Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 27 - Christmas Morning

As I arrived in front of the house with all my newly bought stuff in tow I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. It had only been a few months since I left but having a home was a great feeling.

I walked up to the front door and opened it. Inside was Auntie and Uncle making food in the kitchen. They both turned to me noticing someone open the door.

"Ah, Soren, you're back." Uncle Ted smiled at me.

Auntie came running over and embraced me forgetting about the food on the burner. I return her hug with a tight squeeze.

"I'm back Auntie Dromeda." she pulls back a bit and puts her hands on my shoulders looking into my eyes. Her eyes are a bit watery, she must have really missed me.

But her expression quickly changes as if remembering something.

"Is it true you fought a troll by yourself?" She looks at me with a glare.

'Crap, how did she find out?' I can feel sweat collecting on my forehead.

"Umm, there were extenuating circ.u.mstances Auntie, I had to." Trying my best to give an innocent smile.

She gives a smack to the side of my head, not very hard, far from 'that man's'.

"You could have been killed what were you thinking?" She looks more sad than angry now. I'm starting to feel a bit bad for making her upset.

"I had to save my friends, they don't know any offensive magic so I decided I would hold it off till a teacher came." I rub the back of my head, my smile becoming less confident.

"You know offensive magic? Who taught you that?"

"....Sis Dora… Don't blame her Auntie, she taught me because I asked her to."

"Don't mention I told you okay?" I give begging eyes.

She rolls her eyes "Why do you have a cat resting on your shoulder?"

"Oh yeah. Uncle, I got you a pet for Christmas." I say peeking past Auntie and show Uncle the cat.

Uncle takes the food off the burner and puts a small towelette over his shoulder. "That's great, but Christmas isn't for another week is it fine giving it right now?"

"Yeah, I don't think I could hide a cat from you for a week anyway." I take the cat off my shoulder and hand it over to Uncle Ted.

He grabs it with a smile. The cat struggles a bit trying to hold onto my shoulder but as soon as it gets into Uncles' arms it curls back up and starts to purr.

"You know, when I was younger I really wanted a cat but my mother was allergic, Thank You, Soren." He gives a wide smile.

"The cat is a bit special, it's part Kneazle so it is really smart, as smart as a kid I would say. Not to mention as strong as a boar." I say excited that he likes his present.

He holds the cat high into the air looking at it "Is that true, are you a smart boy?"

Auntie smiles "Dinner should be ready soon, put your stuff away and sit down at the table."

I nod and head off to my room.


The week went by fast to Christmas, I got to remember how nice it is to be home. Although Hogwarts is nice, learning new things and hanging out with friends, being able to listen to Auntie Dromeda and Sis Dora bicker all-day is the best.

Christmas morning Sis Dora woke me up early "Get up sleepyhead, we got to open our presents." I wake up to Sis Dora with a broad smile and her hair is tied up with a mix of green and red.

We head downstairs to see Uncle Ted drinking coffee with his cat on his l.a.p, he named the cat Arthur by the way. He was sitting on a loveseat next to the Christmas tree and Auntie Dromeda was making breakfast in the kitchen.

Noticing us come down the stairs Uncle Ted smiles "Hurry up and open your presents, then we can eat breakfast together."

The tree was near the center of the living room with 6 or 7 presents sitting around it they were all rather small boxes.

"Edward, be a dear and set the table, please?" Auntie Dromeda spoke while walking towards the living room.

"You already got your Christmas presents so no complaining." Uncle Ted just grunted at this and walked towards the kitchen.

I walk to the tree and look at the first present "Sis this one is yours." I hand it to her and find the ones for Auntie as well and give them over. Auntie got 2, Sis only got 1 and I had a whopping 4.

Considering I have never gotten a present before this was like a heaven shaking event, I honestly thought I might cry. I notice they aren't opening their presents yet and are just staring at me. Not wanting to make them wait I start to open the first one.

It's from Auntie Dromeda and that's it, honestly surprised Uncle Ted didn't just slap his name on it as well. It's obvious why once I open the box, inside is just a mirror the size of a palm sitting there. I look up at Auntie Dromeda and she pulls out a matching mirror and smiles at me.

I didn't expect her to get me a two-way mirror, they aren't that rare they are pretty expensive, and Auntie Dromeda isn't exactly rich.

I get up ready to hug her but she gestures for me to sit "You can thank me when you open them all." She has a big smile seemingly proud of herself.

So I sit back down and start opening the next one this one is labeled "From Auntie Dromeda and Uncle Ted" this box is slightly wider as I unwrap it I see it's a boardgame. It's one that I actually know, Wizards Chess. I have never actually played chess, not really had a chance you know? But I do know the general rules and stuff, so it looks like I'll have something to do while bored in the dorms.

"Thanks, Auntie Dromeda." I say with a big smile. She just nods with a smile. "Thanks, Uncle Ted!" I say loudly into the kitchen.

From the kitchen, I hear him yell "Not a problem my boy." Auntie rolls her eyes at his overzealous yell and Sis gives a small chuckle.

As I put it on I say loudly into the kitchen "Thanks for the watch, Uncle Ted."

I hear him yell from the dining room with an over-enthusiastic voice "You are quite welcome! Hope you don't mind a muggle item."

I laugh a bit "Not at all, it's perfect." Arthur seems to not like our yell since he stretches and heads off in the direction of the dining room, probably expecting food.

Seeing the last present is from Sis I get up and give Auntie a big hug, "Thank you, it means a lot."

Feeling that I'm getting emotional she hugs me tight, "I'm glad you like your presents."

Sis Dora chimes in "How come I never got a two-way mirror?" Auntie Dromeda lets go of me.

"Well, I never had to worry about you fighting a troll." She glares at me, I rub the back of my head with a wry smile.

Sis laughs and urges "Hurry up and open my present I'm sure you'll like it."

I sit back down and grab the present from her, it is a longer rectangle box. I open the box and inside is a quill pen which makes me a bit confused, there is a piece of paper below it with what looks like a charm written on it.

"It's a spell checking quill, it's enchanted to never misspell a word ever. The paper below has the charm you need to cast on it every so often to make sure it doesn't stop working." She looks proud of her gift.

"I don't think I really need it, I never misspill words, I'm actually pretty well-read," I say with a confident grin.

She rolls her eyes "How well-read can an 11-year-old be?"

I shrug "I guess you're right" I get up and give her a big hug as well "Thank you, Sis."

She hugs me back and asks "So where is my gift? I didn't see your name on this gift."

I smile "It's a secret I'll give it to you after breakfast."

"Ooooooo Suspicious, suspicious indeed. Alright but it better be good."

I look over at Auntie Dromeda "Hurry up and open my present, I want to see if you like it." I'm pretty excited.

Seeing me excited she smiles and grabs my present and unwraps it. From the box, she pulls out a long robe-like dress with the pattern of stars.

I can see tears starting to well up in her eyes, which makes me feel like I did a good job picking the present.

"Do you like it?" I ask while walking up to her. Before I can react she grabs me into a tight hug.

She starts to cry "God, I'm so glad you were born and found your way to us."

These words make me start to tear up as well, this family is the only reason I have been glad to have been born. All of my life up until now I had wished I had never been born, I had wished I could just erase my existence. But since being in this house I have been happy, happy to be alive.

As we are hugging I hear Uncle Ted "Ahem, sorry to interrupt your heartfelt moment but the food is done and set out so could you hurry up with the presents so we can eat?"

I start to laugh at his words but Auntie gives him a death glare. He just smiles and slowly backs up into the dining room and goes to feed Arthur.

When we went back to opening presents Auntie got an enchanted make-up kit from Uncle and Sis. While Sis Dora got a Foe glass from Auntie and Uncle. Apparently, Foe glass shows a reflection of your enemies, the closer they are to you the more clear their figure appears.

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