Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 37 - Good Guy Hagrid

The next morning nearly all the Gryffindor's knew about Luar being out in the stables. Once Hermione heard we had a unicorn she practically begged to let her go and see it. I was planning on going and seeing Luar this morning with everyone anyway, so it's not any extra work for me. Ron also seemed really interested since he was one of the people telling basically everyone he saw about the unicorn.

After we had breakfast Ron, Harry, Hermione and I made our way to Hagrid's shack. When we knocked on his door there was no answer, so we peered in his window but the shack was empty.

"Let's just go see Luar at the stables then, I'm sure Hagrid's probably there too," I say to the trio causing all of them to nod like pecking chickens.

The stables are right next to Hagrid's house but they are technically inside the forbidden forest so we aren't supposed to be here. Not that the forest really bothers me anyway it would still be scary to most normal kids.

After the short walk to the stables, we can see Hagrid is hammering in large fence stakes to make a two-meter tall fence. I also notice that the big crossbars that will span the fence are made of silver.

"Hey, Hagrid!" I call while waving a hand so he can stop us.

Seeing us heading his way he puts his tools down and walks to us. "What yah all doin' her' so early?"

"I just wanted to check on Luar and these two wanted to meet her." I point over at Ron and Hermione.

Ron just nods his head and Hermione steps forward excitedly "Where is she Hagrid? I've always wanted to see one since learning they were real."

Hagrid seems happy seeing someone else interested in animals, he just smiles and points to the stables in the next large clearing. "She is stayin' alone right now, so feel free to go in the pen if you wants tah."

Hermione just darts off in the direction of the stables and is quickly followed after by Ron and Harry. Hagrid looks at me as if he was expecting me to run off as well but I don't, I just watch them and look back at Hagrid.

"Thanks for building her a new grazing area Hagrid, I know this is probably going to take you a lot of time. If you need some money for materials just tell me, I am pretty rich for a kid after all."

At that he laughs but seeing my face he stops "Oh your' serious. Well, I won't be takin' no money from a kid so keep it, I got plenty saved up meself."

I just shrug "Alright. What's the silver bars for?"

Hagrid just gazes at me as he goes back to building the fence. "Werewolves, bloody things would love to come after a unicorn stuck in a pen, but they hate touchin' silver."

I look at the pile of silver bars on the ground "And will those be enough to keep them out?" I ask concerned for Luar.

He shakes his head "No, that's why I'll have one of my Hippogriffs staying with her. She is a sweet one she is, her name is Stormwing, most lovin and territorial Hippogriffs I got."

"How do you know they'll get along," I ask.

"Introduced them to each other last night, they took a quick likin' to each other." He says while hammering in a stake.

Paying closer attention I notice Hagrid has bags under his eyes "Wait, Hagrid, did you go to sleep last night?"

He doesn't look up from his hammering and answers "It's not every day you get to manage such a wonderful creature. I got to put in the effort to take care of em' to."

I just sigh at his zealousness of properly taking care of his animals, honestly, it's admirable. "Well thanks, Hagrid, It means a lot."

He just nods and continues hammering, I think he is too tired to pay full attention to multiple tasks. Seeing this I start walking over towards the other stables.

When I get close I can see Hermione is standing in front of Luar gently stroking her head with a huge grin on her face. Meanwhile, Harry and Ron are standing on the side a few feet away from them with sour faces. Luar seems to be enjoying the attention but as soon as I get within 20 meters her head snaps over to look at me.

She rushes over to me clearing the twenty meters in only a second or two, probably a bit faster than me flying in my dementor form honestly. She almost crashes into me as she stops basically on top of me and rests her neck on my shoulder as if bringing me into a hug. I smile I wrap my arms around her neck and stroke her mane.

Looking past Luar I can see Hermione is pouting with her arms crossed and the two boys have even more sour looks than before. I just laugh as I put my hand on Luar's side and start to guide her back to the trio. As I guide her back to the trio I notice Luar is doing a happy trot making the trio even more jealous to which I can only smile wryly.

After staying at the pen for most of the day we are forced to leave because of dinner and curfew. Harry and Ron didn't even get to pet Luar as she didn't let them close, but she was warming up to them… a bit. Meanwhile, Luar seemed to like Hermione and let her pet her no problem.

The next morning I went out to Hagrids before classes and had him teach me how to make friends with the Hippogriff so it wouldn't attack me when I go to visit Luar. Hagrid tried to convince me that Stormwing didn't like strangers and that I could just visit Luar in her pen but I insisted. Against all of Hagrid's expectations, Stormwing seemed to like me a lot and immediately accepted me. Although she didn't like me touching her too much I was allowed to pet her nearly pitch black wings and greyish white beak.

Hagrid also finished the fence that morning so Luar got her grazing area and a new pen. I got to see the happy Luar running around her new open area.

When I got back to the dorms to grab my books for charms class Professor McGonagall pulled me aside… I indeed had gotten summoned by Dumbledore again, hopefully, I can get by with half-truths again.

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