Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 101 - A Sealed Door And A Problem

It has been over a week since I cleaned out the chambers and I have yet to hear anything about Salazar. I check the newspaper every day expecting to find something about it but it has been quiet. I received a letter from Dirk Garvey that my motion to sue the French Ministry has been accepted.

The letter said that he said the French Ministry legally has 3 months to reply so it shouldn't be long. I also took some time out of my day to go through all the things I got from the chamber. It was mostly just boring dark artifacts but one interesting thing I found is an egg.

It is larger than both my fists and all black the egg has a small frog petrified to the top of it. I assume it is a 'ready to go' basilisk ready to hatch. Maybe it will hatch if I unpetrify the frog? I push it off for later, although I like creatures a basilisk seems a bit dangerous to raise.

The weeks go by quickly and class is overall fun. With Weasly Wears becoming a thing pranks have begun to run rampant among the students. However, it has been deceptively lucrative, if they really do want to open a joke shop I don't mind funding it.

I still don't know how they managed to smuggle so much contraband into the school but that's not my job. My job is to give them the money to buy supplies and we split the profit. I thought the rest of the year would go by smoothly… but I was wrong.

Starting around Christmas weird things started happening, other than the fact that Harry, Ron, and Hermione wanted to polyjuice into Slytherin's and investigate Malfoy. I don't understand how they think he could be the heir, he is kind of a loser.

But the spiders in the school started fleeing into the forest. Things moved from where you left them and disappeared. For a magic school, you think weird things would be normal, but that's only if you mean for them to happen.

I decided to stay over Christmas break like I told Auntie I would. I would feel bad if I were to ditch Ron and Harry again. Even Hermione ended up staying, Daphne, and Theo were basically forced to go home by their families though.

Lucius apparently told Draco to try and get closer to me. I don't particularly mind, although I don't like his personality I don't think he is a bad kid… just misguided.

Despite all the weird happenings around the school I never made anything of it until one night. Walking back from the dining hall later at night I once again hear whispers. My eyes snap to where I see movement. A small snake of a variety I've never seen before is slithering on the ground at the corner of the hall.

I look around to make sure no others are in the hall. 'It's a good this I left the hall alone' I think to myself as I grab the snake using my shadow.

The whispering begins to sound like complaining as the snake slowly realizes it is being lifted into the air by my shadow. Its wide head flicks to me as it meets my eyes, it obviously has intelligence behind its eyes.

"Release me you cur." The snake's tongue flicks out as it tries to lash out from my grip.

I am a bit baffled as I stare at the snake in confusion before hissing back at it "Be mindful of your words little snake, they can get you in trouble."

It is the snake's turn to be baffled as it looks taken aback and stares at me in silence. As if coming to a realization it begins to violently struggle to get free of my shadow's grasp. Too bad that won't happen.

"Release me, master warned of you." Its violent struggle slowly dies down as it begins to tire.

"And who is your master?" I ask curiously.

The snake stops struggling having given up and just stares at me "Do your worst."

My eyes narrow in confusion "You seem to think I care. Sin, here is desert."

With a whip of my shadow, I toss the snake into the air. Sin quickly unravels from my neck and wraps around the snake. The snake desperately uses the last of its strength but it has no chance against a Lethifold. Within a few seconds Sin is once again wrapped around my neck and I am continuing back to the dorms.

I rub my temples as I walk 'I sure hope that wasn't a student's pet. I guess I need to check the chambers tonight… I know he said he would 'be back' but isn't this a bit soon?' I think of how I should deal with Salazar Slytherin one of the most powerful wizards ever as I walk back to the dorms.

Later that night when everyone is asleep I sneak away and make my way to the second floor girl's bathroom. Just my luck m.o.a.ning Mertle is sitting on top of one of the stalls swinging her feet. As I step into the bathroom our eyes lock and I let out a small groan.

Before she can speak I put my finger over my lips "Shhh, speak quietly."

Even on her ghastly white face, I can see her blush, 'Ghosts can blush huh.' I think to myself as she slowly floats to the floor in front of me.

She tilts her head at me "Why are you here? It's dangerous, there are snakes and an invisible ghost that talks to himself."

I clear my throat realizing she was here when I entered the chambers with the Horcrux over a month ago. "I know that's why I'm here to clear out the scary things for you." I give her a charming smile.

'I should have kept my shroud up longer.' I sigh to myself, I had just completely forgotten this sad little ghost exists.

Her face flushes again as she looks away coyly. "Well, the snakes are coming from over there." She points at the base of the sink, it is now chipped and a small dark hole is present. "Be careful,"

I grab her hand as I give her a smile "This is our secret, okay?" I feel myself gag in my head, playing prince charming feels wrong.

She squeals as she pulls away and passes through the stalls "Our secret." She mutters to herself as she fades backward out of sight.

I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the sink and speak in parseltongue "Open". Just like last time the snake engravings move and slither around unlocking the larger latch causing the large sink to move out of the way.

I give one last glace to Mertle who is floating listlessly in the air before jumping down the hole. I catch myself with my shadow before touching the ground. My eyes widen as the entrance is no longer a disgusting wet cave. Now the nice stone floors from the secret room extend out here and the ceiling looks well carved with pillars supporting it.

My eyes narrow as I look at the familiar sealed round door. I slowly approach and speak again in parseltongue "Open."

To my surprise the door is unmoving so I speak again... Nothing. I move to the backup plan, I cover myself in my shroud, and walk into the door. I get halfway through the door before striking a barrier I can feel the pain even though my shroud causing my eyes to widen.

If not for my shroud I would have definitely died right there. I quickly back away and shift into my dementor form. With a shadowy tentacle, I launch it at the door cracking the stone door causing the whole area to shake. My eyes widen as I quickly hide myself turning myself invisible.

… There is an evil wizard sealing himself in a chamber underneath the school that harbors the most powerful wizard alive… and me.

'What the f.u.c.k do I do about this?'

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