Chapter 14

The Player License Examination Center was both a test site for prospective players and a hunting site for scouts.

When the player market is frozen like these days, it is not easy to recruit established players.

Therefore, they are targeting new recruits that are relatively easy to recruit and have a low price.

“Hey, this…”

The waiting room where such scouts gathered was noisy. Their eyes were fixed on the screen.

On the screen, the images of the two exam halls flowed out, and a score bar was displayed on top of them.

It was a score with each trainee’s points written on it.

Of course, Han Jung-hyun’s name was written on the top.

And to my surprise, right below it was Park Si-Jun’s name.

“Han Joong-hyun, aren’t you going to be reversed?”


Han Jung-hyun’s point is 378.

Park Si-joon scored 372 points.

He was such a small difference that it would not be strange if he was caught up at any time.

“Han Joong-hyun, wasn’t the writing second place?”

“Yes. 1st place was Park Si-jun.”

“What the hell is that guy? Was he such a great guy? Why is he doing that all of a sudden? There’s no backstory?”

The change has already happened once.

No one thought that Han Jung-hyun would lose first place in the written test.

He was the one who never missed the chief. Who would have thought he would be in second place?

What’s even more surprising is that something that has happened once may happen again.

“If Han Joong-hyun gets 2nd place in actual practice…”

“…Hey, be quiet. I look at you.”

The scout looked up and bit his mouth.

The waiting room where they were, above that was a separate waiting room for VIPs.

It was a special place that only scouts of the selected player guild could enter.

“…I’m annoyed.”

There was a couple of men and women. A long-haired beauty with a beautiful but rough impression and a man with a rather docile face.

It was Kim Hye-yoon, a scout and player of Yeokcheon, and Oh Seung-woo, who also belonged to Yeokcheon.

“It seems that these children are ignoring our Junghyun now, is it my fault?”

She asked Oh Seung-woo, who was sitting next to her, in a voice mixed with irritation.

“It’s not because of the mood, it’s actually.”

“At times like this, say no. Huh?”

“You can’t cover the sky with your palm.”

Seeing Oh Seung-woo smiling brightly made me angry, but Kim Hye-yoon held it in.

“Wow, is that such a great guy?”

“Potential F grade. There is no background, but it is said that they use characteristics and skills. They say they completely smashed the raw steel material.”

“The mastermind, the mastermind… Does that make sense? Did you ask your mastermind? He said he uses a sword. Didn’t the arena lord give you a temporary contract?”

“I asked, but no. According to what he said, there would be no background in the contract at all.”

Hyeyoon Kim put a cigarette in her mouth and chewed her filter.

“I don’t understand. Does it mean that you use swords, use magic, and do bows without a background? It sounds like you’re using stealth skills. That’s the power of Phalaenopsis Dream.”

“The Phalaenopsis dream is the reason behind the inability to offer contracts. If they had signed a contract, it would have been a big topic.”

“Write, if only I had more time…”

Kim Hye-yoon sighed heavily.

Right now, Yeokcheon was preparing for a large-scale subjugation, so there was no time to worry about it.

If I had more time, I would have researched in detail.

“I was so proud of it, and Han Joong-hyun was nothing.”

They spoke to the two as if someone were provoking them. It was Lee Do-won and Gong Ah-young of Yeokcheon.

Kim Hye-yoon, who turned her head, wrinkled her impression as if she had seen something she could not see.

She said, “Are you here too? Nothing to do?”

“You’re working right now. The job of a scout is to recruit players, what else is there?”

“The skinny ones have only their mouths alive. Hey, did Joonghyun ignore you now? Your princess is in third place, third place. Does that make sense?”

“It feels different from second place to third place and first place to second place. Isn’t it?”

Kim Hye-yoon and Lee Do-won growled as soon as they saw them.

It is because Yeokcheon and Nemesis are not good guilds with each other, but apart from that, the reason the two are close to each other was bigger.

“You’re still number one, idiot! Do you think that difference will close? You can’t narrow it down for the rest of your life! It’s stupid.”

“I wish I could do something like biting that mop or something. Heh, look at that.”

Lee Do-won sighed and pointed to the screen.

In the wide passageway, I saw Park Si-joon standing alone blankly.

“What, that bastard. What are you doing over there?”

“Writing… Hmm?”

Park Si-jun suddenly fumbled for the wall and pushed the wall as hard as he could. Then, to my surprise, the wall opened.

“What is that passage?”

“A passage used for maintenance of the test site. It’s kind of like a shortcut… How did you find that one?”

Do-won Lee checked the map of the test site.

If you go down that road, you will arrive at the common area where the boss monster of that dungeon is.

A deep smile crept on his lips.

“Gong Ah-young. Did that man accidentally find that passage or did he find it?”

“How do I know that?”

But the surprise is not over yet.

Park Si-joon walked around the complicated maintenance aisle like his own house and found a cavity.

Do-won Lee exclaimed.

“It’s amazing. It’s like you know the way.”

He wanted to ask the owner of the Wuhan library, the adult behind him, what he thought. He’s probably watching too.

“That’s, uh…”

Kim Hye-yoon bit her lip.

She finds a hidden maintenance aisle, and she walks around it as if she knew the way.

Is that just a mere coincidence? No, it was clear that there was something capable.

‘The problem is that he has no background.’

A player without a background is using traits and skills. If this is known outside, it will literally turn over.

“Ogre. It’s a tricky monster.”

“They made it weak to match the level of the test taker. Still, a normal test taker wouldn’t be able to catch it.”

Park Si-jun, who came out jointly, started the battle.

The opponent is an ogre golem. Of course, it is weaker than a real ogre, but still a strong monster.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

“Huh, grab that one?”

Kim Hye-yoon watched the battle in silence.

A surprise attack through stealth, powerful magic, and rapid fire that is unbelievable for a trainee.


– Crumple… …

Up to the amazing swordsmanship.

It was incredibly versatile. Is that possible? to the point of being suspicious.

Next came greed.

‘I want to see.’

Even now, it’s like that, but what will happen if I sign a contract with the background and grow with the help of Yeokcheon? How great can a player be?

I had a desire to recruit and nurture such players.


Oh Seung-woo whispered into her ear.

“Are we going to investigate? It’s well worth recruiting.”

“I know. Ha, I have no choice but to admit.”

Kim Hye-yoon’s eyes fluttered as she looked at the screen.

Her eyes covet her talent. She began to burn with the will to recruit Park Si-jun.

“Let’s just wait a little longer.”

The ogre fell.

Hana Park Si-joon’s battle is not over yet. Lee Min-ah. She is going in jointly.

“Aren’t we supposed to watch the princess they love to fall?”

Lee Do-won’s face hardened.

A smirk appeared on Kim Hye-yoon’s lips when she saw it.

* * *

Lee Min-ah joined together.

As she looked around, she saw a fallen ogre in her eyes.


She frowned at her.

An ogre different from the monsters I’ve seen so far.

Unless I was an idiot, I could have guessed that that was the boss monster in this test room.

But the ogre has already been dealt with.

‘Someone caught it first. Who the hell?’

Lee Min-ah thought of someone who could catch an ogre.

First of all, Han Jung-hyun. No, he’s not in the same group.

unless he

‘Maybe Park Si-Jun?’

None of the students in the same group came to mind.

Lee Min-ah bit her lip. She was going to widen the points gap, but she’s going to do it the other way around.


And there was someone watching her like that.

‘I think he came from Jeonggongbeop.’

It was Park Si-jun.

He hid himself in her shadow and watched Lee Min-ah’s movements.

‘What should I do?’

Her mind was full of worries.

Would it be better to deal with Lee Min-ah, or would it be better to let her pass?

‘He’s the only one to be on the lookout for in this exam room.’

Han Joong-hyun is at another test site.

Then just deal with that guy.

‘There are no obstacles to raising points.’

The conclusion came quickly.

Besides, there were other reasons to deal with her.

[Phalaenopsis dream wants to feed the swordsman.][Phalaenopsis wants to deal with that woman.][Phalaenopsis dream promised a reward in return.]

A little while ago, the hinterland, Phalaenopsis dream was particularly noisy.

‘They say that there is a background that is not good for each other.’

It seems that statement was true.

Not bad anyway. Park Si-jun moved slowly.

“To earn points without boss monsters…”

Lee Min-ah is wearing an ogre for nothing. It’s a look she hasn’t given up on yet.

‘Blade Sharp.’

Park Si-jun’s sword became sharper.


Then, her Park Si-joon narrowed the distance between her and her. The effect of stealth was hiding his presence more effectively.

‘Fatal ambush. It will be processed at once.’

The distance narrowed in an instant.

A hazy shadow covered Park Si-joon’s body. He approached Lee Min-ah’s back without a sound or a sign.



and a blow.

The sword passed through Lee Min-ah’s left arm. Her arms were electrified, drooping under her attack.

Park Si-jun frowned.

‘I was going to aim for the head.’

Whether it was luck or intuition, Lee Min-ah twisted her body to avoid her attack.

She hurriedly distanced herself to see who was attacking her.

“Park Si-jun!”

Seeing Si-Jun Park’s face, she grinded her teeth.

“It’s a surprise, cowardly!”

Park Si-jun snorted as he brushed off his sword.

“You’re a coward in a fight, where are you?”

Then he stepped back and widened the distance.

“Why did you come to find the ogre?”

Lee Min-ah was wary of him as she grabbed her sword.

Her left arm was paralyzed by the suit. You won’t be able to move for a while.

It was a disadvantage before even fighting.

“But what about this? I caught the ogre.”

Park Si-joon, who spread the distance, raised his bow.

“And you too, I’ll catch you.”

Before Lee Min-ah could do anything, her arrow flew like her lightning.


It wasn’t that the arrow was fast.

He hung the arrow on the string and the process of shooting it, it was unbelievably fast.



He hit the flying arrow, but that wasn’t the end of it.

More arrows are flying.

Meanwhile, Park Si-jun’s magic continued.


As Lee Min-ah tried to step back, her feet collapsed.

The muddy ground gripped her ankles.

She hurriedly withdrew her foot, but the restrictions on her actions could not be helped.

‘What a fighting method like this!'(Read more @

I want to use my skills, but I don’t even have time to do that. This was the first fight like this.

“It can’t be like this…!”

Either way, Park Si-joon pushed on without even giving a break.

After shooting arrows one after another, he grabbed the sword and rushed towards Lee Min-ah.

She clenched her teeth and counterattacked.

‘Maehwa Swordsmanship.’

The tip of Lee Min-ah’s sword shook for a moment, so she created several phantom swords.

The swords smelling plum blossoms aimed at the vital point of revenge. However.


Too slow.

With the body of Lee Min-ah, who had become devastated, she could not fight back properly.

Park Si-jun took a deep breath as he watched the flying phantom sword.


There was a dark red energy in the sword.

He swung his feet forward and swung his sword as hard as he could.

‘With this kind of attack, my plum sword technique… … !’

Unlike the plum sword technique, a simple swing without any technique. It was an attack that had to be ignored.

But it was strong because it was simple.

Get a card!


Park Si-joon’s sword, moving forward, cut the phantom swords in one shot. Phantom swords scattered like glass shattered.

Lee Min-ah’s eyes filled with astonishment.

‘First, close the distance.’

Park Si-joon’s attack is not over yet.

He quickly closed the distance with Lee Min-ah. Then, something was scattered in her eyes as she was about to strike back.


it was sand Lee Min-ah grabbed her eyes and stepped back from her.

Her like that, her Park Si-jun chased after her like a lightning bolt and kicked her in the shin.


Lee Min-ah’s posture was disturbed. Meanwhile, she tried to counterattack.

But she was of no use. Park Si-jun turned his body and grabbed the wrist that held her sword with his armpits.


Lee Min-ah struggled to get out of her.

But before that, there was little magic in Park Si-joon’s grasp.



Chain Lightning.

A blue light, which was completed quickly, was wrapped around her hand and shot at Lee Min-ah.

‘I can’t avoid this.’

The magic that was written right in front of you.

It was an unavoidable blow.

Electricity ran through her suit.

“Ugh, ah ah ah ah!”

A huge shock hit Lee Min-ah’s body and shook her.

The suit that took damage beyond the set limit began to paralyze her body.

Pass, black smoke rose.


Lee Min-ah groaned and collapsed.

“Whoa, ha…”

It was an overwhelming victory for Park Si-jun.

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