Chapter 243

“Look, bro! I made this in just one day…!”

Kim Baek-kyung was delighted and showed her items.

[State Resistance Necklace (B+)]

It is a necklace made of a material imbued with magical power. It has the power to resist status abnormalities.

-Magical Defense +171

-Status Abnormality Resistance +45

-Increased recovery speed from status ailments

– Wear limit: Strength 300, Dexterity 200

-Required Level: None

a small necklace The grade is B+ grade.

It has status ailment resistance and has a fairly high magic resistance.

“Not bad. You made it in one day?”

“To be precise, it took about 6 hours to make. I made it light enough to loosen my hands.”

“Hmm, hmm.”

Park Si-jun looked around the necklace.

It really wasn’t bad. Although it is a B+ grade, the level is high and the options are good. If put on the market, it could be disposed of for billions of dollars.

“Is the option selected well compared to the grade?”

“That’s it. I was surprised too. The items were picked much better than usual…”

Kim Baek-kyung burst out laughing at her.

“With this hammer, it seems that items using rare materials can be extracted with better quality.”

“Have you not taken the test yet?”

“Yep, if only hyung would give me permission, I’ll go to the studio right now and work all night long…”

Kim Baek-kyung’s eyes twinkled. Looking at you with those eyes, I couldn’t say anything.

“You write while I’m here. If you need anything, I’ll go to the workshop.”

“Yep! Oh, I’m going to work after eating, but will you ever use a hammer for a while? Then I’ll leave it to my brother.”

“Uh, leave it to me. If there is a workshop later, I’ll have Ishimi send it to me.”

“I understand, bro. Thank you!”

Kim Baek-kyung liked it and left with a smile.

If you go like that, you will rot in the workshop for a few more days. Being canned by yourself, what’s so good about it?

“He’s a weirdo.”

He was chosen by himself, but he was an oddball.

Park Si-jun buried his back deeply in the chair. There was a glove on his desk.

King’s Gloves.

“The attack power is 300.”

Park Si-jun tried on his gloves.

There was a sandbag that I had brought in advance in the corner of the room. It was a very sturdy sandbag made of special material.

He got up and slowly took a stance.



He stretched out his right fist vigorously. At the same time, the left fist enters the punching bag.


His punching bag slammed loudly when the fist touched it.


It exploded with a loud noise.

The part where the fist touched was crushed as if it had been pressed with a grinder, and the supplements inside poured out.

Park Si-jun lightly brushed his fist.

‘Performance has actually improved.’

It was the power of reinforcement.

Park Si-jun thought as he summoned the Magi soldiers and cleaned the messy interior.

‘This level of performance improvement is well worth the enhancement of other equipment. the problem is… … .’

It was the price.

It took close to 150,000 coins to make the Gwonwang’s Gloves up to +11.

He cannot strengthen all the equipment he uses. There he has to select only what he must do.

“Is the Holy Relic also strengthened?”

Park Si-jun took out the Gallaria.

He put it on the anvil and swung the hammer. He didn’t hit it, he just picked it up.

If you hit it, it will be strengthened, but if you hold it, you can only check the cost. I thought I’d just check to see if it would be reinforced. Then, perhaps

[Enhances Galaria (Holy). 100,000 coins are consumed as an enhancement cost.]

“This is it.”

A reinforcement message appeared in front of me.

It was surprising that it was strengthened, and the insane cost was also surprising. does this make sense

‘I’ll get better, I’ll get better.’

I thought the coin consumption was too much for drawing, but the reinforcement was more than that.

It was a wise choice to give up while thinking about implementing reinforcement in the past.

Even if it was implemented then, it would not have been used properly.

“It can also be a book on the other side.”

Literally anything could be strengthened.

Which of these would be best to strengthen? I thought about it for a while. The answer came quickly.

‘Anonymous sword.’

Now, the attack power of the unknown sword is 300. How much attack power will increase if this is strengthened?

I was naturally looking forward to it.

[Improves the Unknown Sword (S). 10,000 coins will be consumed as an enhancement cost.]

“Why are you eating 10,000 coins again?”

Park Si-jun tapped his sword with his finger.

Still, this is worth a try.

When the cooldown of the strong luck skill is over, you should upgrade it immediately.


With cash now, I could afford it, but the more I earned with coins, the more I felt it was scarce.

Park Si-jun got up from his seat.

‘Let’s cook for now.’

I need to make a preserve or something.

* * *

And the next day.

Strangers came to the guild hideout. That number alone is 154. They came for an interview.

One of them, Dongwoo Jo, waited in the waiting room.


It’s not the first time I’ve been to an interview, so I was nervous.

This guild, Gifted, is not a large guild. Rather a small guild. There aren’t many players, and it’s not very famous.

‘Common sense doesn’t have much merit. Why do you have to come out and apply for a broadcasting station like me? … ‘

The field he applied for was the video part of the guild.

What the team members in the video part of the guild were doing was filming and editing scenes where the players belonging to the guild were active as a team.

He applied for the team leader, so he will play a role in planning various contents there.

‘In addition to the launch of new programs at the full-length broadcasting station operated by the Hasung Group.’

Pay was also higher than that of PDs with similar careers. So was the other part.

In addition to that, it even allows you to launch any program you want related to the player.

There was absolutely no reason to refuse.

“Now I’m a star PD, heh heh…”

A smile escaped from Jo Dong-woo’s mouth.

Just as mukbangs or overseas cooking shows were popular at one time, these days, player-related programs are in vogue.

Especially programs featuring famous players.

‘The Gifted Guild is not very famous, but Park Si-Jun is different. If you use this well.’

You can become a star PD unconditionally. Cho Dong-woo inflated his dream.

“Uh, uh…”

A woman came into his eyes.

‘Park Min-ah, why is she here?’

It was PD Park Min-ah, who once worked under him at the same broadcasting station.

Because she was a new PD, she was very accustomed to teaching the job. Then he suddenly resigned.

“Hey, Park Min-ah!”

“Huh! Nu, who. Uh, stand, senior.”

Park Min-ah looked around in surprise.

His face was bright blue because he was quite nervous.

“Why did you come here? Are you sure you came here to apply too? No?”

“Yes? Uh, that’s right…”

“Hey, Arthur. What kind of new PD come here. You’re going to fall anyway, so don’t waste your time?”

“Uh, uh…”

Park Min-ah bit her lips.

“I’m going to try…”


Dongwoo Cho clicked his tongue.

The treatment and conditions here are similar to those of the best guilds in Korea, so many people with good careers also applied.

What is the probability that Park Min-ah can beat them?

there was no

“Well, do it yourself. I told you not to waste time because I thought I wouldn’t be able to get it anyway.”

“Go, thank you… Me, the bathroom…”

Park Min-ah covered her mouth and she ran to the bathroom.

I was so nervous that I felt sick to my stomach.

“The future is bright, bright.”

Jo Dong-woo laughed at Park Min-ah running away.

* * *

And it was time for the interview.


In a spacious room, there were Park Si-joon, Cheong-seong, and five applicants who came for an interview.

Among them were Jo Dong-woo and Park Min-ah.

“These people are the last in the video division.”

Cheongseong whispered into Park Sijun’s ear. He looked at the applicants without a word.

That too for over 30 minutes.

‘what? Why don’t you say anything?’

‘Don’t you like me?’

I felt that the applicants were perplexed.

He thought he would just look around and interview one by one, but it wasn’t.

Park Si-jun didn’t say anything. I just take turns looking at people.

‘Are you dissatisfied with something? If you’re going to have an interview, see it, or just send it back.’

‘The people who came out first had strange expressions on their faces, was it because of this?’

All of the people who came out of the interview had uneasy faces.

I asked why, was it like this?



A long silence passed in the room.

Jo Dong-woo bit his lip.

‘What are we going to do? If you’re going to do it, do it, and if you don’t like it, just let it go.’

He once participated in making a successful big program for a terrestrial broadcasting station.

He had worked in the broadcasting industry for a long time before that. On the other hand, the other applicants here… … .

‘They’re all nothing to look at.’

There were people who were new PDs at all, and there were those who didn’t have any special careers.

“Uh, uh uh… Whoops.”

There’s even a guy who trembles like Park Min-ah. I can’t choose these people.

Cho Dong-woo had such convictions.

“How long do I have to wait?”

I acted on that conviction.

The long silence was broken. The other interviewers looked at Dongwoo Jo in surprise.

But Park Si-jun didn’t even move.

“I’ve been doing this for almost 30 minutes after coming in, you want to ask us something…”

No answer came back.

In fact, it is absurd to ask for something like this in an interview situation.

However, the fact that this guild is a small guild, his career, and the thought that this situation itself does not make sense, etc.

Several reasons moved Dongwoo Jo.

“I’m sorry. Our guild leader didn’t say anything when he was thinking… guild chief.”

Cheongseong whispered into Park Sijun’s ear.(Read more @

“Huh? Uh, why?”

“Now slowly…”

“Oh, um. I’m sorry. Just thinking about it.”

Park Si-jun looked at Cho Dong-woo and the other interviewees and bowed his head. He raised his head again.

The still eyes met Dongwoo Jo.


Dongwoo Cho took a deep breath.

It’s a look that doesn’t show any emotion. But when his eyes met, his body trembled by itself.

I was terrified without knowing it.

‘Yo, he’s the most famous player these days.’

A sense of power and intimidation that even the player, not himself, can feel at a glance. And it’s hard to say… … .

‘… charisma?’

It felt like that.

While Jo Dong-woo was thinking like that, Park Si-joon had a conversation with Cheong-seong.

“Did they say it was the last time?”

“Yes, on the video side, yes.”

“Then I think we can just announce the results of the video interview right here, how about it? It’s better than having us wait for the results for nothing.”

“Do whatever you feel comfortable with.”

Cho Dong-woo was taken aback by Cheong-seong and Park Si-joon’s questions and answers. This is not some kind of part-time job interview.

‘Well, that’s fine. It would be nice if the results came out right away.’

Dongwoo Cho thought positively.

I thought it was good because I didn’t have to be dazed until the result was better.

And he was himself.

‘You’re going to pick me anyway.’

Park Si-jun looked at the people in turn.

It may be because of his mood, but he looked at himself the longest. Maybe it was because he liked it.

Dongwoo Jo thought so.

“Then I’ll tell you the results right now.”

Park Si-jun slowly raised his finger.

His fingers move. Dongwoo Cho swallowed his saliva.

And the finger that moved like that… …

“Congratulations, Minah Park.”

He pointed to Park Min-ah.


Jo Dong-woo was very upset. His mouth was wide open in surprise.

“…Huh? Yes?”

Park Min-ah did the same.

She alternately looked at Park Si-jun and his fingers, and later realized that it was pointing to herself.

“I, me?”

Park Min-ah pointed to herself and asked.

Park Si-jun slowly nodded his head.

“Yes, you.”

Park Min-ah’s mouth was wide open.

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