Chapter 48

A few days after the last practice that caused a stir.

A graduation ceremony was held to end the training camp life.

-Thank you to everyone who gathered to bless the trainees who are taking new steps… … .

The graduation ceremony itself was nothing special.

The training center director lined up the trainees and instructors and gave them tedious instructions.

The problem was that it was terribly boring.

“Ha ha.”

Park Si-joon yawned droopy.

There were a lot of people on the playground of the training camp.

trainees, their families, acquaintances, and even broadcasters.

There were so many that it was just too much of a burden.

‘The number of trainees has decreased a lot.’

Considering when I first enlisted, it was almost half. It was a number that was hard to guess.

Those who fall like that will either re-enter the training camp or prepare themselves for disaster.

Either way, it has nothing to do with Park Si-jun.



Park Si-jun’s eyes, looking around, met Lee Min-ah.

She flinched as if she was stealing her and then she bowed her head slightly.

‘Now there will be no meeting with Jae.’

She was cool, but she felt sorry for her.

They didn’t even exchange numbers.

We may meet by chance, but we will not meet often.

‘Han Joong-hyun didn’t come.’

Han Joong-hyun did not even participate at all.

He kept the promise he had made.

If you lose in Dalian, you will be voluntarily discharged from the training camp.

No, I tried to do that, but the instructors ripped it off.

“Why don’t you just finish the training camp and get only the chief or second-ranking seats?”

It was a request the training center commander had made to Park Si-jun.

He said so. It was enough that Han Joong-hyun did not receive the award. He had no intention of stopping until graduation.

‘I have nothing to receive, so I don’t need to attend?’

What Han Jung-hyun was aiming for was a senior position.

I couldn’t get it, and my pride was shattered.

I wouldn’t want to attend the graduation ceremony or anything.

‘Someday we will meet.’

It didn’t look like Han Joong-hyun would collapse like that.

I’ll calm down for a while and explore the Abyss. When that time comes, we will meet again.

-Then I will take the chief and the second seat of the rider on the stage. Please welcome everyone with applause.

The host called Si-Jun Park.

He crossed the playground and climbed onto the stage in the public eye.

“Senior, congratulations.”

“you too.”

Park Si-jun was followed by Lee Min-ah.

She was in the second seat of the rider this time.

“…I have something to be proud of. If Han Jung-hyun hadn’t resigned, he would have been in the second position.”

“Let’s see the results, only the results.”

That was correct. The reason she became the second seat was purely because Han Jung-hyun voluntarily resigned.

Otherwise, Si-Jun Park and Joong-Hyun Han would have taken both the senior and second positions.

“It’s good, but I just can’t like it.”

Lee Min-ah laughed bitterly.

-Park Si-jun, Lee Min-ah.

The training center director, Kim Sook-yeon, walked in front of the two of them.

– Among the trainees of this rider… … .

She stopped while she was talking to her.

Her eyes widened as if she had seen something completely unexpected.


Not only Kim Sook-yeon, but the entire playground became noisy.

Park Si-jun slowly turned his head.


“Why are you here…?”

There stood a familiar middle-aged man.

The President of the Players Association, Song Baek-chan.

That’s him.

“President of the Association, you didn’t say anything…”

“It’s a celebration of a new start, so of course you have to come. Is it okay if I hand over that plaque?”

“Oh, yes. That’s fine.”

Song Baek-chan burst out laughing.

And he was handed a plaque from Kim Sook-yeon.

“Trainee Lee Min-ah, you will have many thoughts that come to mind. However, erase unnecessary thoughts. You have achieved outstanding results, and you deserve the second seat.”

“…Yes, thank you.”

“You signed a contract with the swordsman. I’m looking forward to what kind of path you will take in the future and what kind of trajectory you will draw.”

Song Baek-chan handed Lee Min-ah a plaque and shook hands.

She bowed her head deeply. He seemed to have felt something while listening to Song Baek-chan.

“Park Si-jun trainee.”

And it was Park Si-joon’s turn.

“This jockey, no, in all the jockeys, there will be no trainees who have made the same path as you. There won’t be any in the future.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

It was commendable.

The instructors who were listening also sympathized with me.

It is the first time that a trainee with F-grade potential has successfully completed the training center, and he even took the top spot.

Through these prominent trainees, alone.

“People who see you will feel a lot. I hope you go right without getting distracted.”

“I will.”

Park Si-joon bows his head deeply. As he lifted his head, Baek-chan Song held out his hand.

“What do you plan to do next?”

What are you going to do?

That was simple. Because it was decided from the beginning.

“Killing the demons.”

Park Si-jun held his hand.

“You’ll find malignancy.”

Song Baek-chan looked into Park Si-joon’s eyes.

It was a look in which anger, determination, and joy were intricately intertwined.

“Are you sure?”

“I have to do it even if I don’t have confidence. It’s my goal.”

“I like that boldness.”

Song Baek-chan smiled and patted Park Si-joon’s shoulder.

“You’ll need help to search for malignancy. Just tell me. I’ll do my best to help.”

“Thank you, really.”

Park Si-jun received a plaque from Song Baek-chan.

A plaque with his name on it. I thought it was too noisy, but this award was well worth it.


Unknowingly, I laughed.

When he entered the training camp, he never thought he would become a senior.

I thought I would just finish the course and become a player because it is okay to crawl on the floor.

‘ accomplished. And… … .’

Park Si-jun clenched his fist.

‘This is just the beginning.’

Cheers were heard from afar.

* * *

“Uh-huh, air.”

The atmosphere of society, which I have not tasted in a long time, was bittersweet.

After only staying at the training camp in the mountain valley, when I came out, I felt the air was particularly bad.

Park Si-jun headed straight to his house. A small studio in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, that was his home.

“Kheheuk, Kollock.”

As soon as I got home, I started coughing.

The house was full of dust because it had not been maintained for a long time. It was even hard to breathe.

He quickly opened the window and cleaned the house.

“It’s narrow, so cleaning is done quickly.”

Park Si-jun sighed deeply.

It was smaller than the training camp dormitory, and the environment was not good.

I had no choice but to buy a house urgently when I didn’t have money.

‘Is there about 1 billion in the bank account?’

The money Hatherin had deposited was still there.

Shall we move to a bigger place with this?

[The monster of addiction has awakened.]

Tom Dok, who finished digestion, sent a message.

woke up As always, I’ll ask for some rice. But she had no intention of reading web novels now.

[The monster of greed congratulates you on your achievement.][The monster of greed draws power… … .]

I don’t know if it was because of my mood, but I heard a groan.

[Congratulations! You can implement one web novel!]

And after a while, an unexpected message appeared.

“Why all of a sudden?”

Thanks for the congratulations, but it was too sudden.

No, if you can implement a web novel at will in the first place, can’t you just do it without a stack?

Such dissatisfaction flashed into Park Si-jun’s mind.


But it felt good to be able to implement it.

what to implement

Park Si-jun slowly looked at the list that appeared in front of him. These are the web novels he read this time.

“As expected, towards the timing…”

Ding Dong.


Park Si-joon was thinking about it so the bell rang.

I looked outside and saw a strong man standing there.


-This is Kim Ha-seong, the player manager of the association. As of today, I have come to greet you as the manager in charge of Park Si-jun.

responsible manager. He said that the head of the training camp had a manager attached to it and managed it separately.

Park Si-jun opened the door.

“Hello, nice to meet you.”

“No, this is it. It’s a shabby place…”

Kim Ha-sung came inside with a smile.

“I have nothing to offer you other than water. What are you here for?”

“Oh, nothing else, you took the top spot this time. I’m here to explain the benefits that come with it.”

“It’s a benefit.”

Kim Ha-seong took out his card from his briefcase. It was a card with a neat design, shining in silver.

“This is a license card. It proves Park Si-Jun’s identity, so carry it with you at all times. And I also put a reward of 200 million won in this card’s account.”

“Two billion won…”

It was big money.(Read more @

The money I earned through the PPL last time and the money I received as a down payment with Ha Seo-rin. If you add them all up, there was more than 1 billion won in the bankbook.

“And the tax imposed on player-related activities will be temporarily exempted, and I will support Park Si-jun’s activities as the manager in charge.”

“I heard that the association pays taxes instead, isn’t it?”

“I will leave no comments.”

Kim Ha-seong laughed instead of answering.

“How do you support the activity?”

“We plan schedules, assist in all aspects of life, and support law and accounting. Other than that, anything Park Si-jun needs.”

He was, in a word, a chore man.

“Please feel free to speak at any time. Oh, and.”

Kim Ha-sung took out a packed box.

“Let’s open it.”

Upon unpacking the box, a strange device appeared. Should I say that the projector is a very small device?

“What is this?”

“It’s a small gate. You can use it to open a gate to the Abyss. You can also use it to return to Earth.”

“Where does the Abyss lead?”

“Now it will lead to the frontier. After that, it will lead to the location you used to return to Earth from the Abyss. Oh, when you use it in the Abyss, you can only use it at the safety point.”

It was very useful stuff.

But there were also quirks. I hadn’t heard of such a thing.

“It is a prototype that only a few players use. It is difficult to mass-produce because it contains so many precious materials.”

“i See.”

Park Si-jun looked around the small gate.

“It is said that the demons and some villains use such devices to freely move between the Abyss and Earth.”

“Did you capture it and study it?”

“It’s embarrassing, but yes.”

Kim Ha-sung scratched his cheek and smiled awkwardly.

Even though mines and villains are enemies, if there is something to be gained by researching, it is right.

“Oh, and if you create a guild, we will lend you a guild house for free.”

“A guild house? That’s good…”

Park Si-jun, who had been answering subconsciously, stopped.

Guild. Guild House. rental free of charge.

narrow one-room.

‘Uh, this?’

His eyes flashed for a moment.

“Manager, that guild.”


“I want to make it right now, okay?”


Kim Ha-sung questioned the unexpected answer.

“Guild. I want to make one.”

Park Si-jun said with a smile.

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