Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 53 - Alastor Moody

After Ron and Harry left I started thinking about getting a secret lair to put my things. So I starting researching wards to hide it and places where I could put it. I started with places that are big enough to hide the over 100 dementors and doesn't have heavy foot traffic.

I plan to keep the dementors in Azkaban for now, however, I want to make a sanctuary similar to what the Veela have done. Just in case I need an army, with the way things are currently going I should be able to handle it myself. But I don't want to be overly arrogant and risk my family's lives.

So far in the time I've been trying to learn wards, I have also written a letter to Rita Skeeter. I expressed my concern over Alastor Moody's health and asked if she could find me his address so I could check on him. She of course agreed and said she would write me back in a week.

I know I'll regret trusting Rita in the future after the bad things she has written about Harry but I have little choice. It makes little difference if she betrays me and writes about me, nothing can be proven.

After trying to create a ward around Luar's pen for the first time I realized. I have absolutely no talent in making wards, and this will be a rough learning experience. I was in a sour mood for the next few days but it brightened up when I got a letter back from Rita with Moody's address attached.

The same night I got the letter I decided to sneak out of the house and go see him. I apparate to the closest place I know which happens to be the Kings Cross Station. Since he lives in a suburb of London like Harry it won't take long to fly there.

After wrapping myself in my shroud I make the short flight, I arrive at a house that's exterior looks like it hasn't been taken care of in years. It is a normal looking house without much uniqueness other than it being quite small. I can see a soul inside the house that is dark grey and has seen a lot of troubles in its life.

As I try to make my way inside I notice there are many wards placed everywhere around the house. If I was a normal wizard I could have died many times over from the traps. I cleared the traps using my shroud to physically crush the items the wards were attached to. After it was clear I switched back to human form and opened the door which was surprisingly unlocked.

When I get to the living room I notice a man sleeping in the lounge chair wearing Moody's signature leather jacket. But this man is not Alastor Moody, his hair is blonde, not grey and he is much too thin.

My brows furrow as I reach out my shroud to grab the sleeping man but he flinches in his sleep so I stop. I carefully watch the man as I draw my wand and point it at him.

The man quickly jumps up from the chair startling me.

"AVADA KEDAVRA." a bright green light flashes in front of me and Sin springs from my neck blocking the spell.

I grab Sin with one hand as I point my wand at him with the other, "Sectum Sempra." I swing my wand at his legs like a sword.

His eyes go wide as he tried to dodge but gets cut on the back of his calves as he turns falling to the ground. He quickly rolls over and casts again. "Avada Kedavra." again my vision flashes green but this time I'm ready.

I throw Sin in front of myself and at him, Sin blocks the spell and lands on the man's face. I step closer as he struggles to pull the Lethifold off his face to no avail. I stand over him and wait for him to faint from lack of oxygen. After he faints I pick up Sin and wrap him back around my neck.

I roll my neck to relieve some stress, I got arrogant. 'I almost got hit because I thought I had the stealth advantage, if not for Sin I would have a new learning experience now. I still don't know what happens if I die in my human form and I honestly don't want to find out.' As I'm thinking I'm still rubbing Sin who seems to be purring, happy at the attention.

I wrap the man in my cloak and stop the bleeding on his legs so he doesn't bleed out. I look closely at his face but I don't recognize him at all.

Only a few minutes later he wakes up and immediately tries to struggle but that's stopped before it can start. He looks at the cloak of fog wrapping around him in confusion which turns to anger as he looks up at me.

"Who are you?" He spits through gnashed teeth.

I look at him without feeling "This is my question for you actually. How you answer will determine what happens next."

My brows furrow as he stays silent. So I grab his arm and pull up his jacket and sleeve. Sure enough, there is a serpent eating a skull, the mark of a death eater. If looks could kill I would be dead by now. As we meet eyes I can see the pure hatred he has on his face.

I grab him by the neck and begin transforming into my dementor form. As my vision dulls I reach my full height and speak into his head.

'Now that I know I can kill you with no repercussions tell me. WHO ARE YOU?' my dead voice echo's loudly in his head.

The anger in his eyes is quickly replaced with fear as he tries to struggle away. "G-g-et away from me… Y-yoou freak." he stutters out with hastened breaths.

'If you wish to die with your soul intact I suggest you speak quickly.' I begin growing bored with this scenario.

He tries to regain some of his cold and demeanor as he speaks "I am Corban Yaxley, loyal servant of Lord Voldemort." his voice is rough since I'm still gripping his throat.

I immediately recognize his name, he is from a branch family of House Black. I say that but his status as a cousin means nothing to me. Sc.u.m is sc.u.m.

'Where is Alastor Moody?' I look into his eyes with my sockets to scare him further.

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