Chapter 46

After the battle was over, the leisurely time passed again.

“Hey, give me a reward.”

training camp accommodation. Park Si-jun was muttering alone in his room.

“Is the reward different?”

To be precise, he wasn’t muttering alone.

Because he was talking to the greedy monster inside him.

“No, how long are you going to hit me!”

Park Si-joon couldn’t stand it and shouted.

He had no answer.

Tamdog’s monster said that he would reward Han Jung-hyeon if he took the top spot.

Han Jung-hyun decided to leave the training camp as promised, so now the chief is Park Si-joon’s.

‘But why not?’

But the reward did not come back.

Park Si-joon’s face grew annoyed.

He felt like he had been tricked.

“Isn’t it supposed to be given after the graduation ceremony is over or something like that?”

Park Si-jun sighed.

There’s no answer, but he’s muttering like a madman to himself, so what will he do?

I will keep my promise. He has no choice but to think so and do what he has to do.

‘The chief is almost certain.’

There is a variable called Lee Min-ah.

But she didn’t do well in her second half of the curriculum. Her rivals will never be.

‘The chief’s reward… … .’

Park Si-jun recalled his memories.

He remembers that there were a lot of rewards.

The biggest among them was the bounty and tax exemption that accompanies player activities.

‘Tax exemption.’

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

As a player, he pays quite a bit of tax.

He is exempting him from that tax.

‘The problem is that it’s temporary.’

It would be great if the tax was exempted permanently, but it is only exempted for one to two years.

‘Where is that alone.’

Park Si-jun hummed his hum.

Then, as if in response to his hum, the egg popped out and floated around.

“I’m crazy, so be still.”


Park Si-jun wrapped the egg in a blanket.

If it’s an egg, it’ll be quiet like an egg, but I’m worried about it running around like a 3-year-old kid.

‘I’ve gained a lot this time.’

There were many rewards from winning the match against Han Jung-hyun.

First of all, the three-way test.

[Samjae sword method (B)]

A basic martial art containing three herbivores: cutting and stabbing. I got a big realization and got part of the play.

-Effect: Sword attack +30%, body speed +15%, defense ignore +15%, additional damage +20% when attacking weak points, release sword, knowledge of swordsmanship, identify weaknesses.

-Skills: Heaven, Earth, Human.

Laughter came out of nowhere.

Newly added option, additional damage when ignoring defense and attacking weak points.

I liked both of them a lot.

‘It will be of great help when catching monsters stronger than me.’

If it were someone else, it would have been difficult to use it because it was difficult to find weaknesses.

But Park Si-jun is not like that. Because he has a sense of weakness.

‘The bow is… … .’

Park Si-joon picked up the bow.

It was a gift from the president of the association.

[Rapid Fire Bow (B)]

The fairy’s blessing was made of young wood. Incredibly hard and mysterious power makes arrows faster and more lethal.

-Attack power +41 -Attack speed +5%

– Rapid fire, lethal arrow

– Wear Restriction: Agility 57 or higher

– Required level: 14

Considering the level, it was a good weapon.

Of course, there were disappointments.

“Can’t you give me some A-class weapons?”

such regret. For A-class weapons, the price is huge even if the level limit is low.

I might sell it later.

‘Is this enough?’

Here, you get all the rewards you can get if you receive the gift of tam-dok.

‘Someday I’ll give it to you.’

Park Si-jun thought positively and tried to read web novels like his habit.

[The monster of addiction has awakened.]

Then the message I was waiting for appeared.

woke up Park Si-jun frowned without realizing it.

“Were you sleeping?”

I didn’t eat anything this time, but I fell asleep without saying a word. So it looks like you didn’t answer.

[The monster of tamdok looks around as if bewildered.][The monster of gluttony recalls memories… I have checked your achievements.]

cheeks night.

A fanfare was heard from somewhere.

[The monster of greed has decided to keep his promise. You are given a choice… … .][One. Initialize Tamdok’s Stack][2. relic][3. Increased immersion in random novels]

Park Si-joon’s eyes widened.

He was trying to give him a reward, but it was something he didn’t expect.

“You’re giving me a holy thing?”

A holy relic is an item that contains the power of the behind castles. Each item has its own unique characteristics that cannot be replaced.

Some even grow.

‘No one has.’

Not bad. No, it’s really good.

“Yeah, but you’re not the mastermind.”

It’s really good, but I don’t understand. How the hell did a guy who wasn’t behind the scenes give me a holy thing?

[The monster of greed awaits your choice.]

Park Si-joon let out a small sigh.

#1, #2, both were my favorite options. He couldn’t help but worry.

“I’ll do it twice.”

The 2nd one was my favourite.

When Park Si-joon chose No. 2, a loud light burst out right in front of him.


[You have obtained your first relic!]

A strange thing appeared.


Park Si-jun was at a loss for words.

Because the thing was so, really, very unexpected.

“Chae, bookmark.”

Without realizing it, I stuttered.

I had high expectations because it was a holy thing, but it’s a bookmark.

“Where are you going to use this?”

Park Si-joon confirmed the relic.

[The Greedy Bookmark (Holy Relic)]

This is a gift prepared for you by an unknown person. The effect is activated when you put a bookmark on the novel you want to read.

-Growth type relics (Currently grade C)

-Book reading speed +50%

-Immersion level increase +10%

-Additional random stats are provided when reading a book

– Bind upon acquisition


Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

Good stuff. It’s definitely a good thing, but something was amiss.

“This is not what I wanted.”

The holy relics that other players had were cool, glamorous, and so on.

But this is too ordinary.

a bookmark.

Anyway, it’s a bookmark.

“…because it’s a growth-type holy thing.”

Now options are not bad at all.

I don’t know what kind of holy thing it will be if I grow up here.

“Let’s see.”

Park Si-joon grabbed an e-book reader and accessed the web novel platform. He could access the system, but it was more convenient to see him as a reader.

“But… how do I use this?”

After paying for any web novel, Si-Jun Park stumbled while holding a bookmark.

how do you write this

‘Bookmarks are what you put in a book.’

Then can I plug it into the screen?

Park Si-jun carefully placed the bookmark on the screen. OK.

[I put a greedy bookmark on ‘Sword Master who uses magic’.][The effect of the bookmark is activated.]

The bookmark disappeared like snow.

Park Si-jun stared blankly at his hands. A little while ago, there were bookmarks here.


There was something like a small marker in the corner of the reader’s screen.

It was a mark like a leaf.

“Okay, that’s how I wrote it.”

You seem to know how to write roughly.

Turn on the novel and place a bookmark on it to activate the effect.

Whether or not it has been activated can be known by the leaf marker on the corner of the screen.

“Then how do you unlock it?”

Park Si-jun looked at the reader blankly.

He knew how to write. So how to turn it off? How can I get this bookmark back?


Park Si-joon pressed the marker. No response came back.

He turned the reader off and tried again.

The mark remained the same.

Bookmark does not return.

“What is it, give it back.”

Park Si-joon was begged in embarrassment.

But for a while, he regained his composure.

‘It’s a holy thing, but it’s not going to be disposable.’

There was one thing to point out.

If you read this web novel, the effect will be canceled, and will it come back?

‘Let’s try it right away.’

I read a web novel by Sijun Park. No, I was going to read it.

“…the weather is nice.”

The weather outside was very nice today.

Come to think of it, it was the seventh and seventh day I had not left the room. After the battle was over, I had no idea what to say.

‘Because people look at me so much.’

It was uncomfortable and I didn’t want to go out.

Park Si-jun stood up from his seat after looking out the window.

‘See you outside.’

He wanted to get some fresh air.

* * *

“Hey, that…”

“It’s Si-Jun Park, Si-Jun Park.”

“Have you had plastic surgery? Doesn’t your face look a little different from before?”

“It must be the mood.”

Afternoon in the warm sunlight.

People gathered in the garden of the training camp with a relaxed atmosphere.


Among them was Park Si-jun.

He was holding an e-book reader and reading something with great concentration.

“What are you reading?”

“It must be a novel. I heard about it last time, but it was like reading a web novel.”

“Ah, no way. Aren’t you reading literature or something like a university thesis?”

“Are you really serious, are you…?”(Read more @

The man acted like he was ignorant.

Park Si-joon defeated Han Joong-hyun and was appointed as the de facto chief.

Then the way he looked at him changed.

Gazes mixed with respect, admiration, and jealousy.

Maybe that’s why, some people gave his actions a strange meaning.

‘It’s just like reading a web novel.’

The man tilted his head.

Park Si-joon, who is receiving a lot of attention from people like that… … .

‘Wow, this is a thing.’

He was admiring the effect of the bookmark.

It worked better than expected.

‘About 2 hours earlier?’

The first thing I felt was the speed of reading web novels.

It’s +50%, but I couldn’t figure out how much it would have risen since I couldn’t exactly know the original reading speed.

When I tried it, it took about 2 hours.

‘Besides… … .’

Park Si-jun looked at the window in front of him.

[You have read ‘Magic Sword Master’.][Strength has been increased by 0.5 due to the effect of Tomb Reading. Intellect increased by 0.4 due to the effect of the bookmark.][Number of works remaining until the realization: 5.]

A new text has been added.

With the effect of bookmarks, intelligence has increased.

The option to provide additional random stats when reading the book was activated.

‘It’s not a holy relic that gives me strength right now, but in the long run, it’s a good relic.’

It will help you build strength.

[I have finished reading the web novel. Bookmark experience increases.]

‘Aha. If you keep reading novels, you will also grow.’

His hum came out spontaneously.

The effect of grade C is about this level, but how much better will it be as you grow up?

The first disappointment was washed away.


“Oh, it’s out.”

A bookmark came out of the reader with a light sound as if the wind was falling.

Park Si-jun took the bookmark.

‘Did you know how to write?’

He had nothing to study further.


Park Si-joon, who had been looking at the reader for a long time, stretched out. And he rubbed his tired eyes.

‘Before completing the training camp, let’s implement one novel.’

Park Si-jun tried to read the reader again. But then.

“Park Si-Jun?”

Someone spoke from behind.

Park Si-jun looked at where the voice was coming from.

“I have something to tell you, do you have time?”


Park Si-joon blurs the end of his words at the appearance of a character he had never thought of.

“…a lecture?”

The successor of the GF group, lecturer.

she was there

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