss monster. Success seems to be enough.

The question is whether you can get 1st place or not.

‘Think of Han Jung-hyeon in the neighborhood.’

You need to earn more points here.

If possible, I wanted to deal with the candidates who could get caught in the ankle in advance.

‘Lee Min-ah.’

There was no one other than her who could become a stumbling block for Park Si-joon in this examination room. She has to deal with her.

He checked the presence of those around him.

There are no signs left nearby. However, there was one big sign that was approaching.


Park Si-jun frowned.

alone In order to get to this place on a regular basis, you would have to go around a long way.

He immediately hid his body and waited.

After a while someone appeared.

“I definitely felt a sense of urgency…”

A familiar voice and appearance.

It was Lee Min-ah.

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