Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 102 - Always Protego

I stare at the impenetrable barrier with my dead dementor gaze as my thoughts run wild. After a minute or two, I make up my mind… I will wait.

If I leave the entrance open then a girl will probably find it in the morning and report it to the teachers. While Dumbledore is deciding what to do I will research this type of barrier in the library, since only a few students are here Dumbledore will probably just delay the return of students.

With my mind made up, I make my way back to the dorms cloaked as to not be seen. I shift back, uncloaking myself in the common room walking the rest of the way back to bed, so it seems like I just went to the bathroom.

As I lay down and stare at the back of my eyelids one last thought crosses my mind as I fall asleep.

'Mertyl won't tattle on me, right? I really don't want to eat that poor girl...'


The next morning I wake up early and begin to make my way to the library. The library has an extensive number of books covering every category you can think of. Despite having the dark ones locked away there is more than enough to spend all your years here.

Madam Pince is already sitting at her desk with a book in front of her skimming the pages with her finger. Her eyes gaze at me for a second before returning to the book.

"You are aware the library is not yet open Mr. Black, correct?" Her voice stops me in my tracks, I slowly turn to her with a smile.

"I'll be quiet I promise." I plead with puppy eyes.

Her eyes meet mine for a second before going back to the book "Reading is good, but remember, everything in moderation Mr. Black. It is Christmas break, you should be with your friends." She pauses for a moment before sighing "I will let you in this once, but do not make a habit of overworking yourself."

I nod quickly like a pecking chicken "Of course, of course."

Looking through the sections the rows are seemingly unending, this room obviously has an extension charm on it. No matter how many times I come to the library I always find something new. It's too bad the dark arts section is off-limits. Sure I could sneak in but I don't think it's worth the risk.

I decide to make my way to the reference section, even if it doesn't have what I need it will still give me an idea. I skim the shelves with my eyes finding a small pocket of books that have 'barrier' in the name. My eyes stop when I read the spine of a book name 'Barrier Dispersion'.

I slide the relatively thin book from the shelf and sit at a table. The cover of the small leather reads 'Barrier Dispersion, By Aodh Hayes' written in deep almost flowing gold letters. I slowly flip through the first few pages, he clearly lines out what he defines as a 'barrier' and what doesn't constitute.

He says he does not consider temporary spells such as 'Protego' as being barriers since although it does form a 'membrane' it doesn't hold for more than a second. What he considers a barrier is 'Protego Totalum' as it forms a sold membrane around the user to fit their specifications.

'That must be the 'shell' I saw form around him as we fought…' I think to myself as I continue reading.

According to Mr. Hayes, the most effective way to break barriers is the 'bombardment' method. Using a large number of physical or magical hits to break the barrier. Basically what I did to the Veela's barrier.

I'm unsure if this barrier is stronger than the barrier made by the Veela queen but I can say for sure, it hurt way more to hit it. Besides if I keep smacking it Dumbledore will notice. He goes on to explain why this method is less effective the stronger the barrier is.

I skim past until I reach his second method, killing the creator of the barrier. This is totally useless since my target is inside the barrier. But I make sure to note it for the future.

The third method is destroying the weak points in the barrier. If it was set up using magical items or potions, the weak points will be the furthest point from their use. I don't know how this barrier was constructed so this one is also useless.

I roll my eyes as I flip to the last page of the small book but as I'm about to close it I see a handwritten portion on the back of the final page. 'Who is bold enough to write in a Hogwarts Library book?' I think to myself as I read the words.

"The Final method I know to break through a barrier is one only to be used in desperation. I only write this for those who have no other choice. In a time of absolute desperation, the Unforgivable Curses are able to punch holes through any barrier, no matter how powerful.

I write this in hopes that it will aid someone in need someday. Pay heed, the darkness may appear infatuating."

I rub my face as I close the book and push it away "Urrgh, this is so annoying." I arch my back leaning back in my chair. I feel the presence of someone nearby, I open my eyes and peer through my fingers. I see the upside-down figure of Madam Pince gazing down at me.

I nearly fall out of the chair as I sit back up straight and turn around "Geez you scared me."

She gives me a small amused smile "Dumbledore has called for an assembly in the Grand Hall, all students and teachers must attend. Either check out your book or put it back."

My eyes widen a bit 'It was found already?'.

I give her a nod as I grab the book and stand up "Alright, thanks, I'll head there now."

I quickly put the book back on the shelf as I make my way out of the library. I make sure to stop by the stairs leading to the Griffindor dormitories before heading into the grand hall. Sure enough after waiting a bit the trio is heading down the stairs towards me.

Hermione looks a bit annoyed while both Ron and Harry are lazily walking down the stairs with tired faces. Ron yawns as he holds the railing to try not to fall down.

I look at Hermione as they near "Having trouble with the sleeping beauties?"

She sighs "They refused to get out of bed. I thought I would have to drag them."

Harry shrugs "I'm not that tired."

She gives him a side-eye as she gestures at Ron who is still rubbing his eyes. I just give them a smile as I open the doors to the grand hall.

The second I step inside I notice the head table is already full of the teachers minus those who left on vacation. My eyes turn to Hermione and Harry who have gone quiet.

"This atmosphere seems rather… serious," I whisper to Harry.

He gives a small nod as we sit down at a collective table full of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Griffindor. Basically all of those that decided to stay over the winter for various reasons.

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