Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 52 - A Happy Birthday (III)

Once we get done playing with Luar we head back inside and realize there are a lot more people have shown up. The entire Weasley family is here and already settled in talking to people.

I tell my friends I'll be back and I head to Ron's parents. I walk up to where the parents are talking and speak up.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Weasley." I tap her shoulder.

She turns around and gets a bright smile when she sees me "Ah, Soren dear. Happy Birthday."

"Thank you. I actually wanted to thank you for the Christmas sweater, I like it a lot." I say giving my best smile.

"I'm glad you like it dear." She glares at Ron from across the room. "More grateful than some children."

I chuckle a bit as Mr. Weasley notices me "Soren, you went with the twins to London, yes?"

I give a nervous smile "Yeah, why?"

"I was wondering, how was the ride? Did she fly smoothly?" he looks excited as he speaks.

Mrs. Weasley smacks the back of his head and smiles at me "Ignore him, dear, go play and have fun it's your birthday after all."

I laugh a bit thinking they are similar to Auntie and Uncle Ted. "Thanks." I go back to the group and see we have a new member, Ginny is talking to Hermione and Daphne.

As I walk up Ron taps her shoulder "And lastly Soren Black, don't get too close or he will Hex you."

I smack his shoulder "Don't listen to him, Ginny I assume?" I try to give a polite smile

She seems really shy as she only gives a nod and stays close to Hermione like a rabbit.

I give a wry smile as Ron comforts me "Don't worry she is just shy."

I shrug "Want to go upstairs and play something?" Ron and Harry say yes while the other three just shrug.

When we get upstairs Hermione sees the SNES and just rolls her eyes. I laugh at her reaction and gesture towards the bookshelf.

"I guarantee I have books you have never heard of." I smile at her look of surprise.

Daphne is also looking through the books "Why do you have so many books on the Dark Arts? This might be more than we have at my house."

I shrug "My sister is an Auror so I got her old ones, I also request ones from her sometimes."

She looks surprised "Do you plan to be an Auror as well? I remember you had top grades in the class so you totally could." Hermione gives an unconscious nod as she reads through one of the books.

"I haven't thought about it, I just want to have fun at school I guess." She seems unsatisfied with my answer.

I notice Hermione's brows scrunch and I realize she is reading a book that should not be on the shelf. I quickly close the book and smile at her.

"Sorry, that one is a bit too dark to be on the shelf." My face shows a bit of anxiety.

Ron and Harry are already distracted but the girls look at me scrupulously. "What is a Horcrucx?" Hermione asks.

"Arguably the darkest magic to ever exist and something we shall not be talking about." My anxiety shoots through the roof.

"And why do you have a book on them?" She gives me a glare and Daphne looks concerned.

"Because I have an interest in how to kill them, now that is all for the subject." The book titled 'Magick of Mortem' By Emeric.

I pull another book off the shelf and hand it to her "Try this one, it has curses and how to counter them."

Ginny finally speaks up "Is a student really allowed to have all these books?"

"No, but my sister is and according to the ministry they are her possessions and that is how it will stay." I give her a smile but she doesn't meet my eyes but I notice her looking at Harry instead.

I shiver as I think of how embarrassing it will be but I still stand up with the rest of them. When we get downstairs everyone is sitting around the dinner table and there is a cake in the middle with candles lit.

Auntie pulls up a chair and puts it in front of the cake "Sit" she says with a smile.

As I sit down all my friends sit with their parents and Harry sits next to me and Auntie Dromeda. My face tinges a little red as everyone is staring at me.

As they all start singing Happy Birthday my face goes deep red. Even though I'm embarrassed I'm actually quite happy. The twins are standing up singing loud as if their singing career is on the line for this performance.

Once they are done I blow out the candles and Auntie hugs me giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday Soren." If I blushed anymore I think my face would be bleeding.

After that people started leaving the party. Hermione's family was first since they had to drive all the way to London. They put their cake in a bag and headed home. Daphne left next since Hemione wasn't there and it was a bit awkward for her.

Ginny went with her parents for the last bit that they were there and Ron stayed for another night with Harry. Auntie and Mrs. Weasley decided Harry would stay with the Weasleys for the last month of summer.

After they left I tried to help Auntie clean but she told me to go play since it was my birthday. So we just went upstairs and played games all night. Overall it was a pretty great experience.

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