Realistic Game

Chapter 389: Morse League of Players!

  Chapter 390 Morse Player League!

   "Let's see."

  Yifei hung up the phone and shrugged.

  A group of guild leaders around nodded and dispersed.

   "Since Mo Lan said so, then this alliance should still be nodded.

  The treaty thing, let the big guys increase their speed. There is no need to defend from the east and the west. There is generally no problem. When the problem is actually discovered, then slowly fix it. "

   "Then we promised them to join in?"

   "How is that possible?"

  The president clapped his hands and walked out the door, leaving only a word.

   "Wait for them to come and beg me."

  Molan's eyelids droop slightly, focusing on the formulas and structural models in front of her.

  He likes to read novels, so he can relax, he likes a sentence in a novel he has read.

  Knowledge is all power!

  Mo Lan very much agrees with this sentence, and also very much agrees with the sentence extended from this sentence.

  The real strong must be knowledgeable.

  In other words, the knowledgeable is not necessarily the strong, but the strong must be knowledgeable.

  So Mo Lan always puts research in the first place, analyzing the world through research, understanding the world, and mastering knowledge.

  Under his leadership, Lu Bin and Lin Wu also gradually handed over everything to the top ten elders, focusing their minds and energy on research and on acquiring knowledge.

  This is why the three chairpersons, the first director, the second deputy, and the three chairpersons are only present at such an important occasion, instead of hosting from beginning to end.

  Mo Lan was immersed in the research, not sensitive to the passage of time, and only the meals delivered regularly made him react, and it was time to order again.

  A few days later, after twenty-five guild leaders begged grandfathers and grandmothers, and paid a high price, they finally obtained the consent of all alliance members and successfully joined the alliance before the alliance was established.

   Surprisingly, there was really a guild that did not join, which made the people in the previous group suddenly realize and was quite shocked.

   "So he is not fishing, he is really stupid!"

  So, there are a total of 83 guilds with more than 10,000 people, plus the Mage Association, a total of 84 forces are preparing to form alliances on this island.

  The earth puppet summoning technique of only the second ring also successfully reached Mo Lan's hands.

  Looking at this space spell with only more than fifty spell nodes, Mo Lan was surprised.

   "There are actually such low-level space spells, awesome."

  Mo Lan took a few glances, got a direct insight into this spell model, and used magic power to construct it.


  There was a wave of spatial fluctuations, the spatial cracks opened, and a dusty clay puppet walked over, and then the spatial cracks closed directly without any lag.

  Although the crack in the space only opened for an instant, Mo Lan still perceives the earth element beyond imagination on the opposite side of the crack. The earth element is so rich, it is indeed the earth element world that is right.

After confirming this, Mo Lan looked at the spell model with emotion.

   "Unexpectedly, I didn't expect to find what I wanted in the thousands of spell models in the Royal Capital Association, but at this time I got it in this way.

  Although the level is a little lower, as long as the coordinates are determined, there is always a way to pass. "

  Mo Lan smiled and sent the spell model to Lu Bin, and then once again set his eyes on the mud puppet in front of him.

  The earth puppet is about two meters tall, burly in stature, and made of rocks. It should be a second-tier strength and tends to be defensive. There is nothing wrong with these, but I don’t know why it is called a earth puppet instead of a stone puppet.

  Mo Lan thought that as soon as it moved, it would act accordingly, which could be controlled.

  "Hey, this spell is a bit interesting. A second-ring spell can not only complete the summoning, but also control it instantly.

   Can instantly control a second-order soil puppet, just this control skill surpasses the second ring, right? "

  "Well, this control method is a bit interesting. It is not the way to control the soul, but to cut the connection between the soul and the body, directly occupy the nest, and borrow the control system of the puppet to control the other party's body.

  No wonder it is called a puppet, just a puppet, not a pet.

  But this control method also has this technique of cutting the soul and the control system. How do I feel that these are more powerful than controlling this puppet?

  A summoning spell that connects the earth element world, a control spell that cuts off the connection between the soul and the body, and a control spell that controls the unowned body by the Nest of the Dove. Fuck, this is outrageous.

  It is impossible to describe the use of a sledgehammer to kill a chicken. This is simply a dragon slaying knife for killing a chicken. "

  Mo Lan looked at this spell model more and more surprised. At this moment, Mo Lan even felt that this second-level summoning spell was more powerful than the sixth-level resource summon. Oh no, the sixth-order lava monster summoning was even more powerful and more valuable.

   "It was originally a surprise, but now it seems that it is just a surprise in a surprise, one after another."

  Mo Lan shook his head, put the spell model away, glanced at the space anchor, and did not continue to study, temporarily put this down, walked to the window and looked down.

  A total of eighty-three guild leaders surrounded the elite members of their guilds, surrounded by the high platform. Next to the high platform, a huge monster covered by red cloth drew everyone's minds.

  After a week or so of negotiations, a simple covenant has been drafted. There are a total of 19 articles. Mo Lan read it briefly. It is very rough, but you take a step back and let me give it a step. The structure has already been established, and it will be gradually improved.

   Pushing open the window, looking at the ebony head below, Mo Lan walked down step by step under the attention of everyone.

  It's like a substantial step under your feet, carrying every step of Mo Lan.

  Walking from the fifth floor of the Mage Tower to the high platform, applause rang Mo Lan pressed his hand down, and after the surroundings calmed down, he looked around and said slowly.

  "The Morse Player League is established today, now, and now!

  I have a cheeky as the leader of the alliance, and now I have elected ten permanent deputy leaders to jointly handle the affairs of the alliance.

  Not much to say, I hope everyone will support each other, help each other, and win-win cooperation! "

  After Mo Lan finished speaking, there was warm applause. After a while, Mo Lan pressed down his palm again.

  "As the leader of the alliance, I was like everyone promised something before the alliance was established. Everyone has heard of it by comparison, the train!

  Many people have heard of you, but many people also think that it is just a cover and it is impossible to realize it now.

  But what I want to say is that since I have promised, I will realize it. Today, now, the train with the stone engraved version of the alliance and covenant is shipped! "

  Everyone was a little confused when they heard the words.

  Starting? Where's the track? How to start without a track? Isn't Mo Lan joking?

  Amidst the doubts of countless people, Mo Lan lifted his hand, and the red cloth spread out, revealing the black gold train hidden underneath.

  (End of this chapter)

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