Chapter 244

Dongwoo Jo was confused. So did others.

In particular, Park Min-ah was on the verge of fainting. Because she never thought in the slightest that she would be chosen by herself.

“Me, me, me?”

“Yes, that one.”

Park Si-joon answered as if it was insignificant.

“The other team members will send it off after a while, so please go to the waiting room and wait. Cheongseong.”

“Yes. Come on, let’s go outside.”

“Oh, yes, yes.”

Cheongseong took Minah Park and went outside.

Jo Dong-woo looked at the back with a blank expression. But for a moment, his face was distorted.

“You’re choosing that girl?!”

shouted out a roar.

There was silence in the room. It was such a loud shout that even those waiting outside could hear it.

Park Si-jun looked at Jo Dong-woo quietly.

“He’s a guy with no experience! You’re using someone who’s never made a single program?”

“I picked it up for use, did I just pick it up?”


Dongwoo Jo burst out laughing.

“Isn’t this a hack? Oh, that’s right. They know each other, so they picked it up by networking…”

Jo Dong-woo swallowed his breath without speaking.

“Did you pick it through your personal network?”

Park Si-joon’s eyes became even colder.

The magic that flowed from him hovered around Dongwoo Jo. breathing became difficult.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him and I. But why did I choose him?”

Park Si-jun shrugged his shoulders.

“Because Park Min-ah is more talented than you.”


Dongwoo Jo gasped.

do you have any talent When he was his junior, he was a half penny who couldn’t do it properly.

But Park Si-jun was sincere.

“I chose him because I thought he was more talented than Jo Dong-woo and had a lot of potential for growth.”

“What nonsense…”

“Does it make sense or not?”

Park Si-jun gestured. Then two men appeared silently from the corner of the room.

They wrapped their arms around Dongwoo Jo’s shoulders.

“You’ll find out if you watch it. Treat me with respect.”

Dongwoo Jo was dragged away.

Park Si-jun watched it. quietly.

* * *

And the interview is over.

At first, I was going to select about 10 people, but there were a lot of good people, so I selected more than I thought.

A total of 30 people were selected.

“Um… well, that’s enough.”

First of all, the managers who will support the players belonging to the guild. They will assist or schedule the guild members’ hunting, and some will move together.

‘And the finance and distribution team.’

They will be in charge of the preservation ceremony and Kim Baek-kyung’s workshop. They were the ones who would collaborate with Ha Seo-rin while they were making their own products and away from work.

‘Next is the filming team.’

They use specially made drones to film what the guild members are hunting.

Players can use the system’s broadcast to film their hunts. However, it is worse than a person with professional skills to shoot.

‘Finally the editing and planning team.’

They will properly edit what the film crew took and upload it to Viewtube.

In addition, he will be in charge of content planning. This is because the video of Park Si-jun and The Gifted Guild was going to be broadcast to the broadcasting station.

“I was especially careful when pulling out…”

Park Si-jun was also concerned about the interviews in other departments, but among them, he paid particular attention to the broadcasting side.

The reason was simple.

‘It might be an opportunity to promote the seeds of interest.’

Character growth has virtually stopped.

The number of Viewtube subscribers increased and the number of views also increased. However, the character did not develop.

Something needs to change. to grow character.

“It might be an opportunity for change.”

Park Si-jun looked at Park Min-ah’s picture.

[Park Minah][Disposition] Weakness


1. Atmospheric Chronic (S)

2. Glass mentality (A)

3. I need experience (A)

4. I like cute things (A)

I remembered her talent that I had seen during the interview.

The atmospheric chronicity meant that she had outstanding talents for jobs such as broadcasting planning and directing.

She just needs time to unleash her talent. A very long time.

“Fortunately, there is a way to do it quickly.”

A talent that requires experience.

It was explained that if you allow her to gain experience in areas related to her own talents, she will grow rapidly.

‘The problem is that the mentality is like glass… … ‘

Even the slightest stimulation breaks the mentality.

Therefore, he would not be able to gain experience, and he would not be able to express his talents.

But, as always, there was a way.

Park Si-jun called.


“Oh, it’s me.”

The opponent was Hatherin.

“You said you had a broadcasting station in your group.”

[Yeah, there’s one that works pretty well. Why, do you want me to put it in a variety show?]

“Why am I doing such a troublesome thing?”

[I guess so. I must have been surprised.]

There was no way a man named Park Si-jun could do such a thing.

Among the players, there were those who went around the entertainment industry to raise awareness and shoot advertisements.

But he didn’t have to.

[Ah, come to think of it, what happened last time… Our broadcasting station asked me to play that view tube video… … .]

“Yeah, players launch quests and dungeon breaking programs and play them.”

[That’s right. In the case of famous guilds, if you do that, you will see quite a lot of people. There is a lot of inflow into that view tube.]

It was a win-win for each other, so there was no reason not to.

[But, uhm. Didn’t your guild have an editorial team or something like that? I didn’t have a hand, so I entrusted it to our people.]

“So this time I picked it.”

[As if I was pulling a doll on the way… … .]

Hatherine was absurd.

Others would say that he spends money without a plan, but Si-Jun Park’s case was different.

[Yes, the money will overflow anyway. What is your salary?]

“Since they are all talented people, we made it in billions. We decided to give more if we get better results there. We decided after consulting here and there.”

[That is… … . Well, I don’t care.]

Hatherine sighed.

[Once we sent preservation food samples to several guilds. I am sending a purchase request from a place that has confirmed the effect.]

“A status abnormality or something like that?”

[Yes, the most popular is introspection.]

There are many undeveloped backcountry in the Abyss.

In the past, there were people who bought preserved food related to tolerance from Park Si-jun and went to such a remote place.

Did they hit the big jackpot this time? So, more and more people are interested in this.

[Is poison or something like that possible?]

“Oh, I’m just going to keep increasing it.”

[This level of buff cannot be made with potions. To explore the backcountry, you must buy your preserves. I don’t have a choice… … .]

“Is this actually a monopoly?”

Ha Serin didn’t answer, but she was nothing but affirmative.

“Okay,” she said. “I heard you’re making a profit here and there, looking at who you’re selling to.”

[Uhm, look at the liver.]

More and more people want to preserve food.

Hatherin was taking advantage of that demand.

“So, I have something I want to ask you…”

Her own relationship with Serin Ha is a give-and-take relationship. Now that you have given it, it is time to receive it.

“Educate some of the employees I’ve chosen.”


“Yeah, especially the new PD…”

Park Si-jun looked at the picture in front of him.

“It’s called Park Min-ah. I wish I could roll it a little harder in a Spartan way.”

[Well, I don’t care. Are you okay?]

Hatherin asked worriedly. She asks you to roll it, so she just rolls it as she says.

Her question is, can she stand it?

She said, “She’ll hold up.”


Park Si-jun swallowed the back words.

* * *

The newly recruited employees are scheduled to go to work from next week. Park Si-joon first checked the players sent by Cheong-seong.


Three men in front of me.

Ahn Joo-hoon, a skinny man with a cold impression. On the contrary, the muscular Jeon Sang-hyun.

Lastly, Sejin Lee, who looks like she’s just going to high school and doesn’t speak much.

“Well, it’s different.”

They were all unique, so I didn’t think there would be any confusion.

“Nice to meet you. I was supposed to join my guild… I came here because I wanted to, or was it?”

“I am willing to come!”

Jeon Sang-hyun raised his hand.

“I said that I wanted to come because it didn’t seem to fit well with where I was before!”

“I hope it’s a wise choice.”

“Yes! I’m confident in using my body!”

Park Si-jun confirmed Jeon Sang-hyun’s talent.

[Jeon Sang-hyun][ALIGNMENT] Fiery person


1. Strong Shield (B+)

2. Innate physical condition (B)

3. High-blooded (B+)

‘It’s a tank.’

He was a tank without a second look.

He was good at handling shields and was in good physical condition, so he was perfect for standing as a tank in the front.

“That one…”

“…I don’t really care.”

Sejin Lee answered quietly.

It was a voice that seemed to have just passed through a period of transformation.

“I know how to use… some magic.”

He said he made a contract with the magical essence, so he must be.

[Lee Sejin][Disposition] A person who thinks deeply


1. Quick Thinking (A)

2. Magical Talent (B+)

3. Indifference (A)

Thanks to his talent for quick thinking, he was able to chant magic faster.

There was also something called magical talent, and he was literally a wizard. It’s not bad.

“And that one…”

“I use a bow. I like the settlement ratio.”

Ahn Joo-hoon just said that and closed his mouth.

Even when he was on the hound’s side, he was told that he had many problems with his communication skills.(Read more @

[Ahn Joo-hoon][Disposition] A person like ice


1. Archer (A+)

2. Heartless (A)

3. Innate Musculoskeletal (B+)

Park Si-joon’s eyes widened slightly.

It’s an A+ talent. He was described as having a talent like a ghost in archery.

‘It’s interesting.’

He wanted to see his skills for once.

‘I like the talent that all three have. The combination is right.’

Joo-Hoon Ahn signed a contract with the Valley Hunter, Sang-Hyeon Jeon with the arena king, and Se-Jin Lee with the essence of magic.

Somehow, I came up with a well-balanced combination.

“Are these people?”

“Uh, your comrades.”

Hyerim Choi, who was beside her, asked.

“The managers are going to go to work from next week. Some of you will follow you, so if you need anything, tell them.”


“I’m also going to shoot for a TV show…”

“Do I have to?”

Hyerim Choi had a reluctant look.

“I have to. I’m going too.”

“…the guild leader?”

She widened her eyes as if surprised.

“Yeah, well, we’ll be working on the same team, so we’ll be close. If you don’t like it, don’t.”

Siha Yoon, who was watching from nearby, came and started talking to her new guild members.

it is self-introduction.

These guys have already been trained elsewhere, so there’s no need to teach them from scratch.

“For now, because I’m with Siha noona…”

There was something in Park Si-joon’s eyes.

“…Move. I’ve got some business to do.”

He left the others and headed into the house.

And to his own room. It felt like there was a faint sign in it.

opened the door

“You still look like a ghost.”

Unsurprisingly, there was Han Go-woon inside.

“I will. I came here hiding like a ghost, but I guess I came here because I have something to say?”

“Yes, this is information you will like.”

Han Go-woon smiled and took out his tablet PC.

“The board of directors of the association made contact with the villains. Among them…”

Han Go-woon paused for a moment.

“There is Han Min-hyuk.”

It was information worthy of moxibustion.

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