Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 21 - Hallowe'en

The following Thursday was Hermione's birthday didn't know until an owl came with a few presents for her. I felt kind of bad so I wrote to Auntie to grab me a book from the Black family library. The next day auntie sent the book, it was "Protective Charms and Their History". When I gifted it I felt bad because she had told me I'm the only one from Hogwarts to give her anything.

When I started asking around no one even knew it was her birthday, Neville, Ron, and Harry hadn't even known. Not to mention she had been focusing on studying so much that Harry, Ron and I were the only ones she talked to in or out of class.


*a few weeks later*

I had been trying to get Hermione to start hanging out with Neville, Harry, Ron and I more often but she would always leave at different times seemingly on purpose. I think at this point I can say for certain she likes books more than people.

Neville, Ron, Harry and I were all at breakfast when the mail came and Harry got a large package. Harry quickly opens it releasing a brand new broom, it has a dark cedar handle, sleekly pushed down straw on the bottom. It would make a horrible cleaning device, to be honest.

As Harry opens it Ron yells "That's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron looked really envious, "I've never even touched one."

This makes me smile, "Ron you have one two feet away from you just touch it."

Ron's eyes dart between Harry and I, Harry just nods his head and pushes the broom closer to him. Ron slowly moved out his hand to the broom, the people who had gathered around were watching him. As he touched it he quickly pulled back is hand and squealed like a kid who just got a puppy.

Harry picked up the note that was attached to the broom and I read it from over his shoulder.

It read: Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session.

Signed Professor McGonagall

Both Harry and I look up at where McGonagall sits, she gives Harry a smile and a nod.

'Is this woman actually into children?' I wonder.

From across the hall, I could see Draco was eyeing the broom confused, but the second we met eyes he looked away and put his head down.

That week Harry started going to practice with Woods nearly every day. While he was gone I would go to the Library with Hermione we would talk about a lot of stuff. I learned that she was avoiding Ron and Harry because she felt that they didn't care enough about the rules. Which to be fair is true but I'm at fault too why isn't she mad at me?

On Hallowe'en, we woke up in the morning to the smell of pumpkins and the common room had been decorated with autumn harvest colors and jack-o-lantern. Even the breakfast was Hallowe'en styled, with Pumpkin puffs and toffy apples. Not the healthiest breakfast but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

During Charms class we paired up, I went with Neville, Harry was with Dean, Hermione was with Ron. After we got into our pairs he Flitwick gave us all feathers and started his speech.

"Now do not forget the wrist movement I taught you." Professor Flitwick was pacing back and forth with his eyes wandering around the room. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too; never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his c.h.e.s.t."

I raised my wand and was about to cast but Seamus at the table next to me yelled "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!". The feather floated for half a second before falling back to the table bursting into flames. "I did it!" he yells.

Professor Flitwick speaks up "Next time try not to set it on fire Mr. Finnigan."

I look back at my feather and with a swish and flick speak "Wingarium Leviosa." the feather starts floating following my wand motions.

Professor Flitwick claps "Well done Mr. Black! Look here class, this is how you do it."

Ron looks over with Hermione and I can hear Ron say "Wingarium Leviosa." however he is using a short a not a long a. I turn around to look and sure enough, his feather was not floating.

"It's not Leviosa it's Leviosaa." Hermione says.

"Well if you're so smart why don't you do it. " Ron says with anger.

Hermione clears her throat "Wingardium Leviosa" with a swish and flick the feather begins to float slowing going up.

You can hear Flitwick clapping "Good job Miss Granger."

I also give a small clap which causes Ron to turn around and glare at me. Seeing him glare at me I just shrug and give him a smile, he honestly looks defeated. I turn to look at what Harry is doing but just see him and Dean struggling to get any movement out of the feather at all.

'Looks like he didn't get his mothers talent at charms.' I think to myself.

After class, I walk out with Ron, Harry, and Neville since Hermione declined to come, probably not wanting to walk with Ron. While we were walking through the courtyard Ron interrupted the conversation Neville and I were having with his loud voice.

"I swear that girl is a nightmare, 'Leviosaaa not Leviosa' It's no wonder she doesn't have any friends," Ron says much to my distaste.

As he finishes his sentence Hermione walks past us in a near jog with her face in her books. I get a little mad and walk up behind Ron giving a good smack to the side of his head.

"You better go apologize to her later." I give a stern glare.

"But she-" Ron tried to defend himself but Harry cut him off.

"No, Ron that was kind of mean." Even Harry looked a bit mad at him.

"Ugh, fine, I'll do it after classes." Harry and I nod.

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