Chapter 49

“Is it here?”

Park Si-jun looked up at the building.

A house located in downtown Seoul. A two-story house with a modern design was there.

‘This is my guild house.’

He checked his smartphone.

It was clear from the address of the text message from Kim Ha-seong.

‘It’s pretty spacious. There is also a garden attached.’

It looked expensive at first glance.

Park Si-jun looked inside the wall.

The garden seemed to be managed by someone, but it didn’t feel like it was inhabited.

“I’ll lend you a whole house…”

It was surprising again. I wasn’t expecting much.

Park Si-jun was sneaking around in front of the entrance when a woman passing by saw him.

“Uh, are you working at that house?”

“Yes? Oh, yes. This is where I will live from today.”

The woman was puzzled by Park Si-jun’s answer.

“Oh, is that right? It’s been an empty house for 5 years. People come and go, but no one lives.”


Park Si-joon’s head tilted.

It’s a place where people come and go, but nobody lives there. It seems that only the manager came and went from time to time.

woo woo.

text has arrived.

– You should have arrived by now. It belongs to player Si-Jun Park. Feel free to use it. We have staff on hand, so if you need anything, just tell him.

“It’s really big.”

I expected it, but it must be true.

Park Si-jun looked up at the closed door.

“Hey, it’s too wide to write on my own…”

I felt weird. It was both happy and disappointing.

Until two days ago, I was begging in my studio room.

‘It’s not my house anyway.’

It’s not a rental, it’s a rental.

He said that the lease period could be extended further depending on how Park Si-joon plays as a player.

In a word, he meant to work hard.

“Nice to meet you, player Park Si-Jun. My name is Ho-Young Lee.”

At that time, a man approached Park Si-joon.

A very ordinary-looking man. He was such an ordinary man that he forgot immediately when he met him on the way.

He bowed his head and said hello.

“Ah, yes. Are you the one sent by the deputy?”

“Yes. Let’s go in first.”

Lee Ho-young smiled and opened the door.

Following him inside, he found a very well manicured garden.

Garden with flowers and shrubs.

As soon as I walked in, I felt the fresh air.

“You don’t have to worry about the garden. Gardeners come and take care of it regularly.”

“I’m glad I did. I figured out how to manage this.”

“Haha, it’s too big to manage alone.”

Lee Ho-young smiled a little.

“This building is owned by the Players’ Association. It was originally used as a lodging area. In the early days of the Association, there were a lot of players who had no place to sleep.”

“At that time, the whole of Seoul was open-ended.”


Ho-Young Lee showed us around the house.

The first floor was like an office, probably because I heard that Si-Jun Park would use it as a guild house.

An office with several desks, chairs, and office equipment.

“If you hire an employee, you can use it as an office right away. There is also a separate drawing room and bathroom.”

“Did you have an office like this from the beginning?”

“No, it’s been under construction a bit.”

Park Si-joon burst out laughing because it was ridiculous.

If it had been used as a dormitory, it would have been a general housing structure, but it was overhauled like this in just two days.

‘Isn’t it poor construction?’

I was just worried about that.

“The second floor is for player Si-Jun Park to use it personally. You can use it like a house.”

“That’s good. I just didn’t have a place to live.”

“Yes, would you like to go with me?”

Park Si-jun and Lee Ho-young went up to the second floor. As he climbed the wooden stairs, a distant space greeted him.

The wooden floor, white walls and wooden ceiling.

‘It’s okay.’

Contrary to the modern exterior, the interior was bright and warm. I liked that.

#2nd floor consisted of kitchen, living room, toilet, outdoor terrace, and several rooms. It was literally home.

“If there is something lacking or necessary, just tell me and I will take care of it right away.”

“No, I really like it.”

Park Si-jun looked out the terrace.

He has always wanted to live in a house like this rather than an apartment.

I liked the house, and I liked the manicured garden.

“I want to live here for the rest of my life.”

“Haha, if you keep playing like you are now, you’ll be able to.”

“I’ll try my best.”

Park Si-joon and Lee Ho-young looked at each other and smiled.

“Then I’ll go first.”

Ho-young Lee handed me a business card and left.

Park Si-jun, who was left alone, looked around his house.

‘Nothing is free.’

The guild has not yet been created, but the guild house is the first.

It was the association’s consideration.

‘If you want to keep using this, raise the performance as much as you want.’

Depending on the achievements of Park Si-jun, the period is extended, and if he achieves great achievements, it may become completely his.

He stretched his slack.

“I should prepare to move.”

He went back to the studio and started preparing for the move.

* * *

The move itself was quickly over.

Because the studio was small, there was not much luggage, and it was because I had disposed of a lot of luggage while living in the training camp for a long time.

“Ah, nice house.”

Park Si-jun looked around his house, humming his hum.

He was a bit wide for writing alone, but he really liked it.

woo woo.

The egg that followed him moved up and down greatly.

“Why, do you like it too?”

No answer came back.

Park Si-jun burst out laughing as he was not funny even though he asked.

Can Al understand what he is saying?


“…do you really understand?”

Park Si-jun sat down on the soft sofa.

‘What do you implement?’

He thought as he looked up at the ceiling.

How long has it been since he implemented an up-and-coming caregiver? The stack was filled again.

‘Anything can be realized by reading a novel, this is it.’

Park Si-jun scratched his head.

“Shall we try it with a little unusual ability?”

Some web novels these days use special abilities as their subject matter. Shall we implement such things?

It’s not that Park Si-joon hasn’t thought about it until now.

‘The problem is the risk.’

I don’t know how it will be implemented.

That is true even for those of interest. The original ability was a crazy fraud ability, which has been tweaked a lot.

In addition, there were cases where he had multiple abilities. At that time, I had no idea what was going to happen.

‘I don’t know what would happen if I realized even a special ability, this is it.’

Park Si-jun sighed. The more he thought, the more complicated his head was.

‘The attributes I have now are sword, bow, stealth, magic… Is this enough?’

There are four abilities that are directly helpful in battle.

“Shall we learn divine magic?”

Park Si-jun turned on the web novel platform while continuing to ponder.

There were all kinds of novels in Bestran.

‘The rotten water has returned, this is bad. All stats are 999… … ‘

It is a novel about the protagonist who just became a player, and for some unknown reason, all his stats have reached 999.

It cannot be implemented properly.

‘You become stronger just by making it.’

It’s a game fantasy, but if you make something like a weapon, it’s a novel that increases your abilities.


Park Si-joon was sullen.

He made a weapon and raised his stats, so he reads another web novel.

‘The SSS class I chose.’

It is a novel about the ability to draw.

A novel that picks up items and picks up some kind of hero.

It’s good though.

‘Is there anything that can help you right now?’

Park Si-joon’s finger, which had been scrolling all the way down, stopped at one point.


His eyes looked carefully at the title.

“Kwon-sama, who became a saint, ranked No.

It was a confusing title.

Still, I thought I’d see you again.

Park Si-jun saw the introduction of the book.

[The protagonist, who was ranked first in the virtual reality game with the job of King Kwon, died and was in a different world? Does that mean I am a saint? Is this real?]

“Is that so, is it real?”

I was shocked to see it.

‘Do you think it’s okay?’

But the skills weren’t bad.

The main character can handle the skills of the King of Kings class, and because he is a saint, he is also very good at divine magic.

The protagonist is a combination of the two.

“He has become a saint who can go through a difficult world with both fists…”

Park Si-jun was at a loss for words for a moment.

He makes full use of his talent as a saint, wears buff magic on his body and crushes enemies with his fists.

He was a masculine protagonist.

‘Is the core ability boxing and divine magic? Will both be implemented, or will only one be implemented?’

I wasn’t sure. However.

“I like this the most.”(Read more @

Especially buff magic.

Boxing is secondary, and you only need to learn buff magic.

How were the priests who learned good buff magic treated at the party?

It will definitely be of great help.

“Would you like to read it?”

Park Si-jun put a bookmark. I was sure of what I was going to implement.

[I have placed a greedy bookmark on King Kwon, who has become a saint.][The effect of the bookmark is activated.]

It was time to read a novel.

* * *

‘Kwon Kwon-nim, ranked number 1 who became a saint.’

Another world possessed.

The protagonist is possessed by the body of a saint who has the greatest talent ever. With the powers acquired while serving as the King of Power in the game.

[The Undead created by the Four Kings are coming. The city was collapsing, and people were dying. Now was the time to make a choice.][So I clenched my fist.]

The world is in a state of great crisis with the undead led by a man called the Four Kings.

The denomination that the saint possessed by the protagonist belonged had already collapsed.

[“Cheolsango!”][With all his body weight, he slammed the enemy with his shoulder. Paaang! The body of the undead exploded with a roar.]

The protagonist uses the game’s skills and the power of the saint to rebuild the church.

And finally, the Four Kings who brought chaos to the world are finished.

‘It’s done properly.’

The ending was pretty neat.

The main character who overcame the crisis of the world and rebuilt the destroyed church. He becomes the new pope and maintains world order… … .

‘The story is a bit childish.’

Instead, it was very exciting. Is it supposed to stimulate a man’s heart?

“Now that I’ve read it all…”

Park Si-jun, who turned the last page, waited for the message to appear.

[I have read ‘Kwon Kwon, who became a saint, ranked No. 1’.][Strength has increased by 3.3 due to the effect of Tomb Reading. Intellect has increased by 2.2.][You can implement this work right away. will you do it?]


There was nothing to worry about.

[I implement King Kwon, who is ranked No. 1 who became a saint.][Novel immersion 43%. The immersion level greatly increases with the power of reading.][The King of Holy Fist! People of later generations called him that. -Wang Kwon, ranked No. 1 in the ranking of becoming a saint.]

Park Si-jun waited for the result.

[The Holy Power stat has been newly created as a result of the poisoning effect.][Strength has been increased by 2 due to the effect of Tomb Reading. Intellect has increased by 1.9.][Attribute, ‘Holy Holy Fist King (B)’ has been acquired. Characteristics have been strengthened due to high immersion.]


And tilted his head.

Something unexpected came up.

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