Fourth Prince:...

So, you said all this and still pretended to be furious.

As a result, you still don’t dare to take action directly?

"Be careful!" King Bu warned, as if he had figured out what the fourth prince was thinking.

"I often tell your three senior brothers, be cautious! No matter what situation you encounter, you must have a backup plan!

I'm afraid they died this time because they didn't listen to my persuasion! You should be careful in the future!

Do you know? Don't make the same mistake again. "

"I understand." The fourth prince nodded repeatedly.

"Alas, I have been active for many years, and I have provoked many enemies, but the reason why I am alive today is because of my caution!" Mr. Bu snorted proudly.

"It's the same this time! Although we are very angry, remember...don't be careless! Let's test it first!"

Fourth Prince:...

Don't tell me, the three senior brothers also planned to test it out before, but...

He immediately stopped testing himself.

"Okay, you stay here for now, I'll go out and see what's going on." After saying these words, Mr. Bu disappeared.

"Master left so soon?" The fourth prince scratched his head.

"Sigh... That's fine! I hope Master can succeed directly and make me the leader of Tianyou Kingdom!

Hahaha... The position of leader of the country is mine in the end! "


In the palace of Tianyou Kingdom, King Bu sneaked in easily.

"As expected of the palace, so many formations?" King Bu felt it and discovered many formations.

“But they are all formations of the Tianyu Realm, nothing like... Well, the strongest one in the palace is the one at the top of the Tianyu Realm.

Moreover, the breath of life is about to be exhausted, are we old, weak, sick and disabled? Qi...

That Ye Yunna? Why can't I feel his presence? Could it be that he is not in the palace? "

King Bu was sensing and exploring at the same time, and soon came to the depths of the palace.

After all, King Bu was in the Eternal Realm. He lurked all the way without anyone noticing.

"Is this the new king, the original second prince?" Lurking deep into the palace, King Bu also saw the new king and the commander-in-chief.

At this moment, the new king is discussing with the commander whether to fight back against the ghost beasts!

"The King of Ghost Beasts is dead, we can sweep away the ghost beasts!" said the new king.

"If we can give the ghost beasts a heavy blow, they won't attack our Tianyou Kingdom again for a long time!"

"But... the ghost beast is also a natural barrier." The commander looked a little worried.

"If we kill too many people, this natural barrier will be ineffective. If we face the dead and evil tribes..."

"Then let's clean it up properly?" The new king rubbed his chin.

"Don't clean up too much, but you have to kill a few. After all, I just took over... I have to do something."

"That's right. You just took office and you want to do something great." The commander nodded.

"Tsk." Mr. Bu sighed softly in the dark.

"If we deal with them here, will it be the fourth prince's turn to be the leader of the country?"

After thinking for a while, Mr. Bu gave up.

"Let's test Ye Yun's strength first. If Ye Yun is weaker than me, the position of leader of the country will be mine!

There's no way to run away.

If Ye Yun is stronger than me, no matter how many princes I kill, Tianyou Kingdom will still be in Ye Yun's hands. even...

If the prince and Ye Yun have a good relationship, I have offended Ye Yun for nothing... Hmm.

Let’s take a look at Ye Yun’s strength first. "

Thinking of this, Old King Bu looked at the rune stones around the second prince's waist.

"This thing is obviously used for communication, and its structure is mysterious. It should be something left by Ye Yun...

Well, just crush it and you should be able to attract Ye Yun. "

Therefore, King Bu directly used his energy to crush the second prince's rune stones through the air.


"What's going on!?" The new king was startled and stood up directly.

"What's going on?" The commander also stood up hurriedly.

"This is the rune stone Ye Yun gave me. I can summon him by just crushing it." The new king's face was solemn.

"It just exploded automatically. It's very strange..."

"Automatically exploded?" The commander's pupils narrowed.

"It makes no sense. Since it is the rune stone given by Ye Yun, the quality must be absolutely good! It cannot explode suddenly!

Someone must have crushed this rune stone..."

"Yes, I thought so too, that's why I found it strange." The new king nodded.

"But there's obviously no one nearby..."

"Don't tell me." The commander thought of something and immediately looked around.

"Did someone lurk in? Who is it? How could he lurk here quietly?"

"Although his cultivation level is not good, he is still smart." Mr. Bu chuckled in the dark.

"Don't worry, wait until I kill Ye Yun first, and then it will be your death... Humph!"

"Is someone lurking here?" The new king looked frightened.

"What should we do? Should we run?"

"It's not necessary." The commander reassured the king.

"Since the other party didn't take action directly, I think he was worried... maybe he was worried about Ye Yun...

Wait, wait for Ye Yun to come... We can't do anything. "

"Okay." The new king nodded.

Afterwards, the entire palace fell into silence.

After a while.


Ye Yun appeared directly in the palace.

"My Lord, have you found a soul treasure?" Ye Yun looked at the new Lord and asked.

"What strength does this man have?!" The pupils of the old king Bu who was hiding in the dark trembled.

"Why can't I see the depth? He feels like an ordinary person?

Could it be that he has a treasure that specifically hides his breath? I can't see it... Should I try it out?"

"We are not looking for you." The new Lord explained hurriedly.

"Someone lurked in and crushed the talisman stone... Do you know that someone lurked in?"

The commander-in-chief was also nervous and held his breath.

If Ye Yun didn't know that someone lurked in, wouldn't it mean that the other party might be stronger than Ye Yun?

If this happens, it would be too terrifying! I'm afraid we will all die!

"Oh, so that's the case." Ye Yun snorted.

"It turns out that it was because of this rat that I made a wasted trip, well..."

Ye Yun grabbed with one hand.

The old king Bu, who was still struggling, suddenly felt a huge force on himself!

"Drag me!? And drag me towards Ye Yun?"

Bu Laowang's expression changed drastically. After feeling Ye Yun's huge force, he probably knew...

Ye Yun was much stronger than him!

"No! I don't want to die here! I don't want to!"

Bu Laowang wanted to struggle, but found that this huge force was too strong and he couldn't resist it at all!

"I've been so cautious...but I'm still in a desperate situation?"

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