(A/N: Again, if you wanna influence how the novel goes you gotta join the discord. The poll this time was whether or not this chapter would be about Voldemorts Memories, partially about, or not at all. So if in the future you don't like how the story leads that's your fault for not joining the discord and voting lol.)

As I saw Voldemorts memories Quirrell's were just like a whisper in the back of my head. Seems like that small portion of Voldemort's soul was stronger than Quirrell's was. A bit sad but it makes sense, Voldemort must know something about souls considering how much he looked into Horcrux's.

The years of Voldemort's life I saw were pretty boring, he never did anything himself, he had his lackey's do it. But it did impress me how well he could talk people into doing things, especially the weak-minded were like chickens to him. At the orphanage, he would always do things he could never be caught for, and at Hogwarts, it was the same… I think I just got unlucky on the portion of life I saw.

Quirrell's memories were much more complete, I saw nearly all major points in his life. He was constantly bullied and made fun of, but none the less he still viewed himself as an indignant lion who had yet to bloom. That is why he went on to travel the world, to prove his worth, to prove that people were wrong about him. Really it was actually just a pathetic life, I didn't really feel any pity for him. He was just a pathetic man who lived a pathic life and got a pathetic death.

….And is about to have his body eaten by a Lethifold.

"Sin eat him quick so we can get out of here without leaving evidence." Sin seems a bit confused since I told him not to eat people anymore but he complies anyway. I want to try and get back to the unicorn quick to try and save it. Also, I don't want to leave evidence… I don't want to leave ANYTHING that could jeopardize this wonderfull new life I've been given.

I look away as Sin is eating since it's kinda gross, a human corpse being eaten. But you gotta do what you gotta do. After he finished eating Quirrell's body I used Reducto on his clothes and a wind charm to blow away the ashes.

I apparate behind the tree near the unicorn just in case Hagrid is already there. I doubt it though since I sent Harry to go find him with no way and this forest all looks the same. That's like trying to find a lone berry in a bush, doable, but dumb if you try. I did that on purpose to give me time to kill Quirrell, who knew he would run and force me to kill him faster.

Walking out from behind the tree I see the figure of a centaur kneeling over the body of the unicorn so I pull out my wand.

"Step away from the unicorn," I say with my wand pointed at the centaur as I slowly walk towards him.

When the centaur turns and sees me he slowly gets up on his horse legs with raised hands and speaks. "I'm just trying to comfort my friend in her final moments."

Seeing he means no harm I stop pointing my wand at him and walk up beside the unicorn. Seeing that it is still breathing but is slowly bleeding out I still think I can save it. If only I had a healing potion, then I could for sure save it… I'm so stupid, I need to start keeping a stockpile inside my cloak.

I look up at the centaur "This unicorn can still be saved, can you go get Hagrid while I keep her stable." As I finish speaking I begin singing the Vulnera Sanentur healing spell as my wand slowly traces over the wounds.

"There is no saving her, she is already destined to die as the stars foretold." The centaur looks down at me with a sad look in his eye which makes me a bit pissed.

After reaching the gap in the chant for the second verse I look up at him in the eyes. "Shove those starts up your a.s.s. This unicorn will only die of blood loss right now, which Hagrid can mend and if I stop chanting he may just die from reopening wounds. So if you don't run along and find Hagrid I'll make sure this unicorn isn't the only horse to die tonight." I notice he gives me a complicated look but I don't care.

The second I say my piece I begin the second verse of the chant making care that I don't mess it up. The centaur hurried off hopefully to find Hagrid, if not I'll have to make sure the centaurs never get to see the stars again.

By the time I finish the third repeat of the spell I notice my body is starting to strain from magic overuse. I'm amazed I was even able to last this long, after the spells I flung earlier I still managed to use the most powerful healing spell to my knowledge to its full effect. It has to be cast three times to take full effect.

The first cast stops the bleeding, the second cleans the wound and begins to heal it, if you stop it here it may tear or leave a nasty scar; the third cast fully heals the wound taking away any trace of the wound having ever been there.

Luckily I hear footsteps rushing towards me coming from the direction the centaur left. Looking up I see Hagrid, Harry, Neville, and Malfoy running my way. Neville and Malfoy look like they really don't want to be running this way, probably thing the bad guy is still here.

As Hagrid gets closer I notice a potion ready in his hand, it seems the centaur told them the situation. I just sit exhaustedly on the ground waiting for them to get here. I'm glad I learned that healing spell, I actually learned that just in case Sis Dora ever used the seeker coin while injured. The spell can really save you from some vicious wounds, it took me nearly a fourth of break just to memorize that spell. I didn't even know if I could cast it till I just did a few minutes ago.

"Is she still alrigh'" Hagrid asks out of breath.

"Yeah for now, but her heart is overworking due to lack of blood she will die soon." I say also short of breath.

Hagrid kneels by her head and puts her head on his l.a.p as he pours the potion into the unicorn's mouth. After a few seconds, I put my hand on her and feel she is no longer shaking and her heartbeat is back near normal.

"She should be alrigh' soon enough," Hagrid says while sighing relief,

Harry looks happy about it, but Neville is looking around at the trees with a scared look on his face. I feel like every time I help this boy he immediately goes back to his old ways as soon as I'm gone… Am I the James to his Peter? Oh no.

"So Hagrid, who is that centaur who was here earlier, I was too busy to ask his name?" I say while leaning against a log stroking the unicorn.

"Firenze, a bit of ah outcast in the centaur community, he ain't much for ther' traditions," Hagrid says.

"Hm," I grunt in response.

"Did you heal the wound?" Hagrid asks looking at me.

"Yeah, I used Vulnera Sanentur," I say while running my hand over where the wounds used to be.

"Hmph, never heard of it." Hagrid admits.

After around a minute, the unicorn is able to move again, another minute after that it starts to get up. Once it gets up it turns to me and begins to nuzzle its head into my should which makes me laugh.

Hagrid smiles "Well now that she's fine we should get goin'. We stuff to talk about when we get back." He looks at me as he speaks the last sentence.

I rub the unicorn's mane one last time before we start to walk away. But the unicorn sticks close behind me which Hagrid and I immediately notice it.

I rub her head again with a smile "I gotta go now you should stay here, it's safer now."

"It's rare for one to get attached a boy, I think this is a first," Hagrid says from behind me.

After thinking for a second I look at Hagrid "Can she stay at your place, you have a ton of pens for different animals right?"

He doesn't even take a second to think before going after the opportunity to house a unicorn "You can bet your sweet petunias she can stay with me, I'll even build her her own area."

I turn back to her while rubbing her nose "How does that sound, would you like to stay with Hagrid so I can come to see you all the time?" Seemingly understanding my words she lets out a happy neigh which makes my smile grow even more.

Looking over her beautiful glowing silver nearly white mane I ask "How about I give you a name as well?" To which she happily nods and nudges into me more.

I walk to her side and stroke her mane "How about Luar, after your beautiful glowing mane." Hearing the name she does a happy trot around me which most of us laugh at.

"It seems yah have regained your energy." I look over at Hagrid "We should get going, it's getting really late."

Hagrid nods and starts walking while I look over at the others. Harry is staring at the unicorn like he wants to pet is as well but doesn't have the courage. Neville looks less scared as he is staring at Luar seemingly not remembering we are in a forest with terrifying creatures that will murder you for no reason. Lastly, Malfoy is looking at me with an annoyed face probably upset we spent so long in these woods for a shiny horse.

On the way back Luar had stuck to my side like glue, I found it rather adorable, would have even been more so if her body didn't stand taller than me. Once we got back Hagrid set up one of his old roaming areas for Luar to stay in for the time being. I had a sad goodbye with Luar as I walked away she gave me puppy eyes, any weaker willed man would have stayed to sleep by her pen.

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