Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 32 - Dueling Class

After I got back to the dorms I went and found Harry and Ron I talk to them about their Christmas presents. Ron was excited since he had never gotten such an expensive gift. That's honestly a bit sad considering the Chess set although it was nice, was only 11 galleons. Harry was really grateful, it made him less frightened to go back to his Aunt and Uncle during summer break.

The very next day McGonagall called me into her office to give me a more formal apology. It was honestly too awkward. I would of rather she left it at the letter, I have never received an apology before and now I never want one again. Her strict face requesting an apology made it seem more like a demand than a request.

Wednesday on that same week after Charms class I met up with Professor Flitwick to make a request of him.


I stepped into his office after class and see him writing away on some parchment. As I step in he looks up from his paper and let go of his quill. As he let go of it it didn't fall, instead, it slowly floated towards the ink and gently rested in it.

A big smile got on his face "Ah, Mr. Black, what do you need? Have a question?"

I step up to his desk "No actually. Over the break, I read Hogwarts: A History since Hermione got it for me as a gift."

"Yes, Miss. Granger is indeed a studious one. You had a question over the book?" He looked a bit confused.

"No no, I read that Hogwarts used to have a dueling class as an elective you could take in the second year. Seeing as I'm going into my second year I was wondering if I could get Dumbledore to perhaps reform the class. I also know you were the reigning Duelist Champion for some years. So I was thinking you could teach that class as well, or maybe get another teacher for one of them."

"Awesome! I will go to Dumbledore after class today and I'll tell you what he says by tomorrow." I say with a grin.

He grabs his quill and begins to write again "Alright if that's all I have work to do Mr. Black."

I just give a small wave as I walk out.

'This should be easier than I thought. With Flitwick willing to teach the class it will be a lot easier to convince Dumbledore. I'll bring Harry for good measure, I know Dumbledore favors him for fairly obvious reasons..'


After potions, I told Harry about my plans to revive the Dueling class and he was fine with coming with me to Dumbledore's office. He was a little confused that I insisted he come with me to ask.

When we went to McGonagall to request to meet Dumbledore she just looked at both of us and nodded. Not even an hour later and we were heading to Dumbledores office.

When we walked into the office Dumbledore was feeding Fawkes some seed-like things. When he realized we were in the office he turned to us.

"Hello, please come in." He had a grandfatherly type smile on his face.

I turned to Harry to see him just staring at Fawkes. Fawkes is staring back at him giving him a side-eye.

I nudge Harry's arm "It's a Pheonix never seen one?" I say a bit of teasing.

He just shakes his head which causes Dumbledore to chuckle a bit. He then walks up to Harry and offers him the red seed things he was using to feed Fawkes.

"Here, give him a few and he will warm up to you."

Harry nods "Thank you, sir." he says as he heads towards Fawkes who just eyes him as he walks up.

As he holds up his hand to feed Fawkes he bursts into flames and vanishes into dust. Harry quickly turns around panic written on his face.

"I didn't do anything!" He says in a voice only slightly less than a yell.

I chuckle a bit at his panic. While Dumbledore just looks at me laughing with a smile on his face.

Harry turns around and notices a small chirp coming from the pile of ash. A small head the size of a walnut pokes its head through. Dumbledore walks to it and strokes the head of the chick like phoenix.

He then looks at both of us "So enough distractions, what did you boys come here for?"

"We are here to ask you to re-instate a class that Hogwarts used to run. The elective for second years, Dueling." I speak up and Harry nods along.

Dumbledore looks over us both while stroking his beard "And who may I ask, is going to teach this new class?"

"Flitwick, I already got him to agree, he said he would teach it as long as you approve it."

"Hmmm" He continues to stroke his beard. "He does indeed only teach morning classes, I could make only four half classes in the two evening slots."

"I'm sure without current class you could probably get some talented duelists, maybe even a second Flitwick type talent," I say trying to be a salesman.

He smiles at my pushing "If you feel that strongly about the subject I see no reason to decline your request."

Harry and I get happy but don't celebrate too much just a fist bump.

"Of course Headmaster," we say in near unison power walking out of the room excited to go back and tell our friends the news.


The next few weeks progressed like every other but Quirrell began to cancel classes more and more ofter. I didn't really care, even if he wants to steal the philosopher's stone he can't with Dumbledore here. Not to mention all of the defensive steps Dumbledore took, I'm sure that 3 headed dog isn't the only one.

Easter went by and they had a week off of classes for it as well as a feast on easter day. Then on the Saturday break ended we went to Hagrids hut and saw something very…. Interesting.

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