Chapter 44

Park Si-joon’s skin became tingly. Intuition warned that someone was showing intense murderous intent.

He didn’t even have to think about who it was.

‘How I wish I hated you.’

It was from Han Joong-hyun.

He stared at Park Si-joon coldly.

It was like looking at the enemy.

A brief silence passed between the two.


It was Park Si-jun who broke the silence.

the sound of protests. The arrows shot aimed at Han Jung-hyun.


Han Jung-hyeon read the arrow’s trajectory and struck it with his shield.

And then he was astonished. The speed at which you hold the bow behind your back, and the speed at which you shoot arrows.

It’s surprisingly fast.

What’s even more surprising is that the arrows weren’t the only end.


Several arrows were fired in succession.

Han Joong-hyun clenched his teeth.

He analyzed it beforehand, but it was surprisingly quick. Fast, yet accurate.

how to deal with them


The answer was simple.

Han Jung-hyeon kicked the ground and rushed.

His mouth chanted incessantly, and he shouted a start-up sound.

“I will judge!”

A cry like an oath to God.

The divine power was young in Han Jung-hyun’s body.

He got stronger and faster.

He rushed like a chariot.

‘He’s like a wild boar.’

The arrow could not stop Han Jung-hyeon’s charge.

Park Si-jun quickly changed his plans.

He threw away his bow and raised his magical powers and began to chant magic.


At his fingertips, young magical powers turned into large lightning bolts.

Lightning bolts were shot with strange bends.


A streak of lightning entered Han Jung-hyeon from the front.

Han Joong-hyun moved as if he had expected it. He raised his divine power and used the magic he had prepared in advance.

“I will protect you!”

A large golden film appeared around him.

divine shield. It was magic that blocks attacks and protects allies.

Lightning struck the shield.

The shield was shattered with a violent crashing sound.

blow. It was broken without being able to withstand a single spell.

Han Joong-hyun frowned without realizing it.

‘I was just guessing.’

It must have been such a destructive force.

You can’t postpone what you have to do. Han Joong-hyun rushed with all his power as soon as the shield was broken.

‘They push without giving a chance to use magic.’

Park Si-joon’s singing speed is surprisingly fast.

The same goes for magic. If he tries to spread the distance and fight mainly with magic, there is no chance of winning here.

This is what Han Joong-hyun felt while analyzing the video.

So close the distance.

That was his idea.


Park Si-joon couldn’t let it go.

I re-timed the timing and used Dissolve just below Han Jung-hyeon. The ground beneath his feet melted in an instant.

Han Jung-hyun’s eyes lit up for a moment.

“I will punish you!”

A huge hammer appeared above Han Jung-hyun’s head.

A hammer made of divine light.

It fell precisely on the ground that had turned to mud.


A huge crash sounded.

The mud collided with the hammer soared, and his vision was instantly obscured.

Park Si-jun was vigilant over the mud.


As soon as Han Joong-hyun jumped out of the mud, an intense light exploded.

Park Si-joon’s eyes were blinded for a moment.


Han Jung-hyun rushed through the light.

In the blink of an eye, the distance narrowed, and swords rushed in.

‘I knew it was a style I didn’t use.’

Park Si-jun calmly took a breath.

My vision is white and I can’t see anything.

But the feeling was still alive.

No, it got sharper.

‘I feel it.’

Presence detection and intuition. Park Si-joon showed the best of both abilities.

He predicted the path, and swung his sword.


The two swords collided against each other. Han Jung-hyun’s eyes widened.

‘You said you threw it out without looking at it?’

It was an acrobatics that could not be believed even with the naked eye.

Is that all?

‘Attack this!’

As soon as they collided, Park Si-joon’s sword moved. The blue blade came in precisely aimed at Han Jung-hyun’s neck.

Han Jung-hyeon’s instinct is that he should get out of here, he said.

‘The distance has to be further narrowed.’

But he couldn’t.

What was the reason for narrowing the distance so far? It was to prevent Park Si-joon from using magic.

“I will fight!”

Han Jung-hyun raised his divine power.

The golden energy of his sword was young, and power surged from his body.

A divine blow was directed at Park Si-jun.


But Park Si-joon did not avoid it.

Rather, they faced each other, and strangely moved his sword to strike off Han Jung-hyeon’s attack.


The blade bounces off once again.

Park Si-joon turned the sword back and threw it out with a snake-like movement.


Han Joong-hyun managed to react to the bizarre swordsmanship. Their swords collided against each other again.

The golden blade was blocking the young sword with a blue sword.

Get a card!

There was a sound of the blade being scraped.

Then, Park Si-joon’s arm was bent back wide. lost in the struggle.


Han Jung-hyun pushed his shoulders forward and rushed forward.

A tackle aimed precisely at his chest.

Park Si-jun felt his breath suffocate for a moment.


His body could not withstand the shock and was pushed back.

Han Jung-hyun immediately pursued him.

A sword that hangs down long. trying to lift it up.


Park Si-jun tried to prevent the upcoming slash.

But then, at the same time as the magic circle was drawn on the floor, a sound was heard from above.


The blades of light were floating.

More than ten blades were aimed at Park Si-joon.

‘Why are you shouting the starter word uselessly?’

I would be able to use the skill without a starter word, but it was a fake for now.

Park Si-jun kicked the ground and retreated as if throwing himself away.

“… πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

But it was late.

The rapidly descending blades cut through Park Si-joon’s chest and legs and disappeared.

Park Si-joon’s posture, stepping back, collapsed.


As if waiting, Han Joong-hyun followed.

Still with his sword hanging down.

Park Si-jun blinked his eyes.

sword? No, it wasn’t the sword he was holding.


A huge golden hammer struck Park Si-joon.

His beaten body floated up and flew backwards.

People burst into exclamation. Some people thought the fight was over, so they stood up and cheered.

However, Han Jung-hyeon, who actually attacked, wrinkled his impression.

‘It was so noisy.’

The way Park Si-joon flew was too noisy.

Maybe that’s all, the sensations in his hands were somewhat hazy.

As if he flew on purpose.


Han Joong-hyun pursued Park Si-joon, who floated in the air. Now is your chance. At this point, I definitely had to finish it.

The distance narrowed quickly.

‘Buff suck.’

Park Si-jun felt his whole body throb.

He strengthened his physical abilities with buffs like a paladin, and he became stronger than he thought.

So is the way you fight.

It’s not hard.


Park Si-jun smiled a little.

‘not there yet.’

He straightened his posture in the air and stretched his arms out in front of him. The magical energy gathered in his grasp took shape.


It was a cannon made of ice.

Before Han Joong-hyun could react, the cannon blew out a whirlwind of fire.

A sharp sphere of ice shot out and struck him.


Han Jung-hyun’s body flew backwards and crashed to the ground.

It was an attack that came at an unexpected time. I knew there was such a magic, but I didn’t know how to use it like that.

It was a blow that had to be dealt with.


Han Joong-hyun felt his breath suffocate for a moment.

His abdominal pain was severe.

Aiming at him, this time Park Si-jun narrowed the distance.

‘You have to stop… … !’

Han Joong-hyun tried to block the attack while holding his body.

At that time, Park Si-jun unexpectedly kicked Han Joong-hyun’s knee.

His posture faltered for a moment.

Park Si-joon did not miss the gap and lowered Han Jung-hyun’s shoulder.


It was too quick to react.

A sharp pain ran through my shoulder.

The suit absorbed the shock, but that wasn’t enough.

‘Not a paladin.’

Seeing Han Joong-hyun in pain, Park Si-joon muttered to himself.

The paladin’s strength lies in protecting his allies.

Most of the traits given by a fair judge are to protect or strengthen allies.

This is the strongest job when working with allies.

‘It’s not the perfect background for one-on-one.’

Did he still want to fight?

He couldn’t understand. In fact, he didn’t even want to understand.

‘I will use this as an opportunity.’

He took the opportunity to go one step further.

Park Si-jun remembered the quest.

‘Remember the content of the novel.’

He closed his eyes as he stepped back.

He is a swordsman who has been training for a thousand years. The main character, Gilcheon.

What kind of realization did he get while practicing swordsmanship?

Using that realization, how did he handle the sword?

[Endless training continued.]

Someone’s voice recites the content of the novel.

[Sometimes it seemed to break. Does this practice have any meaning? Can an untalented person be able to defeat a talented person if she practices blood cutting?][No, can we get out of this valley in the first place?]

Gilcheon wandered and suffered throughout his training.

A thousand years is too long for one person to bear. As he practiced, he thought of his suicide countless times.

[I was weak.]

Han Joong-hyun came in from the front.

The hammer of divine punishment that fell from the sky aimed at Park Si-joon.

[There was always hesitation in his sword-wielding hand. Impatience gnawed at my heart and made me even weaker. I had to overcome this weakness.]

woohoo! The hammer smashed the ground.

But Park Si-jun was not there.

Han Joong-hyun clenched his teeth.

[Since then, my training method has changed. It doesn’t stop at cultivating the sword, but also cultivating the mind.]

The sword flew.

Park Si-jun thought deeply.

What was his own weakness.


My parents who died right in front of me.

How much did you resent your own helplessness? If I had the strength back then, if I had the strength like the protagonist of the novel.

If so.


That’s where the inferiority came from.

inferiority to the talented. The feelings of inferiority he felt whenever he saw Hyun and Lee Min-ah in Korea, China.

[I had to cultivate a weak mind.]

I had to throw them away.

It seemed possible now.

[By dispelling my weakness.]

Park Si-jun bowed his head deeply.

A sword swung past him.

He got up and kicked Han Jung-hyun’s stomach.


Han Joong-hyun spreads the distance.

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

[In the end, my swordsmanship reached a higher level.]

Park Si-joon’s body was full of magical energy.(Read more @

Han Joong-hyun felt his skin sting.

Nothing else, because of magic.

‘Do you have this level of magical power?’

Magical energy activated Park Si-joon’s body and gathered in the sword.

Whoa! The cypheran swordsmanship was younger than the swordsman.


Park Si-joon leaned low and rushed forward.

Han Jung-hyun’s body stiffened with tension.

It’s a movement I’ve seen before.

‘I’ll ship here.’

How many times did he watch the video and think about how to deal with it?

The trajectory of the sword was readable. It was obvious where he was going. Han Jung-hyun took a defensive stance.

Park Si-jun swung his sword again.

‘Put it out.’

Han Jung-hyun tried to strike the approaching blade.

The moment the swords of each other were about to collide, Park Si-jun’s sword became blurry and then disappeared.

Han Joong-hyun was astonished and followed Park Si-joon.

where the hell did you disappear rear? side?

there was nowhere

No, it’s Park Si-Jun.

‘It didn’t move.’

He was standing in the first place.

Han Joong-hyun doubted his own eyes.

He was definitely moving.

Didn’t Sijun Park come and wield his sword a while ago?

Was it all a fantasy?


Park Si-joon let out a long breath. A blue energy emanated from his body like a haze.

The senses have broadened and become more sensitive.

‘It feels strange.’

The sword in his hand felt like a part of his body.

The movement of the sword, what the sword felt was vividly felt.

Park Si-jun moved in a trance.

[I became a black me.]

The world has slowed down. Every movement felt slow.

In the still silence, Park Si-jun drew his sword.

exactly in a straight line.

[I became a sword.]

A flash of light flashed.

A ray of light flew into Han Jung-hyun’s chest.

That was all he recognized.

He was too quick to react.

‘This… … .’

An unrecognizable sharp sword rushed into Han Joong-hyun’s chest.

In the meantime, young magic resonated like crazy in the sword.


A single sword scattered countless sword spirits.

Dozens of swords flashed, and the next moment.


Han Jung-hyun’s whole body was hacked to pieces.

Park Si-jun’s sword pierced Han Joong-hyun’s chest first, and countless sword-youngs attacked him as if following him.

“Uh, uh…”

Han Joong-hyun, unable to withstand the shock, immediately came to mind.

His suit was torn by the sword, and his flesh was cut.

His body fell to the floor with blood splattered.


Silence fell on the noisy stage.

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