Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 26 - Obscurials

As I was forced out of the dream-like state my eyes are closed but I can feel tears are falling. The feelings Dumbledore had felt translated unto me. My c.h.e.s.t felt heavy as if a ton of bricks were resting above my heart. I open my eyes to see Dumbledore staring at me with a face of stone, with no emotion visible. But I knew, he was hurt, scarred deeply by his past.

"Y-your sister, she was-" I stutter out

Dumbledore nods "She was what is known as an Obscurial. Someone born with magic but unable to use it due to a trauma or natural deformity."

"I've never heard of such a thing," I say with a low tone.

"As you shouldn't have, the ministry has been hiding their existence for as long as they were known. They capture children they think are Obscurials and either trap them for testing or flat out kill them. Though recently I haven't heard of any being found." Dumbledore's stone face quivers a bit at the topic.

"Why? Why would the ministry do such a horrific thing?" My tears are finally clearing up.

"Peace, Safety? Obscurials magic although it is not practically useful. It instead manifests itself in the form a black gaseous beast that kills indiscriminately. The children afflicted by this curse will certainly die young, never making it to their tenth year." Dumbledore turned away from me staring at a small portrait of his sister sitting at the corner of his desk.

"But your sister was nearly a woman in your memory. How did she live so long."

"My sister was under my care, Obscurials are often left to do as they please leading to an outburst of their curse. These outbursts break down the body and lead to an early death, my sister was taken care of like a princess." He lets out a small laugh as a tear falls to his cheek.

"At the time it felt really frustrating, needing to pamper my sister all the time. I honestly felt a sliver of hatred for her back then…. But now I would give anything to go back and fix my mistake… and I would try my best to find a cure even if it was for nothing." His hands are balled into fists as he speaks with a hoarse voice.

"Have you found it? A cure?" I ask a bit hopeful, he has had nearly a hundred years at this point right?

He gives a solemn "No" He takes a deep breath "There is no cure, the 'Obscurus'... the beast is birthed in the soul. There is no living wizard capable of manipulating a soul well enough to remove the beast. All known attempts have resulted in the removal of the 'Obscurus' but it leaves behind a soulless corpse of the child."

'Could I do it?' I begin to think to myself falling deep in thought.

I snap out of my thoughts and give a nod "Thank you, Dumbledore."

I turn and start walking away, he sits back in his chair. As I reach the door I stop and without turning I ask:

"Do you still do it?" I ask

"Do what, young Black?"


He gives a small chuckle "Indeed, I still have the supplies in my desk."

I give a nod and smile then walk away.


When Christmas times rolled around I got a letter from Auntie Dromeda that Nymphadora had passed her entry classes and would receive an official Auror to study under in the upcoming year. So we would be having an additional celebration along with Christmas.

I also noticed "Scabbers" had started to go missing, more and more often. I guess it's natural that he is hiding from me since I torture him on a near-daily basis. Everything I can think of short of the Cruciatus Curse… not because I'm going easy on him, but it leaves a trail and many objects can sense the use of unforgivable curses.

When I head back for Christmas break I decide to leave early to surprise auntie. I requested early leave by 3 days and immediately got approved. It would be odd if I didn't considering my nearly straight O's with three O+'s in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms. I have an E in Transfiguration but I think McGonagall just doesn't like me still.

After saying my goodbyes I walk onto the Hogwarts bridge and as soon as I pass the disapparition barrier I vanish. I am not actually going home right now… I have errands to run first.

I appear in front of the Leaky Cauldron on the Diagon Alley side, it's still early in the morning so there aren't many people walking around. I am here to get presents… for everyone.

I start off at Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment since they have a lot of oddities and I hit the jackpot. They something for everyone, I got a pacifying charm for Harry. All you have to do is slip it in someone's pocket and it makes them as kind as a kitten as long as it is near. I got it to help him handle his Aunt and Uncle.

For Sis Dora, I got a pair of Apparition coins that would let me instantly apparate to her if she ever found herself in a pinch. Now I just have to convince her it is a good idea to let an 11-year-old kid protect her.

Neville, I got a new remembrall since his last one was cracked and didn't work properly anymore. I hope he doesn't mind getting the same gift just from another person.

For Ron, I got a chess set since I know he liked playing with Harry. I don't really like chess since I'm not a very 'strategic' thinker… I'm a bit dumb.

Then I went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get a specially made robe for Auntie. It was closer to a dress than a robe really.

For Uncle Ted I got him a cat that was part Kneazle, it was probably mostly Kneazle since it was pretty large. I hope that it is some additional protection seeing as I don't trust the dementor I placed to protect him.

I stuffed all the new presents into my bag except the cat, had to carry that one. Good thing it was well behaved and sat on my shoulder, Sin seemed to be enjoying petting it.

After I stopped to grab candy for all my acquaintances I apparated home to surprise my family.

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