Chapter 43

At the sudden application for a match, the atmosphere around them also became confused.

“Why do I have to do that?”

Park Si-joon was confused for a moment, but quickly became bored.

He fights against Korea and China, so he has something to gain.

“You and I will have similar results at the training camp. It wouldn’t be strange if either of them took the lead.”


“If you win, I will voluntarily leave the training camp immediately.”


It was a bombshell statement.

“Come on, you’re leaving voluntarily? Aren’t you crazy?”

“Junghyun-ah, you…”


Shin Yun-woo looked at Han Joong-hyun with surprised eyes. Lee Hyuk-ho had an interesting look.

And Lee Min-ah.

She was staring at Park Si-jun with complicated eyes.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I’ll write a memorandum if you want. Seriously.”

“No, I will finish the training camp in a little while, so why?”

I had no choice but to ask such a question.

But Han Jung-hyun did not answer.

“What should I walk?”

“How you became stronger.”

Han Jung-hyun’s eyes gleamed with desire.

“Tell me how I became strong without a background.”

Park Si-jun was silent.

It means that I want you to teach me about the monster of addiction.


A deep smile crept on his lips.

It was a really stupid suggestion. Even if he found out how Park Si-joon became stronger, it was a method that he couldn’t follow.

‘But there’s no need to do it, right?’

There is nothing harmful to Park Si-joon, but there is nothing beneficial either.

If Han Jung-hyeon is released, he will definitely be able to take first place.

‘I’ll buy that guy’s resentment instead.’

I don’t mind Han Jung-hyun, but his background is a bit annoying. From the association’s director to the executive director of Yeokcheon.

‘Do I need to buy a grudge?’

Either way, both scores will be the same.

He’s been trying to be a senior so far, but he doesn’t want to be as far as taking a big risk.

Because the second seat reward is also great.


Park Si-jun tried to refuse.

By the way.

[The monster of addiction offers a deal.]

An unexpected message appeared.

‘What, why are you… … .’

After the license exam, he didn’t answer even if I talked to him.

He was the first to speak.

[The monster of Tamdog wants you to defeat Han Joong-hyeon and become the chief.]


Park Si-jun asked, but there was no answer. He didn’t even expect it.

[I promise to give you a reward that will satisfy you.]

reward. Park Si-joon is satisfied.

His brow narrowed.


Until a little while ago, there was no need or reason to fight Han Jung-hyun. But now it wasn’t.

“… Good.”

The character of reading addiction has always rewarded Park Si-joon more than expected.

It will be the same this time.

There was no reason to decline the offer.

“Let’s see who wins.”

It was a very sweet suggestion.

* * *


empty waiting room.

In a small room in the auditorium, Park Si-jun was alone with his eyes closed.

‘It’s not as advantageous.’

The thought that came to mind was Dalian.

It was an offer he had nothing to lose, so he accepted. But it wasn’t that easy. It may be difficult.

‘That child must have been preparing for a long time.’

From the time Han Jung-hyun heard that there was a matchup event, he must have prepared a match with Park Si-joon.

‘Because I have confidence, I’ll bet on such a condition.’

On the other hand, what about Park Si-jun? He made no preparations.

Because he had no intention of participating in this Dalian event in the first place.

“Han Jung-hyun. A fair judge.’

In terms of games, it’s a paladin job, a kind of tank.

The problem is that Han Joong-hyun’s potential is grade A.

He will obviously have high abilities, and so will his traits.

‘He must have a high attack power.’

If it is grade A, it must be a talent that a fair judge cherishes.

No one knew what kind of trait he was sponsored, and how much proficiency he would have acquired for that trait.

‘The web novel stack is… … .’

about nine. It was not long enough to acquire new characteristics.

I couldn’t help it. I didn’t have enough time because I paid attention to the view tube management to raise the grade of the seeds of interest.

‘Is it just that you have to win with what you have now.’

Park Si-jun opened the status window.

[Name] Park Si-Jun

[Level] 15

[Title] Successor

[Background] None


Strength: 71.6 Agility: 53.2

Stamina: 47.8 Intellect: 59.1

Remaining points: 0

[Talent] Reading Reading, Swordsmanship (C+), Heart of Magic (B), Assassin Lord (C+), Dungeon Search (C+), Intuition (B), Seed of Interest (F)

If you consider the stats added as a percentage to those stats, the stats are the same as or higher than that of Han Jung-hyun.

‘Assassin Lord should be considered virtually non-existent.’

All you can use is the Samjae Swordsmanship, the Magic Heart, and the Bow.

Park Si-jun thought carefully about how to fight as he recalled Han Joong-hyun’s fighting style.

[Quest has arrived from Gilcheon.]

A lot of messages popped up today.

The quest, too, had arrived from Gilcheon.


Park Si-joon looked at the quest window that immediately appeared.

[Quest: Heaven and Earth.]

Recall the sentence of a swordsman who has been trained for a thousand years, and gain enlightenment in the fight against a powerful enemy.

-Reward: Attribute upgrade.


It was a long awaited reward.

Previously, when the rank of the Magic Heart was increased, the quest received, there was also a reward called Attribute Upgrade.

‘If you break this quest, the level of Samjae Swordsmanship rises.’

If there is one curious thing, why is it popping up now?

The level of immersion has been built up enough. However, the talent was not promoted, and we had to wait until the time came.

‘Are there any more conditions for the promotion of a characteristic?’

First, immersion must reach a certain level.

Second, it must be specific.

‘These two conditions that can be guessed now are the end.’

The problem was the second condition.

specific situation.

What the hell is that situation, and under what circumstances does the quest come out? I didn’t know at all.

‘Is it still a good opportunity?’

Park Si-jun clenched his fist.

He has one more reason to fight the Korean-Chinese Hyun.

“Are you well prepared?”

Lee Min-ah carefully opened the door and entered.

“How’s the situation outside?”

“The battle is in full swing. You and Han Joong-hyun were assigned last turn.”

“I know. It’s a highlight, this is it.”

Lee Min-ah handed a tablet PC to Park Si-joon, who was kicking his tongue. There was a Viewtube live broadcast.

“Here, here’s what the stage looks like.”

“What kind of person…why are there so many cameras?”

“It seems that Director Han Jae-hyuk has hired people from the broadcasting station in advance. He probably wants to promote Han Joong-hyun properly.”

On the stage of the large auditorium, trainees were fighting, and many people were watching.

Senior players, broadcasters, and spectators. Literally all kinds of people paid attention to Dalian.


Park Si-joon’s eyes gleamed as he pondered the words.

‘Wait, this is also a broadcasting related activity.’

If you raise the broadcast rating of a seed of interest, you must engage in broadcast-related activities.

The broadcast will also include a live broadcast.

‘It means you can accumulate awareness points. Then, if we beat Han Joong-hyun here… … .’

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

TV live broadcasting has a different ripple effect than internet broadcasting. The number of viewers will also be incomparably large.

“Are you confident?”

“I have to say that even if I don’t have confidence, what are you going to do?”

“Han Jung-hyun is a versatile paladin.”

Lee Min-ah continued her words slowly.

“He can use a variety of holy magic, including buff magic, attack magic, and healing magic. I’ve heard that the fair judge is very pleased.”

“I’m sure you’ve received the traits with confidence.”

“Yes. It is a style that leads melee combat using various characteristics and excellent physical abilities. But…”

She glanced at Park Si-jun’s sword.

“Swordsmanship is lacking compared to other things.”

“Weapon proficiency is falling, but push with buff sucks?”

“I wouldn’t have felt the need to practice more than that.”

If you have learned various characteristics, you need time to increase your proficiency. He valued other characteristics more than swordsmanship and raised his proficiency.

“Thanks for the advice. I don’t know why you’re helping me like this.”

“Think of it as a reward for your hard work.”

Lee Min-ah replied as if it was nothing.


The egg floating around Park Si-jun vibrated. He ate magic and slept for a while, and now he seems to have woken up.

“Just one more favor. Have some of this.”

“It’s the egg I got from that dungeon. It won’t break, right?”

“It doesn’t break. It doesn’t break even if it falls on the floor.”

“I fell to the floor, Park Si-jun…”

Lee Min-ah’s eyes became cold. She thought that Park Si-joon dropped her eggs on purpose.

“What do you say to me that Ji fell while sleeping?”

“…I’m in a known state, but is there such a thing as a self?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything about that egg.”

Park Si-jun said that and got up from his seat. He was thinking of doing some simple stretching before the match.



As he tried to leave, the egg vibrated violently. And a huge amount of magic flowed from him.

[The Suspicious Egg has transmitted magic to you.]

That magic was transmitted to Park Si-jun through the line.

Then a strange message appeared.

[You have received the blessing of a suspicious egg. Temporarily increases all stats and increases mana.]

“What else is this?”

Park Si-jun felt a surge of power. In fact, when I opened the status window, I could see that the ability had increased.

“…what the hell did you do?”

He asked Al, but there was no answer.

There was no way to return an answer.

* * *

Time passed quickly.

After the other trainees’ battles were over, it was time for Park Si-Jun and Han Jung-Hyun’s match-up.

‘There are so many people.’

Park Si-jun glanced inside the stage.

The audience was full of people. Not only that, but many cameras were filming the stage.

“It’s bitter, it’s dirty.”

Park Si-jun moved around as if his tights were uncomfortable. These are the equipments used during the license test.

‘It’s not like I’m not getting injured.’

Weapons and armor made of special materials.

When attacked, they absorb the shock and paralyze the area instead.


Park Si-jun looked down at his hands.

A gift from Al, who will be in Lee Min-ah’s arms now.

I don’t know exactly how much it has risen, but my abilities have improved quite a bit.

‘All stats +11%, intelligence +7%. Blessings there.’

Even if Han Jung-hyun gets a buff, it would be worth trying.

-Park Si-jun and Han Jung-hyun trainees, who are in the next Dalian sequence, please come to the stage.(Read more @

Finally, it was Park Si-joon’s turn.

He took a deep breath and stepped out of the tent.

“…It’s Park Si-jun.”

“I said I was doing well as a trainee, and it was true.”

“Heh, yes, I’m a trainee.”

“If you were just a trainee, would the behind-the-scenes pay attention?”

I heard the crowds in the audience murmur.

Park Si-joon slowly climbed up the stage. The same was true of Han Joong-hyun, who was opposite him.



The two stood on the stage almost at the same time and looked at each other.

“Isn’t the feeling new?”

Han Joong-hyun glanced around the stage.

“This is the place where the awakening ceremony was held. This is where I got an A grade, and you got an F grade.”

“So what.”

“At the time, I didn’t know it was going to be like this.”

He smiled bitterly and swung his sword.

“I never thought that I would lose first place on the exam, or that I would fall behind you throughout the curriculum.”

“How does it feel to get your foot caught by a stone you ignore?”

Park Si-joon intentionally provokes.

Han Jung-hyun closed his eyes as if thinking about something and distorted his expression.

“It’s so fucking disgusting.”

Park Si-joon’s eyes narrowed.

This was the first time Han Joong-hyun spit out swear words.

“I can’t understand this situation. The fact that F grades are better than me, that Lee Min-ah only cares about you, and that I’m in such a predicament are everything!”

Han Joong-hyun clenched his teeth.

“Is that kind of guy a target to leave the training camp?”

“Is that or did someone like you accept this?”

“I probably wouldn’t. You know me very well.”

Park Si-joon laughed.

That was wrong. If I had simply walked on it, I would not have accepted it.

He accepted it because of the proposal made by the monster of tam-dok.


Han Joong-hyun calmed his breathing.

“…if you’re not the chief, it means nothing to me.”

– Trainees, prepare. We’ll start the match in 10 seconds. 10.

He took his stance while clenching his sword.

“It would be perfect if I could even leave the training camp there.”

-6… 5…

Park Si-joon put his hand behind his back and laughed at him.

-3… 2…

“Well, that’s not going to happen.”

Han Joong-hyun was confident.

He has spent enough time analyzing Park Si-jun and thinking about how to deal with it.

I can’t get tired of it here. No, you must not lose.

It was the same with Park Si-jun.

-One… start!

“You have to deal with it to know.”

The buzzer sounded the stage.

The fight has begun.

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