"There are two transcendental realms in the demon race, Pi Huo Huang and Meng You Zhizun, needless to say." The Lord of the Holy Hall said to Ye Yun.

"And the spirit race also has two transcendental realms. In addition to the spirit king, there is another one. Do you know him?

If you don't know, I will introduce him to you, after all, we will meet later."

"Is it the eldest son of the spirit king? I seem to have heard of him several times." Ye Yun thought for a while and said.

"The entire spirit race is the descendant of the spirit king, and the eldest son is the first son created by the spirit king. He has practiced for the longest time and has the best talent.

In the spirit race, this eldest son is called Lingzi."

"Haha, yes, it is Lingzi." The Lord of the Holy Hall nodded.

"This is the second transcendental realm of the spirit race. Since there is no problem, I will start to contact him."

Then, the Lord of the Holy Hall began to build a channel.

Soon, two space channels were built, one leading to the spirit race and the other leading to the demon race.

Soon, the transcendental realms of these two races appeared at the other end of the channel.

"Master of the Holy Hall, long time no see." The four Transcendent Realms all greeted the Master of the Holy Hall, and then looked at Ye Yun together.

"Is this the Galaxy Emperor? Thank you so much, if you hadn't killed those seven Transcendent Realms, they wouldn't have retreated as a whole!

The guys from the Tuan tribe are too strong, we are no match for them at all."

Ye Yun nodded.

He also knew a little bit about the situation. The Spirit Tribe and the Demon Tribe were attacked to the hinterland. If it weren't for the support of the formation, they would have been wiped out directly.

He repelled the Tuan tribe army by himself, which can be said to have saved them directly.

"It's true that heroes emerge from youth." The Spirit King couldn't help but sigh.

"When the Emperor cultivated to perfect development, we all know that only more than 100 million years have passed. I didn't expect that the Emperor has surpassed us old guys."

"Yes, the Emperor is the strongest in our universe." The Supreme Mengyou next to him also praised.

Although Pihuohuang and Lingzi didn't say anything, their expressions showed their admiration for Ye Yun!

"You guys, seeing how powerful our Galaxy Emperor is, you all want to build a relationship with him, right?" The mercenary leader waved his hand.

"You can build a relationship privately, give Ye Yun some gifts or something, but forget about it now.

Now, let's discuss how to deal with the Tuan tribe."

"Okay." The four Transcendent Realm nodded.

There is another very important point for talking to Ye Yun besides the fact that Ye Yun saved their tribe.

They all know that if a person who comprehends the perfect law can cultivate to the perfect Transcendent Realm, he can become the master of the world!

If Ye Yun really reaches the perfect Transcendent Realm, Ye Yun will be the master of the world on their side in the future!

With such a precious identity, how can we not build a good relationship in advance?

"It's a pity that in our tribe, after so many years, there has not been a single perfect opening! This is too difficult!

It was really a blood loss to exchange so many resources for this information!!!"

Several people in the Transcendent Realm of the Demon Clan and the Spirit Clan had this idea at the same time.

In fact, even among the human race, after so many years, only one Huan Youyou has opened up the perfect law.

In this way, you can imagine how difficult it is to have a perfect law.

"Okay, let's get back to the point." The Lord of the Temple coughed lightly.

"Now that the Tuan tribe has suddenly retreated, I want to explore the territory of the Tuan tribe, but I can't spy on it.

So, I would like to ask the Supreme Mengyou to join forces with me again! Let's spy together and see what the Tuan tribe is doing!"

"I have no objection." The Supreme Mengyou looked at the Lord of the Temple.

"When will we start?"

"Of course, as soon as possible!" The Lord of the Temple said.

"Okay! Then let's join forces again and see what the Tuan tribe is doing!" The Supreme Mengyou directly activated the power of space!

Through the space channel, the energy was transmitted to the Lord of the Temple.

"Well." The Lord of the Temple put away this energy, and then also activated his own space power.


Soon, a group of powerful space energy gathered.

"It's really strong." The spirit of the spirit race couldn't help but sigh at this time.

"Of course, in our universe, these two are the ones who have the most understanding of the power of time and space!" The Spirit King said with a smile.

"Let's see how they spy on the Tuan tribe."

As soon as the voice fell, the energy exploded, and a blurry picture appeared in front of everyone.

It was vaguely visible that it was the territory of the Tuan tribe!

"Close!" The Lord of the Holy Hall gave an order.

The picture instantly zoomed in, and was about to rush into the territory of the Tuan tribe.


Suddenly, a powerful energy erupted in the territory, making the picture completely blurred.

"The Lord of Guanghuang discovered it, but it doesn't matter, I just want to spy forcibly!" The Lord of the Holy Hall urged the energy.

"With the combined efforts of the two of us, we will definitely be able to spy successfully! Go!"

Under the urging of the Lord of the Holy Hall, the picture was blurred for a while, clear for a while, and after flashing a few times.


The picture disappeared instantly.

"Impossible!" The Lord of the Holy Hall and Mengyou Supreme exclaimed together.

The disappearance of this image means that both of them have failed to spy together!


"We were able to spy together before, but why...it doesn't make sense now."

Both of them were confused.


In the territory of the Tuan tribe, the Lord of Guanghuang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lord Qi beside him.

"Thank you for your help, if you hadn't helped, they would have spied on us again."

"Hmph, you are just a petty trick, and you want to spy on us?" Lord Qi curled his lips in disdain.

"Okay, Guanghuang, let me take care of this, you can go and do other things."

"Okay, leave it to you, I'm very relieved." The Lord of Guanghuang laughed and left.

"If you dare to spy again, I will teach you a lesson!" Lord Qi looked up at the sky to prevent the human race from spying again.


In the territory of the human race, the Lord of the Holy Hall and the Supreme Mengyou had some guesses.

"Could it be that there is another Transcendent Realm expert in time and space in the territory of the Tuan tribe?

So, this Transcendent Realm expert in time and space, together with the Master of the Formation Light, blocked our spying?"

Then the two nodded, they thought this possibility was very high!

"It seems that even if we two join forces, we can't spy." Mengyou Supreme seemed a little regretful.

"Unfortunately, we don't have a third person who is good at time and space! If there is a third person who is good at time and space, the three of us will join forces and maybe we can spy on him!"

"I can try." Ye Yun spoke at this time.

"Ah?" The Lord of the Holy Hall was stunned.

"You are good at time and space?"

"Master, you all know that I am the Perfect Law." Ye Yun explained.

"The Perfect Law means that everything is perfect and without defects. In other words, I am also good at things related to time and space."

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