Chapter 45

The audience on the stage was noisy with cheers.

Most of them were voices cheering for Han Jung-hyun.

especially women.

Ha Seorin looked down at her stage with one ear covered.

“Oh, it’s terribly noisy. Really.”

Park Si-jun has no friends at the training camp. However, unlike him, Han Joong-hyeon had a wide network and was friendly throughout.

So most people have no choice but to support Han Jung-hyun.

“How good is it to be friendly with people?”

Hatherin grunted for nothing.

It seems that Park Si-joon has become a villain.

That’s what she didn’t like about her. who signed the contract

‘Actually, I haven’t signed a contract yet.’

Sooner or later, the contract will be signed.

“Who do you think will win?”

“What? Miss, why are you here again…”

Suddenly, a lecturer standing behind me spoke to me.

“Is there nothing to do?”

“Why not? Why not? You’re cheering for my oppa.”

“My brother? Are you really crazy?”

Ha Serin burst into laughter at her.

She didn’t support idols, and I didn’t understand the behavior of the lecturers.

“You don’t think Park Si-Jun is going to win, do you?”

“Why can’t you win? These days, he’s going to smash and crush your brother every time. Can’t you remember?”

The lecturer bit her lip.

“…it was just that I wasn’t feeling well.”

“You seem to be in a bad condition every time. Oh, you said that you also signed a streaming contract with that oppa? The number of viewers was not very high. Are you okay?”

Ha Seo-rin blatantly laughed at the lecture.

Han Joong-hyun has been broadcasting steadily since the last practice, but the number of viewers was much smaller than expected.

“Han Joong-hyun is famous both inside the training camp, but outside he is less famous than Park Si-jun. Isn’t he?”

It was because people’s attention was focused on Park Si-joon.

If it wasn’t for Park Si-joon, Han Joong-hyun’s stream might have been better.

It was a meaningless assumption.

“If Han Joong-hyun loses to Park Si-joon today…”

Ha Seo-rin grabbed the lecturer’s shoulder.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun, right?”

The lecturer said nothing and bit her lip.

Then there was a great shout.

Their eyes turned to the stage.


The lecturer’s expression was wrinkled, and Ha Seo-rin smiled brightly.

* * *


Lee Min-ah, who was watching the stage, jumped up.

The fight is over.

Aside from the results, the process leading to the results made us doubt our eyes.

“Obviously, it moved.”

Park Si-jun rushed to Han Joong-hyun with a clear sense of survival.

But the movement itself is an illusion.

Park Si-joon was still on the spot, peeking into the gap.

And then, dozens of sword flames exploding like firecrackers.

‘It’s like seeing the completion of the plum sword technique… … .’

It seemed that he was seeing the end of the swordsmanship that Lee Min-ah had to pursue.

But is that possible?

She has her trainee just like her, a man who hasn’t been training in her swordsmanship for a long time.

[The swordsman admires Park Si-jun’s swordsmanship.]

It was an incomprehensible situation.

“If I were there…”

Lee Min-ah swallowed her saliva.

could you handle it?

No, Han Joong-hyeon, who is now collapsed, must have been her.

“Hey, I mean, that’s an F grade.”

Lee Hyuk-ho laughed wildly.

His eyes were gleaming with interest and excitement.

“Brother. That guy, did you do that from the beginning?”

“No. I worked hard, but my skills… I don’t know. Physical abilities and swordsmanship developed so rapidly.”

“The training period is not long.”

Lee Hyuk-ho grabbed the back of the chair in front of him. Woodduck. The relentless grip force shattered the chair.

“I have grown to this extent in such a short time. Is it possible?”

“…I was impossible.”

“Don’t blame yourself. Anyone would.”

I have a feeling while watching Dalian.

There is little difference in ability between Han Joong-hyun and Park Si-joon.

Of course, when Han Jung-hyun used the buff, he had a bit of an edge. But it wasn’t overwhelming.

‘Considering the buffs, does it mean that Park Si-joon has higher abilities than Han Jung-hyun?’

If it was an F grade, the ability would have crawled to the floor.

The starting point is markedly different. This means that the gap was filled during a short training period.

Does that mean it’s possible?

‘There is no precedent.’

The process and speed of leaving Si-Jun Park’s strength and becoming stronger.

I couldn’t quite understand them.

“No, this isn’t something I’m going to worry about.”

Lee Hyuk-ho shook his head.

There are many strategic analysts in his guild. It would be a job to pamper those people who take expensive money and eat them.

‘What I’m going to do now is… … .’

Lee Hyuk-ho’s eyes turned to the opposite side of the audience.

Shin Yun-woo there, his hard expression.

‘It feels like a clogged stomach has been opened.’

Seeing that was what Lee Hyuk-ho was supposed to do now.

* * *

“…Whoa, whoa.”

In the silence, Si-Jun Park let out a heavy breath.

His whole body felt heavy. It felt like he was overworking his body beyond its limits.

He just wanted to collapse and fall asleep.

‘This is the last herbivore of the Samjae Swordsmanship.’

Park Si-jun looked at his trembling hands.

It was a strange feeling. It really felt like the sword had become a part of his body, a feeling that is hard to say.

[I have tasted a fragment of the new swordsmanship.]

Several messages appeared in front of Si-Jun Park.

But now was not the time to look at it.

He approached Han Jung-hyeon, who had fallen, and looked down at him.

“Ugh, uh…”

Han Joong-hyun was full of shit.

His suit was smashed, and his whole body was mutilated.

He used equipment made of special materials, but it was meaningless in front of swordsmanship.

It felt strange to see his miserable face.


Park Si-jun opened his mouth a few times.

What should I say? He wanted to say something, but he felt strange and couldn’t get the words out.

“…just one thing, let me ask you.”

Rather, it was Han Joong-hyun who spoke up first.

“How the hell did you get stronger…? That swordsmanship, that magic…with no background, how?”

“Isn’t that a promise?”

It was only when Park Si-Jun lost that I decided to tell him his method.

As long as he wins, there’s no need to teach him how.

“I don’t understand. What did I lack…? What’s the difference between you and me…?”

Han Jung-hyun’s body trembled.

He definitely felt it in the fight a while ago. There is a difference that cannot be narrowed between him and Park Si-jun.

“Not long ago, it would have been similar.”

He was just like that when he analyzed power with video.

It was the same back then. Back then, there was no such swordsmanship. How could such a change in such a short time?

“I can not understand…….”

It was full of things that Han Joong-hyun couldn’t understand.

Park Si-joon looked down at him and his mouth twitched.

You don’t have to tell me. I hadn’t thought of that.

But, I just didn’t want to ignore it.

Park Si-jun opened his mouth after a few deliberation.


That was the word that came out.

The embarrassment in Han Joong-hyun’s eyes looking up at Park Si-joon was young, but then the disappointment was young.

“How did you get that trait…?”

I had no intention of answering Park Si-jun.

He was just about to say he didn’t want to tell me.

No, don’t answer.

Before that, Han Zhong Hyun shook his head.

“If you listen, you will only be in vain.”

And he slowly closed his eyes. will faint

Park Si-jun looked down at Han Joong-hyun for a moment and turned his back.

He had nothing more to say to him.

-S, the winner… … . Park Si-Jun.

It was a perfect victory for Park Si-jun.

* * *

The fight is over.

Park Si-joon crossed the stage in which silence flows.

People watched him, and the camera shot him.

[It was an amazing performance. This spotlight that doesn’t leave anywhere… … . You are a seed of interest.][Awareness points increase by 500.]

‘Awareness points go up well, go up well.’

Park Si-joon hummed his hum and headed to his waiting room.

He had no choice but to do so. Because a nice message popped up.

[Broadcast rating is increased by one level.][The grade of the seed of interest increases accordingly!][Awareness points are reset.]

I won one match, but the rewards came one after another.

In addition to this, the grade of the samjae sword method has also risen by one step.

Park Si-joon checked his characteristics as he walked down the hallway.

[Interested Seed (D)]

-Effect: All stats +3%, skill power and efficiency +3%.

-Skill: Check.

Efficiency has been added to the effect of the attribute.

What does this mean? Is it because the resources consumed when using the skill are reduced, making it more efficient?

Anyway, growing up meant growing up.

[Current Broadcast Rating: D (Small Business in Broadcasting Industry)][It is becoming known little by little. People are starting to remember your name! I try harder.][Level Up Condition: Recognition Points exceed 5,000](Read more @

5,000 points.

Park Si-jun sighed.

It took him a while to get 3,000 points, but how long will it take him to hit 5,000?

‘If the broadcast is on track, will it rise sooner?’

To become stronger, you need to grow your broadcast. more than now.

Park Si-jun opened the door to the waiting room.

There was no one inside and it was dark. He was just packing his bags and thinking of leaving.

“Are you here?”

But there were passengers.

Park Si-jun carefully turned on the light.

Then I saw a man sitting on a chair, Song Baek-chan.

“…President of the Association. Why are you here?”

“I came here because I have work to do, so why are you here?”

“You also brought an attendant.”

A man was standing in the corner of the waiting room. Her body was tightly wrapped around her, so her identity was unknown, but she looked like a woman.

‘Huh? It’s somewhat familiar.’

Park Si-jun glanced at the woman.

He must have been the first person he had ever seen, but somehow he felt familiar.

The woman twisted her body as if uncomfortable.

“Dalian, I saw you well. You’ve improved.”

“We still have a long way to go. We need to develop further.”

“Do you think I’ll praise you for being so humble?”

“Isn’t it better to be humble than to be arrogant?”

Song Baek-chan burst out laughing.

Some would say he was cocky, but he liked that boldness.

It’s much better than hiding it, and it’s easier to deal with.

“Han Joong-hyun, you made an unusual promise with that child.”

“Yeah, if I win, I’ll be kicked out of the training camp. But how do you know that?”

“Ears are everywhere.”

how long have you been saying Park Si-jun shook his head.

“It’s not what you intended, but what you’ve done has helped me a little bit. I want to repay you.”


What the hell did you get help with? couldn’t figure it out

A woman in the corner quietly approached Park Si-joon.

“He didn’t have a bow.”

She handed her box. Inside her was an unusually shaped bow with magical powers.

“I haven’t had much time left in the training camp.”

Song Baek-chan stood up.

“More hard work. I’ll be watching.”

And he left with the woman.

Park Si-jun, who was watching them, scratched his cheek.

‘I don’t know what’s going on.’

He looked down at the bow in his hand.

‘… It looks like a useful bow.’

His mood wasn’t bad. It was a little awkward though.

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