Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 100 - The Hidden Room

As I step through the mouth of the snake the torches that line the walls begin to ignite. The room is fairly large with magical objects and books resting on stone selves around the room. The most eyes catching thing however is a large coffin resting in the center of the room.

My eyes rest on the coffin wearily as I feel a bit of magic radiating off of it. I close my eyes to feel the souls around me and find myself nearly blind. I can't see anything outside the room but now I can see a tiny soul resting in the coffin. It is absent of any color, unlike any other soul I've seen before.

I slowly approach while keeping my wand ready. I rest my hand on the coffin and slowly push but the lid doesn't move. My eyes narrow as I push with both hands, I may be young but I am pretty damn strong for a kid.

Seeing my attempts aren't working I take a step back. I point my wand at the coffin "Alohomora" I say as my wand flicks at the coffin.


The stone coffin slides off a bit but not enough to reveal the inside, instead it shows how thick the walls of the coffin are. The stone top is four inches thick and the side walls are nearly half a foot thick.

I take a breath as I use my shadow to slowly push the lid of the coffin off. Once it is halfway off I peer over to look inside the coffin. A gaunt corpse is inside with a thin layer of pale skin seemingly barely holding on. He is wearing pale green robes and a wand tightly between his hands on his c.h.e.s.t. Each hand is adorned with a ring on every finger and thumb.

My eyes narrow 'He looks familiar.' My mind wanders as I try and remember where I've seen him before. Before I can remember I feel the wind around me begin to stir.

"We are underground, where the hell is the wind coming from?" I mutter to myself. Looking around I notice that the wind is coming in from the door and circling around the corpse. My eyes lock on the corpse and observe for any movement.

'It has a soul so it can't be really dead right?' My eyes widen as I watch the gaunt corpse's face become full and regain some color. The thin fingers begin to thicken as they twitch a bit.

I let out a sigh, this will probably turn into a fight. I highly doubt any good-hearted wizard would be buried down here. With my luck, it could be Salazar Slytherin himself.

I raise my wand again as the eyes of the corpse snap-open "Who are you?"


The lid to the coffin that was still partially covering it shatters. The hand of the corpse grabs the side of the coffin as it slowly lifts itself into a sitting-up position. I am greeted by a different face than what I saw earlier.

The face is now more full but still skinny. The corpse now looks like an older man with a bald head and a long grey beard similar to Dumbledore. His eyes are unique, they are emerald green with his pupils slit like a snake. They have the signature shine behind them just like Dumbledore. The sign of a powerful wizard.

"You ask who I am?" A dry and aged voice echos from his mouth. The surprising part, aside from the corpse's ability to talk, was the thick Irish accent.

I don't lower my wand earning a laugh from the ex-corpse, dust falls from his mouth as he does "Do you not recognize your ancestor?"

My brows raise as I tilt my head "Sorry, I dealt with that rat. I'm not related to you."

His eyes narrow suspiciously as a hiss-like whisper leaves his lips "Do you not understand me?"

"I do." I hiss back in parceltounge.

"To think that someone other than I, Salazar Slytherin, learned the secret to the language of serpents." He strokes his long beard pondering something.

My eyes widen "So you were Salazar Slytherin."

A grin grows on his face "So you know of me? What year is it?"

"1992," I say curtly not wanting him to mistake that I'm friendly with him.

This time it's his turn to be surprised his emerald eyes widen as he turns to me. "Could you repeat that boy?"

"1992?" I say as if questioning myself.

As the words leave my lips I feel a pressure similar to what I felt when searching Dumbledore's soul. I nearly fall to a knee as I feel the magical power radiate off of him. His snake eyes narrow as he slams his hand onto the stone coffin.


The side of the coffin cracks and splits from where he hit it. "THOSE INCOMPETENT FOOLS! HOW MANY GENERATIONS DOES IT TAKE TO PRODUCE A COMPETENT HEIR!?"

My shadowy cloak covers me relieving the pressure from my soul I shrug "This generation is actually quite powerful, easily the best since you. It is too bad he will die without a soul."

His eyes narrow at me as I feel the pressure focus on me "You think NOW is the time to make a threat at my incompetent offspring?"

I scowl at his threatening words "My next actions depend on your answer to my question… Do you plan to kill the muggleborn?"

He smiles at me with no happiness behind his eyes "No. I plan to butcher th-"

Before he can answer a tentacle of inky shadow shoots out from my cloak trying to pierce his skull. He flicks his wand using a protection spell to deflect it causing me to click my tongue.

He slowly stands from the coffin as I watch him wearily "That's a unique power you have there."

"AVADA KADAVRA" A green light leaves his wand hitting my shadowy tentacle dispersing instantly.

His eyes widen "Gombeen, how did you do that?"

I don't answer instead I summon five more shadowy tentacles that slowly sharpen into swords. Like extra limbs, they swing at him like arms trying to grab him. With a casting speed I've never seen before he blocks all of them. A shield with a transparent sheen blocks them one by one the slowly forms a shell around him.

He smirks as he points his wand at me but it quickly falls as he looks up at the ceiling as if looking through it. "It appears the headmaster this year is quite the beast. I am still weak from waking up… so I will take my leave. I'll be back boy."

My eyes narrow 'How does he plan to get out of the anti-apparition barrier?' seemingly answering my question he holds his hand out towards the locket sitting on one of the bookshelves. As if it has a mind of its own it flies off the shelf and lands in his open palm.

The space around him shifts whirling him up till he disappears into a single point. 'A port key.'

"F.u.c.k. Why did he run?" I look towards the ceiling where he looked before he left "Dumbledore shouldn't be able to see past the chamber entrance in the bathroom, right?" I ask myself. I wave my arm causing my shadows to consume all the magic items and books on the shelves.

'I'll inspect them later' I nod to myself as I turn to walk out. As I step out of the mouth I lose my eyes and check for souls once again. I see Dumbledore in his office like usual with nothing out of the ordinary.

I sigh "That scared me, made me think Dumbledore might be able to see us." I quickly grab the destroyed Horcrux and calmly walk back to the dorms.

'I may have made a new enemy today but what's new? I already have vampires and Voldemort to worry about, at this point Salazar Slytherin is just a showpiece.' I downplay my thoughts to calm myself knowing full well it is a much bigger deal than I am making it.


(A/N: This will be copied on the Reaper chapter so no need to read it twice. I started writing my real novel so I'm trying to get half a chapter of that done a day as well as a chapter of one of my fics. Current;y Morningstar is still on hiatus since I have 0 inspiration for it at all. I may try to finish Dead God quick since it is only supposed to be like 200 chapters, I'm also thinking of writing a prequel for my original book and putting it on , but I'm not sure yet. So you can expect 3 or so chapters of either Dead God or Reaper per week. <3 you all, glad to be back.)

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