Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 48 - Home Once Again

I look up at Sis Dora "What do we tell Auntie?"

She puts a hand on my back as we walk forward "Anything but the truth."

I open the door first and see Auntie Dromeda on the sofa crying and Uncle ted rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Auntie, Sis and I are back!" I holler from the entrance into the living room.

Auntie and Uncle look up from their crying to see me and Sis standing right behind me. They both get up at rush at Sis. I step out of the way and Auntie nearly tackles Sis onto the ground with a hug. If it weren't for Uncle lifting them both up into a bear hug they would have fallen.

Seeing how hard they are crying the Ministry must have told them Sis was Killed In Action.

Sure enough, Auntie speaks through sobs "The Ministry told us that you were dead. I was so scared we lost you."

At this Sis starts crying too and hugs them back harder. I just stand there and watch with a smile as they hug it out.

After a minute or two Uncle Ted lets go "Honey, let her tell us what happened." He says gently rubbing her back.

Auntie nods and pulls away wiping the tears off her face. "Let's sit down, I'm sure it's quite the story." She begins to walk to the sofa holding Sis's hand making her follow.

They sit on the sofa on either side of Sis and I sit in the loveseat curious as to the story Sis would come up with.

She takes a deep breath and begins her story. "We were supposed to be clearing out vampires but Moody left me alone. He fought the leader of the vampires and saw he couldn't win so he ran away. Before I could run away they managed to heavily injure me. Luckily I was saved by a village and they gave me a valuable potion to keep me alive."

"It's the reason for the changes in my body. When I managed to get back to London I met with Soren who left school early again." She says with a rather convincing face.

Both Auntie and Uncle look furious "THAT BASTARD. I ought to chuck him into a vampire den without his wand for that!" Auntie yells clenched fist in the air.

My eyes go wide 'That's a perfect punishment. I should 100% do that.'

After a long sigh, Auntie unclenches her fists and holds Dora's face in her hands. "With your face like this, you are almost as beautiful as me when I was young." She says with a soft smile.

After Sis manages to calm them down Auntie and Sis head to the Ministry to report what happened. Auntie went along saying that she didn't want her out of her sight for a week.

Uncle Ted and I went out to the back to see the large fenced in area he built for Luar. I look around and the fence goes hundreds of feet, even extending into the woods.

"Thanks, Uncle Ted, It means a lot," I say looking at the huge fence with a smile.

He rubs his nose a bit embarrassed "It's not often you request things so I wanted to do it well. I'm muggleborn so I built things with my father when I was younger, it was a fun project. I used magic on parts that required multiple people but most of it is by hand."

"Wow, this is HUGE for being hand made, how long did it take?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Well I started the second I got your letter about the Unicorn and I finished two days ago. So it took quite a while." He says looking proudly at the stables and fence.

After a few seconds of silence, Uncle Ted turns around "Think of it as an early birthday present." He speaks with a smile as he walks away.

My eyes go wides as I realize my birthday is soon. I have never celebrated it not even once. I remember I got an earful last year when Auntie realized I didn't tell her my birthday and it had already passed.


After everything with Moody was investigated he was stripped of his wand and was forbade of using magic. He was also stripped of his honors as a Hero of the war for it. If it were not for Mr. Weasley protesting dementia on his behalf he would have been tossed into Azkaban.

I didn't blame it on the dementor I assigned to protect her since it had no way to follow her through a port key. However, I did make sure it was even more strict about protecting her while she is on the mainland.

I spent the summer sending letters and practicing my charms since I wanted to get better. My offensive power heavily out weights my charms and transfiguration so I focus on charms first. Then later in the summer, I'll focus on transfiguration to make McGonagall proud.

Sis said the Ministry would get her a new teacher by the end of the year since she isn't out of her training period as a new Auror. Hopefully, it isn't another coward or weak-minded individual.

Since Auntie Dromeda learned I was friends with Ron, and kind of the twins, she planned a trip to the burrow. That's what they call their home… the burrow… I guess it sounds quaint.

I managed to convince Auntie to just invite people over for my birthday instead and we could visit the burrow later. Not that I don't want to go to their house but being in a cramped place with the twins and Ron sounds… rough.

We sent out invitations to my birthday party which got me kind of excited. I only invited four people but I didn't mind if none of them came. I mainly just wanted my family to be there.

Ron's mother replied instantly and said they would be coming, Hermione's parents said they would come as well but it was a far drive so they may be late. Nevilles Grandmother replied saying he would not be attending and to no one's surprise Harry didn't reply. I don't say that because Harry is a d.i.c.k but because he has not replied to anyone since the start of summer.

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