Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 47 - Departure

"Well, it all started with Moody. When I first became apprenticed to him he would just give me small tasks to do. It was usually Auror paperwork or the like, it was fine because he would teach me new things when I completed them well. But starting a little over a month ago his attitude shifted. He started becoming angry at me easily, he started taking me on Auror missions with him."

"Then a few days ago he said we had a mission in Bulgaria. Some vampires had been harassing local villages of muggles and we had to clear them out. The Bulgarian ministry had personally asked for Moody since he had killed so many vampires in the war. Once we got here there was a raid happening in a village so we took care of the vampires who were killing the muggles. It went well, I got a lot of experience out of it… as well as my first kill."

I look confused "If Moody was with you how did you get almost killed? Ow."

She flicks my forehead "Hush up, I'm getting there. So, once we had taken care of the Vampires Moody said it would be best to just to go clear out their camp fast. So we went to find the camp, it wasn't that hard, they weren't trying to hide it. We managed to take out a lot since there were so many and only two of us. Moody was taking on three or four wizards at a time without trouble, I dealt with the normal ones that tried to rush him."

"It went well until the leader showed up. He gave a self-introduction and a typical villain monologue. Moody wasn't having it and sliced off his head, much to our surprise he picked up his own head and put it back on. The second he saw this Moody disapparated, leaving a very confused me. I was going to run as well but the leader, 'Aadit', rushed me and I was forced to fight him. He was too fast, I wasn't even able to hit him with a spell."

"He injured me pretty bad and I fled into a cave I found while running. I used an emergency concealing barrier Moody gave to me on the entrance to the cave. All I remember after that is holding onto your coin tight and eventually a dark figure came and saved me."

I start to sweat profusely at the mention of a dark figure. With a forced smile, I speak "So you don't remember me picking you up? I took an illegal portkey to get here then apparated to your location using the Seeker coin as the marker… I'm glad you're safe now."

She gives me a beautiful smile "I would never imagine that my little brother would be such a heroic figure. It feels like this time last year I was teaching you your first confringo. Oh, wait I was…"

I smile at this "You should report Moody to the ministry for leaving you to die. Even if he doesn't get punished you'll still get a new person to study under."

Sis nods "I was thinking that as well. I don't believe I'll be safe studying under Moody, his mood swings are too heavy."

I nod as I hear the Queen walking in placing bowls and silverware in front of us. "Thank you."

She just smiles as she grabs a pot of stew and fills all three bowls. She sits down at the head of the table close to Dora and me. "Glad I have company, I always eat alone, except for the few times I have guests."


We ate dinner together and I learned that Sis and Ana had gotten very close in the short period of time I was asleep. The food was great. I suppose the Queen has had a lot of time to practice cooking since she is immortal. After we ate the Queen took us on a tour of the sanctuary and we got to meet a few of the other Veela. For the most part, they wanted nothing to do with me but treated Sis rather well.

I don't really care about their rude behavior since they probably have a good reason to not like men. I would probably have a song distaste for men too if I was forced to hide and kill because of constant fear.

After it turned dark Sis stayed in the guest room and I slept on the bed I brought. The Queen had convinced us to stay the night so she could get a portkey done for us.

When we woke up the next morning Ana was already making breakfast for us. We ate together again and got ready to leave. To my surprise Sis didn't have her wand on her, it snapped while fighting Aadit.

According to the Queen she no longer needs a wand as Veela are naturally better at wandless magic. As if to prove her point to me Sis casts a few charms without using a wand showing me that it is indeed easy for her.

I roll my eyes "Show off."

She smiles at me "Feels like someone is jealous of his big sister."

The Queen smiles as well "You know, I've never tried to turn a male before. Maybe you can be the first male Veela.: She smiles teasingly at me.

I shiver thinking of a long-haired feminine version of myself. "No thank you. I would very much rather stay a male."

They both laugh as the Veela Queen steps towards me and holds out a beautifully crafted l golden goblet. "This is the portkey… The magic will not activate until you let go of the goblet. Once you let go it will be activated and you only need to touch it to be sent here to the sanctuary. Since you both stayed last night that gave me the time to make it two way so you won't have to make your own when you get home."

I nod "Thank you very much. Don't forget to call on me if you need anything at all."

Sis nods and says her goodbyes as well. She holds her hand out to me, as I take her hand we both disapparate and appear in front of the Bulgarian Ministry of magic.

I wait outside since I'm not supposed to be here and may get in trouble. So I just sit outside holding the goblet as she talks to them.

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