Realistic Game

Chapter 388: Summoning Earth Golem

  Chapter 389 Earth Golem Summoning Technique

   "What do you think of this alliance convened by Mo Lan?"

  A group chat that was just established, there were a total of 27 people in it, and one person suddenly sent a message and said.

   "President, what are you doing? Why are you still building a group?"

  A player asked the guild leader next to him, and the guild leader said while riding a horse gallop.

   "What do you know, if everyone goes together, then Mo Lan will definitely put on airs, everyone can't please.

  But it would be different if only us were there. I apologize, and step on the rest of the body, won’t we go up there? "

"Oh, that's how it is."

  This player suddenly realized, and the president looked at the group again, but when he saw it clearly, his face instantly stiffened.

   "I'm standing in the wizard's association and watching."


  The following is a screenshot of an island in the lake. Above it, you can vaguely see a white tower standing on the island.

   "Fuck! Why did you go to the Mage Guild?"

  "? I was coming, but I was late. Something was delayed. I thought I was just like you."

  President XX has left the group chat.

  The group chat with only 26 people left suddenly fell into a dead silence, and it was a long time before someone said again.

   "Everyone, let's talk, what should I do? I know you must all be on your way to the Mage Association.

  I don’t need to explain the impact of trains on this era, right? I must catch this bus. I was brain-disabled before. How do I make it up now? "

"?? Did you all go to the Mage Association? What are you going to do? How much iron is needed to repair the rails? Even if they are repaired, they will end up being stolen. Now I'm going to stick to people's cold ass. It's a shame."

  President XX has been brought up for group chat.

   "When are you still fishing here? If you scam you, the phishing party will just kick it out."

  The group leader just finished speaking and someone else spoke.

   "In my opinion, it's better to form an alliance with 25 of us. The Mage Association has a train, so we can grab it. If we grab it, we will have it, and it's no worse than them."

  The host is silent.

  A certain president has been brought up for group chat.

  ". The brain damage is also kicked out."

There were only twenty-four people left in the    group. After a moment of silence, someone finally came up with an idea that could pass their heads.

   "We did have a mistake first, and Mo Lan did express his attitude early, not as good as us."

   "President, a guild leader from Dashi City is here, saying he is late, sorry."

  Zhao Hua reported to Mo Lan.

   "Huh? It's here. I remember Dashicheng is far away. It shouldn't be enough time, right?"

  Mo Lan was a little surprised, Zhao Hua smiled upon hearing this.

  "This is indeed late, something was delayed, and there was an accident when I was leaving. After the time was delayed, I could have arrived as usual.

  And I did tell us about being late before we started, but the person who was meeting him was so busy for a while that he forgot to say it. "

  Speaking, Zhao Hua directly handed a screenshot of the chat history to Mo Lan. Mo Lan glanced at it and nodded.

  "That's okay, you can tell the situation and the chairman of the meeting, show them the evidence, and then let him participate."

   "Okay, I see."

   Zhao Hua left, Mo Lan once again immersed his mind in the comparison between the process and the answer.

  This is a very strange and wonderful process. The answers hidden in the fog reveal the truth bit by bit. After the complicated calculations, Mo Lan found that the calculations and the answers were the same one by one. This moment of invigoration is fascinating.

  However, at this moment, a person called Mo Lan.

   "Easy to fly?"

  The interrupted Mo Lan frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied, but when she saw Yi Fei she was a little confused.

  "Hey, President Yi, why don't you discuss the terms of the alliance and call me on hold?

  Which elder has responded to you? Say the name and I will give him a good compliment. "

  Yi Fei was a little bit dumbfounded.

  "The elders of your association are indeed very responsive. I don’t know what ecstasy you poured into them.

  Okay, it’s okay, I don’t want to be ambiguous, let me just say it, I’m here to be a lobbyist. "


   "Well, yes, there is a person I know in reality, who is a partner of investors from my guild, and my investors have built a bridge.

  Of course, compared to my investor’s friends, I still feel that I have something to eat with Mo Shen.

  So I wanted to refuse, but after hearing the opposite condition, I agreed to it again. Mo Shen guessed the condition? "

   "It's impossible to plan to invest in my Mage Association, right?"

  Mo Lan said casually, and Yi Fei suddenly laughed.

   "How is it possible? How can it be possible to get them in turn if you want to invest, Mo Shen, you can put your tongue a little bit. Investors can get out of ten streets. They are not worthy."

   Yi Fei said disdainfully, and then continued speaking with a sigh of relief.

  "They also vote for your favor, and I am willing to make this call only after hearing their terms.

  Otherwise, even if you call and chat with Mo Shen for a while, you won’t mention it. "

   "Oh, what are the conditions? If you know that I will let it go and show my attitude. If you want me to change my mind, there is no way.

  You know this too, well, you made me more curious about what it is, but you didn't refuse it directly. "

  Yi Fei smiled upon hearing this.

  "Space Summoning Spell, first-order earth puppet summoning!

  Mo God, if you don’t want it, I will reject it. "

  Mo Lan was stunned when he heard this. He had always made people look for similar summoning spells in the Royal Capital Association before, but this type of summoning spell was actually relatively rare, and the Royal Capital Association did not.

  Although it is understandable the natural world has evolved by coincidence to allow a monster to evolve a summoning spell, but Mo Lan could not accept it.

  He suddenly heard the news of the summoning spell, and his tone changed suddenly.

  "Ahem, I feel that as the president of the association, we cannot harm the interests of the association because of personal feelings."

  Mo Lan just finished speaking with a high-sounding voice, and suddenly he was taken aback.

   "Wait, how did they do this?"

  "It is estimated that the news has spread. I know that Mo God wants to find a summoning spell that connects the earth element world. I have looked for it for a while before to see if I can find a good stroke from Mo God's hand.

  Unfortunately, this spell is indeed relatively rare. "

  Mo Lan nodded when he heard the words, and he knew roughly from what channel the news had spread. He didn't refuse. The price was not enough for the previous refusal. The price made him unable to refuse, he pondered for a moment, and said aloud.

   "Tell them that it is not forming an alliance, but that they want to join the alliance. In this case, the consent of others in the alliance is also indispensable."


  (End of this chapter)

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