Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 31 - Shiny New Cloak

I return to the dorms before Ron or Harry because I want to check to see if 'Scabbers' was around. But as I step into the dorm rooms I notice a black folded cloth sitting on Harry's bed. I notice it from Sirius's memories, it's Jame's invisibility cloak… apparently a family heirloom. I wonder how Harry got ahold of it.

As I look at it I feel a strange allure pulling me towards it… Looking at it closely I notice it gives me the same feeling as a Dementor does, more like Sin actually. I feel… familiar with it, not in Sirius's memory sort of way but ME, like it is a missing piece of me.

As I inch closer to it I feel a weight on my c.h.e.s.t, I'm anxious, like if I don't grab it now I may never see it again. Logically that just isn't true but I feel like it is. I see no harm in it so I give in to the feeling and grab the invisibility cloak.

As I touch it, my cloak pours from my body and the onyx colored fog wraps around my arm and swallows the cloak of invisibility. I keep track of what my cloak is doing mentally to make sure the invisibility cloak doesn't get damaged. Even though I'm not fully in control of my cloak at the moment I think I can still pull it back.

After only a few seconds my cloak retracts back into my body and vanishes as if nothing happened at all. I look down at the invisibility cloak that I'm still holding and notice it is slightly lighter in color, no longer a dark black. I also no longer see it as alluring, it also seems to be less… 'special'? I'm not sure how to say it but it feels different for sure.

'Thank god no one is here because of dinner' I think to myself as I look around making sure.

I refold the cloak and set it on the bed. I take a step back and summon my cloak. As the dark fog swirls around me I can notice it is much darker than before. It is no longer just 'Black' or 'Onyx' it is so dark that it feels like the light around it dims.

I bring my hand to it and stroke it, I nearly jump in shock, it is no longer soft like a cloud. It now has a metallic sheen but still floats and rolls on the ground like fog.

After I put away my wand I stick my arm out and extend the cloak out from it like a rod by another two feet. I take my arm and swing it hard towards the wall.

Like a flimsy whip it bends slightly as I swing but the second it touches the wall it becomes steel again.


The sound was akin to a small air cannon despite being nearly muted. The wall is left badly damaged as a big crater is formed in it with cracks spidering to the ceiling. My eyes go wide at the amount of strength the cloak now had, that invisibility cloak sure was special.

I look the now dull black cloak sitting on the bed 'I wonder what you truly are…' I ponder as I pull out my wand to repair the wall. Thankfully repairing spells are easy enough.

"Lapis Repairo" I chant and the wall melds itself together as if nothing happened.

I am concerned about the changes to myself but there is nothing I can do about it so I just grunt with a sour face. I put my wand away and begin to walk back to the common room to see if Harry and Ron are back yet but as I take the first step I fall to my knees.

'F.U.C.K, F.U.C.K, F.U.C.K' I Scream in my head.

My mouth is salivating as if preparing for a meal. I put my hands on the ground to try and pick myself up. Before I can get up I realize my hands are no longer human they are the ghastly pale and rotten hands of my Dementor form. The hunger is back… and I can't think straight, thankfully I left Pettigrew alive for this very occasion.

As the black fog rolls from my body, I use a thin layer to cover myself and I turn invisible like usual but this time feels different. Instead of just being 'invisible' now it seems like I hardly even exist, I'm certain I could hide from anyone like this.

Pulling my mind from this revelation I begin to use my sight to search for Pettigrews soul. After nearly 5 minutes I finally found it, it was quite far away near a peculiar soul. The soul had a black lump attached to it.

'Harry? No… Quirrell… Why is Pettigrew with Quirell?' I try to think but after so long of being hungry my judgment is being clouded.

I use my new improved invisibility to head towards them flying through the walls ignoring the disgusting looking souls of the ghosts. I approach at a rather rapid pace as I approach Quirrells office I notice there is a barrier made of wards around the office but they mean nothing. I pass right through them and enter the office cloaked.

As I enter I notice Quirrel is staring down at Pettigrew like a King and Pettigrew is in human form on one knee whimpering out words I can't quite hear. This is a weird scene but I'm in no position to think on it my mind can only think of feasting at the moment. Without a care in the world, I uncloak myself only feet away from Pettigrew.

Both him and Quirrell jump back in surprise and Pettigrew even falls on the ground scampering back against the wall trying to get away. As I approach him with nowhere to go I can see the fear in his eyes. I notice movement on my left, Quirrell seems to have recomposed and drawn his wand. Without even considering him a threat I wave my arm in his direction and with a mind of its own my cloak flys out.

A wall of black flys at Quirrell who puts up a shield but the cloak goes right through like tearing paper. The wall of black hits him and sends him flying against the wall then continues after him trying to devour him. The cloak incases him in black and after a second returns to me leaving an unconscious Quirrell on the ground.

I continue towards the now crying and pleading Pettigrew but I just ignore him, even if I was sane right now I wouldn't care for his words. As I reach him he tries to grab me but my cloak of fog reaches out and encases his body up to his neck. I reach down and grab him by the neck and lift him up, even with his fat body it feels as if I was only lifting a few pounds.

I meet his eyes with my b.a.r.e sockets and he seems to shiver even harder than he was before. I open my 'mouth' and watch as his mouth is forced open and a dark grey ball slowly moves from his into mine. As he sees the ball leave his mouth he tries to scream but he can't.

I close my eyes and feel the memories slowly enter my head, Pettigrew was a very simple man… and he knew it. His mother had treated him well and he even had a few friends in his younger years but once he came to Hogwarts he forever since lived in the shadow of his friends.

He was not as talented, was less handsome, didn't have nearly the same charisma, and hated himself for it. He was a brave coward who would do anything for his friends but gave in to his resentment and let it fester. When Voldemort came to him with his silver tongue he was able to convince him that he was looked down upon by his friends.

That I can attest to was untrue. WHY WOULD THEY MAKE HIM THE TRUTH BEARER IF THAT WAS THE CASE! After seeing Pettigrews past I understood why he did what he did, but still felt deep hatred for him. Looking at his corpse I cursed at myself as I used my cloak to swallow his body.

'I have to bury him, even if he betrayed them I'm sure that's what James would have wanted.' I say trying to convince myself.

I look over at Quirrel's unconscious body, now that my mind is clear and the hunger is gone I can decide what to do. All I can gather from Pettigrew's memories is that Quirrell is a death eater and that Voldemort is still alive.

After a few minutes of deliberation, I decided to leave him alive for now and kill him away from Hogwarts. If a professor went missing on campus there would be an investigation launched and magic may be able to link it to me. I honestly don't know enough about magic to determine that, besides what can he say? A Dementor attacked him on Hogwarts grounds? Hah, as if.

If anything he would be locked in a loony bin before they tried to investigate… I once again cover myself in my cloak and head towards the abandoned dungeon bathrooms so I can transform back in peace.

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