Reaper Of The Wizarding World


When we arrived at our next class I noticed the seat next to me was empty. Hermione wasn't there…

When classes got out instead of heading to the great hall for the Hallowe'en feast we went back to the common rooms to check for Hermione. She wasn't in the common room so we checked the girl's dorm rooms but she wasn't there either. I got a bit worried so we started asking around, turns out the girls had been talking about it almost all day. Since this morning Hermione was in the girl's bathroom on the bottom floor crying since around lunchtime.

When I heard this I gave Ron a glare, I was tempted to hit him again. But Ron already looked remorseful so I decided to let him off… this time. When we started heading down there was a large crowd of students heading away from the Great Hall. I decided to stop one and ask why they were they were all leaving the feast.

I grab Dean out of the crowd since he was the first I noticed. "What happened? Shouldn't you all be eating at the feast right now? It doesn't end for another hour and a half?"

Dean looks kind of rushed. "There is a troll in the dungeons, Quirrell found it before coming into the Great Hall shouting then passing out."

I let go of his arm and he runs off following the pack of students. I turn to look at Harry and Ron, they are both wide-eyed "I'll grab Hermione, you two head back right now."

Ron and Harry both shake their heads "We are coming with." Harry says.

Ron nods in agreement "It's my fault she is in danger in the first place, I have to go help."

I stare at them for a second and hesitate "Fine, but if we run into the troll you guys have to run when I say." they both agree with a small nod. And we take off running down the stairs, I'm tempted to fly but I don't want to get expelled so I'll just try my best.

She shouldn't be in immediate danger if the troll was spotted in the dungeons not that long ago. When we get to the bottom of the staircase you could see the girl's bathroom entrance near the end of the hallway. As we start going towards the bathrooms we can see a large figure around three and a half meters tall come out from the entrance of the dungeons.

It was the troll, around 13 feet tall carrying a 4-foot wooden club. It had rough grey skin, with broad shoulders, and a stupid looking long face. It was heading towards the girl's bathroom, probably because you could hear running water coming out of it. We were still around 20 meters away from it so all I could do is pull out my wand to prepare. When it got in we were only a few feet away from the bathroom when we heard a scream.

We ran inside to see the giant staring down at Hermione as it brought up its club to swing at her.

As it brought down its club I chanted "Confringo!" I hit the Troll in the small of its back causing an explosion knocking it forward. Thanks to that it missed Hermione and crushed the stalls next to her while falling over.

"Hermione, hurry up and get over here," I say with a loud yet calm voice.

She starts to stumble over the rubble that used to be the toiletries but Ron and Harry run up and grab her. The troll at this point has started to get up but as it reaches its feet I cast another spell.

"Glacius!" I cast at the troll as it turns around freezing it in place, covered in a thin layer of ice.

"Go" I nod my head toward the door without looking away from the troll.

Ron and Harry nod but Hermione protests "No we won't just leave you here." Ron and Harry start to pull her along but her protests turn louder "What are you guys doing?! He can't just fight a troll alone!"

"We will only get in the way trying to help," Harry admits.

"Yeah, you should have seen him duel Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle," Ron adds.

"This is a troll it's different!" Ron and Harry continue to drag her out anyway

"We need to find a teacher." I hear Harry from the hallway.

As I hear them run away my face turns from serious into a smile. The troll begins to break the layer of ice encasing it with a loud cracking sound.

"Sin, you wanna have some fun?" I can feel him rapidly tapping my shoulder.

The troll looks furious as it starts to completely break the ice waving about its club wildly. I grab Sin from my neck and throw him into the air, he expands to the size of a blanket and flies toward the troll. The troll just stares at it coming at him with a dumb look, but as it wraps around his face the troll beings to grab at Sin.

The troll drops his club and claws at Sin on his face but to no avail. His hands seem to go right through Sin like Sin isn't even wrapped around his face. I just stood there and watched as it falls over struggling to breathe, its struggle seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

As its struggle finally stops Sin slowly unravels from its face and flies over to me going back to normal size.

As he wraps around my neck again I ask "Have fun?" Sin taps my shoulder again and seemingly purs with a small vibration. I smile and tuck him lower into my robe so I won't get into trouble for being against the dress code.

I walk up to the trolls face and look down observing it, I notice it is still breathing a little. So I raise my wand at its head and chant "Reducto".

The trolls head and upper neck are obliterated into dust. I feel kind of bad for the troll, after all, it's too stupid to understand what it's doing is wrong. But I won't allow anything that threatens my friends to live, this new life is a gift and I intend to treasure it.

I hear running coming from the corridor so I step away from the corpse. McGonagall and Dumbledore come running through the entrance with their wands drawn. Ron, Harry, and Hermione weren't far behind.

McGonagall upon seeing the corpse was about to speak but she was cut off by Hermione "Soren!" she ran at me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"Quite forward I see, a bit out of character." I tease her with a smile. But she doesn't seem to care and buries her face in my c.h.e.s.t.

I look at Ron and Harry who were standing there awkwardly. "Thanks for listening to me," I say with a smile.

They look a bit awkward but still say "We trusted you." which made me pretty happy.

McGonagall breaks the moment "As touching as this is you will all still need to be punished. Why were you here anyway when the school went into lockdown?"

"We wer-" Ron was about to make an excuse but was cut off by Hermione.

"It was my fault," Hermione explained turning to face McGonagall still teary-eyed.

"Indeed," I say with a smile Hermione looks at me with a glare which makes me smile more.

"Indeed, we heard Hermione was still in the bathroom when the lockdown was called so we decided to come to get her. We didn't expect the troll would show up so I told them to run while I hold it back. But I ended up getting lucky and killed it." I explain

Harry, Ron, and Hermione look astonished I told the truth.

McGonagall just shakes her head "You are aware you could all be expelled for what you just said?"

I look at Dumbledore "But we won't will we?"

Dumbledore nods and speaks "You will never be expelled for trying to save your fellow student… However, you have to be punished 25 points will be taken from Gryffindor… for each one of you four. For being out during a lockdown and breaking the rules." He took a long pause and looked a bit hesitant.

"In spite of that, you three showed excellent bravery when learning your friend was in danger. 20 points for each of you. Soren." He looked at me "You have shown the very ideal of a Gryffindor… Courage, Bravery, Chivalry, Daring and Nerves. You will be awarded an additional 50 points."

I smile along with a cheering Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

McGonagall still has a stern scowl but does indeed look a bit happy. "Tell me, Mr. Black, How did you defeat the troll?"

"Yeah, how?" everyone looked at me expectantly.

I rub the back of my head "I got off a lucky reducto?" Everyone looks taken aback even Dumbledore.

"But Reducto isn't taught until the fourth year." McGonagall looks skeptical.

"My older sister is an Auror in training so I know a lot about Defense Against The Dark Arts," I say using Sis Dora as an excuse again.

A look of realization dawns on everyone and McGonagall nods "I will be taking you all back to the Gryffindor house, do not talk about what happened today." And we went back hungry.

Even with her saying that Ron's big mouth couldn't keep shut, the entire house knew in a day and the school knew in a week. I became rather famous… more like notorious since a lot of kids seemed scared of me.

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